Zeke in trouble

Ignorant, entitled millennial with no respect for authority.
That's really what this was. Millenials have no idea what life is like w/o order. Yes, there are some fleas that come w/ maintaining order in a society, but a society w/o order is cruel and bloody and definitely not fair.

What Zeke did was minor, except for one thing: He did it to a security guard. There was just no reason for it. They took him away in handcuffs, and that was what they have to do. You let some punk start pushing around your security, and you can lose the order and chaos and rioting could ensue. As the security team, you must demand respect.

C'mon, Zeke, grow up. I've been on your side, mostly, but you're making it tougher.
It looked like he didn’t intentionally push the guy down. Zeke invaded his personal space, sure, but he didn’t extend his arms to push him. If anything he tripped on the guard rail.

No charges, he wasn’t detained. Likely just escorted from the property.

Nothing will come from this.

Oh Mara and Friel will make sure Goodell will do something.
It looked like he didn’t intentionally push the guy down. Zeke invaded his personal space, sure, but he didn’t extend his arms to push him. If anything he tripped on the guard rail.

No charges, he wasn’t detained. Likely just escorted from the property.

Nothing will come from this.

A short time later, Zeke and the woman are seen speaking with event staffers -- when suddenly Elliott confronts one them and says, "You got something to say!?"

Zeke gets in the staffer's face and uses his body to shove the guy backward until the staffer hits a metal gate -- that's when Zeke uses his forearm to shove the guy to the ground.
Last suspension involved police, a book of documented incidents and police data and Goodell trying to save face after botching DV cases in the past.

This is literally nothing.
Assault on security is nothing? Think, man.
Just follow the rules given to us all since childhood...keep your hands to yourself. I understand defending yourself but for the most part, just keep your hands to yourself and there would be none of this on TMZ.
If I have said it once, I will say it again. For as intelligent and savvy as Ezekiel Elliott is on the football field, he does some remarkably stupid things off the field.

There was literally no excuse for this. Just walk away. And, if anything, don't get wasted when in a public venue. Very little good can come of it, especially when you already have a target on your back, rightly or wrongly.
Doesn't matter if he was arrested based on the PC policy. Here's an excerpt:

Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to the following:

 Actual or threatened physical violence against another person;
 Violent or threatening behavior toward another employee or a third party in any workplace setting;
 Stalking, harassment, or similar forms of intimidation;

Given that he's already been suspended once I'll be surprised if he's not again.


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