Zeke in trouble

Have always believe zeke has just been in some unlucky, outliar like situations. From what’s been reported, this is on him. Maybe he had a little too much to drink? Who knows? But he can’t be putting himself in these situations anymore. I can’t give him the benefit of the doubt year after year.

Watching the video, it wasn't as bad as it sounded. Still bad enough, though. He's clearly inebriated and clearly initiated contact. It may blow over, it may cost a game or two, but there's no excuse for it.

Maybe worst of all, this creates a headache for getting him extended, because you can't trust him with the type of contract his play on the field merits. The team needs to build in some protection for itself when he pulls stuff like this. This is the 3rd major embarassment he's gotten himself into now.
The most bizarre thing is how he was acting while he was just walking around, mostly by himself. He had to have been drunk or high.

As far as the “push”, there really isn’t much at all. He just kinda leans into the guy and the guy kinda falls backwards on his own. Maybe a slight shoulder nudge from Zeke. But nothing much in the way of violence at all.
It looked like he didn’t intentionally push the guy down. Zeke invaded his personal space, sure, but he didn’t extend his arms to push him. If anything he tripped on the guard rail.

No charges, he wasn’t detained. Likely just escorted from the property.

Nothing will come from this.
I'm sure some of the boys in the 90s did all sorts of things we just didn't know about, but these days everyone has a camera.

When you've already been suspended once under the Personal Conduct Policy this sort of behavior is just asking for trouble.

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