News: Zeke Granted a Temporary Restraining Order **merged**

Texas Part Deaux

Next comes NFL argument to Judge Fallia to stop full injunction
Then appeal of injunction to Judge Fallia
Then expedited appeal to CA2 to block injunction
and Emergency appeal of TRO to CA2

Then EE has 2 weeks to appeal to en banc of CA2 if he loses injunction hearing

Then NFL case begins
Then appeal to CA2
Then appeal to en banc of CA2
Then appeal to SCOTUS

English please, English!
Not surprised. Was waiting for it.

I really can't see why any court wouldn't have granted a restraining order. The Fifth Circuit dealt only with jurisdiction and timing, but wherever this played out had to grant the TRO based on the fact that Elliott would have been irreparably harmed for this case to have been heard after he served some of the suspension.
gets 14 days

If the case moves forward that quickly. I have no problem if it does. I only want Elliott to have his day in court. I figure the NFL will win on a technicality rather than the merits of its decision to suspend him, but I hope the unfairness of what the league did in this case is brought into full view.
For the legal experts here, is there a chance that the suspension could be thrown out entirely by the courts? Or will the perimeters of the CBA prevail in the end? I still lean towards the later.
Good for Zeke, I wonder what the deciding factor was? If he read the Brady case, I'm sure he would've denied it. I mean surely that is what everyone has been assuming right? Or as like most have been saying this isn't anything like the Brady case?
A second judge has now rendered a decision based off the merits of Zeke's case. Can't be good for the NFL.
Good point. I can see a scenario where a judge or panel of them frown on the process but still allow a suspension to prevail. Or am I attaching too much significance to Deflatgate, another suspension handed down on a shaky a investigation, simply because a CBA allowed it?

New information-

***per PFT, the CBA does not necessarily serve to guide here, and Zeke has a chance to beat the suspension. Interesting! ****
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Good point. I can see a scenario where a judge or panel of them frown on the process but still allow a suspension to prevail. Or am I attaching too much significance to Deflatgate, another suspension handed down on a shaky a investigation, simply because a CBA allowed it?

I am wondering the same

Lol, seriously what a deuche bag.
Well well well, per PFT, the judge in NY was not persuaded by the Deflatgate precedent and opined that this doesn’t t allow the NFL to suspend merely because of this. The threshold of fundamental fairness displayed towards Zeke is germane here, meaning Zeke might actually beat the suspension!!!! Wow.

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