Zeke gets sued


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They get these dogs and maybe send them to training school. But these breeds can be aggressive by nature but also the way they are raised has a lot to do with it. You need to spend time with them. These athletes are gone a lot and the people taking care of them may not keep up with them. Not sure if the specifics of what happened. I think Dak had a similar problem. I hope the dog isn’t put down.


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Define a huge number? According to Stanford Children's Health over 800 kids under 14 in the US die from drowning every year.

In contrast according to dogbit.org 46 people died from dog bites including 15 children under 10.


Melodramatic much? On what planet does being bitten by a dog "destroy your life?" Were they permanently maimed? Suffer debilitating injury? Killed? In all the cases that I can find the answer is NO. The pool lady got bitten on the arm. I can find no mention of this attack on a kid at a park. One of the cases was a guy who WORKS AT A PET SPA!!! No offense to this guy but if you work at a place that takes care of dogs getting bit from time to time is part of the job description and you should know how to handle dogs of all shapes sizes and temperment. One incident has involved people breaking in and stealing one of the dogs. It seems like people are out looking for a chance to get money from Zeke over these dogs.
this entire place is melodramatic so insane we are even talking about this on page 5 when months ago it was already discussed been discussed and over discussed..at some point mods should cut off commenting and move it..

some of these replies those posters ar eth kind of people, who stub their toe at work make big deal about it miss time from work and sue the company lmao..


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Actually yes it is enough. If you keep the gate closed the dogs rarely get out and nobody gets hurt. I am reminded of when I got married and my wife moved in a few months later (she was my GF at the time.) She hadn't been moved in a month and she starts on the "we have to put a fence around the pool." My response was there is an 8 foot fence around the whole yard. She clarifies.. she wanted one of those kid proof fences around the pool. Because we weren't married I told her hell no. :) She starts in on all the "it only takes a second for a child to drown" nonsense. I came back with "no it takes several minutes for a human being to drown." Also if people just watch their damn kids the kids never drown. All the stories feature someone who "just went inside for a minute." Uh no you didn't. And even if you did.. WHO LEAVES A TODDLER ALONE AT A POOL FOR ONE SECOND!??!!? When our youngest was born she learned to swim before she could walk. Started her in lessons at about 6 months. She was never left alone by the pool until she was about 20. Needless to say, she never drowned. In the case of Zeke's dogs.. I seem to recall on at least two of the instances he was not home and someone else let them out. I can hold him responsible for hiring idiots to work on his house.. but that's about it..

ironic a few years ago a friend invited me on his boat, he always brings his little chihuahua hon his boat ive met the dog afew times but not on regulars basis, this time he bought new puppy as well..the little chihuahua is old and temperamental which most of that breed are, i rather pet pitt bull..

so you be cautious around him until he gets comfortable with you, well i tried to make nice with it and very very slowly put my hand half way out and waited like you are taught for dog to come to you, well lie as fast a snake bite this little POS bit my finger and drew blood..wasnt big deal bandaid and actually wakeboarded etc the rest of the day, fed the dog some jerky and he was my friends the rest of the day..

so i should sue my friend because his dog bit me ? make big deal of it?be afraid of dogs scared an scarred for life, LMAO no.. no it happens and i wont be trying to make nice with it again.

in zekes situation hes rich and famous and everything turns into lawsuit we dont even hear about these situations on the news unless its famous rich person who is target..

trying to shame zeke for what his dog has done even when most of the time he wasn't there and the contracted companies came in tat their own risk and also the ones left the damn doors or gates open..

move on jeez drama queens..


Original Zone Member
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What the article didn't say was the lady was wearing a belt made of bacon and she was jumping up and down in front of Zeke's house. LOL


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Elliott's neighbor is reportedly seeking over $1 million in damages after she was allegedly attacked by one of the Cowboys player's dogs.

Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott is reportedly being sued over another alleged dog attack, according to TMZ.

Elliott's DFW neighbor, a woman named Jennifer Gampper, is reportedly seeking over $1 million in damages after she was allegedly attacked by one of Elliott's dogs last May.

The incident occurred on May 21, and coincides with Elliott being issued citations after his dogs got loose. It is alleged that one of Elliott's dogs bit two people while it was loose, and that those two people required hospitalization for their injuries, which were non-life-threatening.

The lawsuit alleges that Elliott's dogs got loose while a landscaping company, which Gampper is also suing, was doing work in Elliott's yard.

he is always somehow in the negative news....for some reason he can't just stay clean...blame the dogs, the other car, the other woman, but its always around him.
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ironic a few years ago a friend invited me on his boat, he always brings his little chihuahua hon his boat ive met the dog afew times but not on regulars basis, this time he bought new puppy as well..the little chihuahua is old and temperamental which most of that breed are, i rather pet pitt bull..

so you be cautious around him until he gets comfortable with you, well i tried to make nice with it and very very slowly put my hand half way out and waited like you are taught for dog to come to you, well lie as fast a snake bite this little POS bit my finger and drew blood..wasnt big deal bandaid and actually wakeboarded etc the rest of the day, fed the dog some jerky and he was my friends the rest of the day..

so i should sue my friend because his dog bit me ? make big deal of it?be afraid of dogs scared an scarred for life, LMAO no.. no it happens and i wont be trying to make nice with it again.

in zekes situation hes rich and famous and everything turns into lawsuit we dont even hear about these situations on the news unless its famous rich person who is target..

trying to shame zeke for what his dog has done even when most of the time he wasn't there and the contracted companies came in tat their own risk and also the ones left the damn doors or gates open..

move on jeez drama queens..

Wait…you got bitten on your widdle finger, put on a bandaid and then went wakeboarding the WHOLE DAY. That’s some hard **** right there….nice flex.


Landry Hat
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ironic a few years ago a friend invited me on his boat, he always brings his little chihuahua hon his boat ive met the dog afew times but not on regulars basis, this time he bought new puppy as well..the little chihuahua is old and temperamental which most of that breed are, i rather pet pitt bull..

so you be cautious around him until he gets comfortable with you, well i tried to make nice with it and very very slowly put my hand half way out and waited like you are taught for dog to come to you, well lie as fast a snake bite this little POS bit my finger and drew blood..wasnt big deal bandaid and actually wakeboarded etc the rest of the day, fed the dog some jerky and he was my friends the rest of the day..

so i should sue my friend because his dog bit me ? make big deal of it?be afraid of dogs scared an scarred for life, LMAO no.. no it happens and i wont be trying to make nice with it again.

in zekes situation hes rich and famous and everything turns into lawsuit we dont even hear about these situations on the news unless its famous rich person who is target..

trying to shame zeke for what his dog has done even when most of the time he wasn't there and the contracted companies came in tat their own risk and also the ones left the damn doors or gates open..

move on jeez drama queens..
I have 2 of them and they do not like anyone except my wife and me. Well they tolerate me. But they both love our new kitten. Crazy lil dogs Nice door bells though


Safety third
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My bet is she saw the big, scary dogs coming and went to 'freak out' mode which exacerbated the situation.

I've seen it a 'million' times.

We'd all love to live in a world where we can just ladeedah our way down the street free from ever having to deal with a situation like that. The hard reality is, that world does not and never will exist.

Educating oneself on how to deal with those situations doesn't guarantee a successful outcome, but it certainly gives a much better chance for that successful outcome.

I'm certainly not letting Zeke and the dogs off the hook. It is his responsibility to not allow his dogs to be in that position, period.


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Ok but the place he lives in probably has viscous dog laws If not he is safe

If they don't have any ordinances on the books, they'll make some up! Bank it. There was a guy out here who had a "pet" black mamba, not native to Texas and one of the deadliest snakes in the world!
So why would any city in Texas need a law for that? Because we have idiots like that guy who saw no harm in having a "pet" black mamba. Well, until it got loose and was eventually "found" (more like spotted) and shot on the spot.

And 9 miles away, we had a postal worker bitten by a lemur! What the hell is a lemur, a solely native species of Madagascar, doing attacking people in Texas? While it not illegal to own one in Texas (no reason to write another useless law one would presume), they are on the endangered list and illegal to own in Madagascar or to remove from their natural habitat.

We likely rank second, thank God for Florida, in "number of crazies living in the state." Common sense just doesn't seem common at all.


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Elliott's neighbor is reportedly seeking over $1 million in damages after she was allegedly attacked by one of the Cowboys player's dogs.

Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott is reportedly being sued over another alleged dog attack, according to TMZ.

Elliott's DFW neighbor, a woman named Jennifer Gampper, is reportedly seeking over $1 million in damages after she was allegedly attacked by one of Elliott's dogs last May.

The incident occurred on May 21, and coincides with Elliott being issued citations after his dogs got loose. It is alleged that one of Elliott's dogs bit two people while it was loose, and that those two people required hospitalization for their injuries, which were non-life-threatening.

The lawsuit alleges that Elliott's dogs got loose while a landscaping company, which Gampper is also suing, was doing work in Elliott's yard.

Jeez, how badly was that woman maimed. From what I read they were not serious or life threatening injuries. Did the dog have platinum teeth?
On the other hand, maybe the only thing Zeke will understand is it can get very expensive not properly managing and securing your dogs when neighbors, visitors or contractors are authorized to be on your property, or near your property.


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Jeez, how badly was that woman maimed. From what I read they were not serious or life threatening injuries. Did the dog have platinum teeth?
On the other hand, maybe the only thing Zeke will understand is it can get very expensive not properly managing and securing your dogs when neighbors, visitors or contractors are authorized to be on your property, or near your property.

The injuries are the least of the lawyers concern. His primary concern is to do the best he can for his client.

Don't know how many remember the McD's coffee suit back in the 90s where a 79 year old woman bought a cup of coffee at the drive thru and spilled it her lap. At the time it was considered a frivolous lawsuit, a misuse of the court system and a joke. The jury awarded $200,000 in compensatory damages and $2.7 million in punitive damages. (The amount was later reduced to $640,000 by the judge).

What people didn't know at the time was McD's had paid as much as $500,000 in cases involving coffee spills cases prior. And the woman who had had $10,000 in plastic surgery prior to the case had offered to settle for $20,000 while McD's had offered a paltry $800 settlement.

That is to say we don't know what surgeries this woman has had and what she may be looking at in the future. Most things don't come to court unless a equitable resolution can't be settled without a judge (and jury).


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I have 2 of them and they do not like anyone except my wife and me. Well they tolerate me. But they both love our new kitten. Crazy lil dogs Nice door bells though
Those dogs are 1 person dogs. I had one for years. He loved me till my wife came along and then he dumped me for her.


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If i were Zeke, i'd move. It obvious his neighbors are ***holes looking for some of that sweet contract money. 1 mill for getting bit? Seriously?? As we say in the RGV: no mames!

Yeah, Zeke... move out in to the country. No worries and no neighbors.


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My kitten has decided she wants to play so I am going to play with her so she does not get mad and kill my neighbors and get me sued

You need another kitten? I got the perfect kitten for you! Laramie is just getting her night eyes attacking anything that moves in the dark.....toes, shoelaces, ankles, even the hairs on your legs aren't safe!


Landry Hat
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You need another kitten? I got the perfect kitten for you! Laramie is just getting her night eyes attacking anything that moves in the dark.....toes, shoelaces, ankles, even the hairs on your legs aren't safe!
Nah I had to take 4 to the petting zoo luckily they needed cats And they find them homes or they keep them. Cool place they have all kinds of critters there even baby deer


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Wait…you got bitten on your widdle finger, put on a bandaid and then went wakeboarding the WHOLE DAY. That’s some hard **** right there….nice flex.

right needed care flight but decided to send it..lol like i was saying that was happen when you are rich and famous a nip from dog becomes lawsuit and little drama queens claiming scarring they will need lifetime of therapy for little dog bite..