Texas Part Deaux
Next comes NFL argument to Judge Fallia to stop full injunction
Then appeal of injunction to Judge Fallia
Then expedited appeal to CA2 to block injunction
and Emergency appeal of TRO to CA2
Then EE has 2 weeks to appeal to en banc of CA2 if he loses injunction hearing
Then NFL case begins
Then appeal to CA2
Then appeal to en banc of CA2
Then appeal to SCOTUS
I’d love to be a fly on a wall in Goodell’s office.
Not surprised. Was waiting for it.
I’d love to be a fly on a wall in Goodell’s office.
gets 14 days
At least it’s not the endIt's a good start.
Good point. I can see a scenario where a judge or panel of them frown on the process but still allow a suspension to prevail. Or am I attaching too much significance to Deflatgate, another suspension handed down on a shaky a investigation, simply because a CBA allowed it?A second judge has now rendered a decision based off the merits of Zeke's case. Can't be good for the NFL.
Good point. I can see a scenario where a judge or panel of them frown on the process but still allow a suspension to prevail. Or am I attaching too much significance to Deflatgate, another suspension handed down on a shaky a investigation, simply because a CBA allowed it?