News: Zeke Granted a Temporary Restraining Order **merged**

I'd like to be a guy in an alley waiting for him with a baseball bat,,,

,,, just a minor tune up, nothing serious of course . :hammer:
That's a really creepy thing to write.
You sound like a GiANTS or Egirls fan, not a Cowboys fan.
Texas Part Deaux

Next comes NFL argument to Judge Fallia to stop full injunction
Then appeal of injunction to Judge Fallia
Then expedited appeal to CA2 to block injunction
and Emergency appeal of TRO to CA2

Then EE has 2 weeks to appeal to en banc of CA2 if he loses injunction hearing

Then NFL case begins
Then appeal to CA2
Then appeal to en banc of CA2
Then appeal to SCOTUS
And people wonder how lawyers become incredibly wealthy.
Why are we in this situation? And don't tell me that it isn't Cowboys' specific.
No doubt Zeke is immature like 90% of 21 and 22 y/o pampered athletes. We drafted him - the DALLAS COWBOYS. I might act silly too. The culture here last year was not realistic in terms of easy success.But we got him, he is very good, and he can help us win mucho games.
The past couple years the NFL is hemorrhaging legal fees, advertising dollars, and credibility. Is this what Mark Cuban foreseen when referencing, that the NFL has become like a fat pig, and that fat pigs eventually get slaughtered?

I'm in the mood for some pork.

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