Zeke in trouble

Total flop! He didn't even push him. Nothing.

Flop? He was up against a barrier with Zeke getting in his face saying "Got something to say?", and the dude fell back due to losing his footing. There was no "flopping".

Zeke shouldn't have been in a security guards face attempting to instigate anyways.

Both Zeke and Dak have shown to be morons off the field. LOVE that they will be getting big contracts.
The guy Zeke went shoulder to shoulder with was laughing/smiling I veiw it more playful than aggressive...dude falling over that lil gate made it look more than it was. Zeke didn't push him or extend his arms.

The overreaction dial is turned up today, huh...

Some much more than the NBA worthy flop on that video...haha.
• Like what the heck was Zeke's lady friend wearing?
• Why was the camera person so stalkish?
• Zeke, stay out of Vegas, Bro, lol
• Zeke, can we you see with 1 sista...just 1 haha?
Last suspension involved police, a book of documented incidents and police data and Goodell trying to save face after botching DV cases in the past.

This is literally nothing.

Las Vegas Metro Police put him in handcuffs.

I don't expect anything either, but who knows. All it takes is a girlfriend to(rightly or wrongly) turn on you.
Have always believe zeke has just been in some unlucky, outliar like situations. From what’s been reported, this is on him. Maybe he had a little too much to drink? Who knows? But he can’t be putting himself in these situations anymore. I can’t give him the benefit of the doubt year after year.

It is 3am and he's arguing with his woman and security in public. Absolutely alcohol is involved. He loves to drink. As does Dak. Dak had a few incidents but he was in college when they happened. Although he's with Zeke a lot, he does not make the headlines since he came into the NFL.
It looked like he didn’t intentionally push the guy down. Zeke invaded his personal space, sure, but he didn’t extend his arms to push him. If anything he tripped on the guard rail.

No charges, he wasn’t detained. Likely just escorted from the property.

Nothing will come from this.

Zeke was in his face saying "Got something to say?" - trying to provoke. He was out looking for trouble, and frankly, also looked drunk with hose he was stumbling around.

He's a freakin' idiot and he'll find himself in bigger trouble soon.
Have always believe zeke has just been in some unlucky, outliar like situations. From what’s been reported, this is on him. Maybe he had a little too much to drink? Who knows? But he can’t be putting himself in these situations anymore. I can’t give him the benefit of the doubt year after year.
My benefit of the doubt ended when his father quit his job and moved to Columbus, supposedly at the suggestion of Urban Meyer. How often does that happen?

This is also why I never was in that :he's innocent" camp that was full of posters that were so sure he didn't hit that girl, who was as nuts as he is. Who else gets themselves under investigation and hits the national news wire with his antics at the St. Patty's Day parade giving them all they need to suspend him?

We don't know the details of that altercation so it is premature to judge whether there's more NFL discipline coming but a repeat offender needs to walk that line a little straighter.
This is literally nothing.

In your opinion, is this acceptable human behavior, something that could be commonplace in public gatherings? Literally nothing?

Just because he didn’t shoot the place up doesn’t mean he was conducting himself as a multimillionaire representing a Fortune 500 company should be.
Watching the video, it wasn't as bad as it sounded. Still bad enough, though. He's clearly inebriated and clearly initiated contact. It may blow over, it may cost a game or two, but there's no excuse for it.

Maybe worst of all, this creates a headache for getting him extended, because you can't trust him with the type of contract his play on the field merits. The team needs to build in some protection for itself when he pulls stuff like this. This is the 3rd major embarassment he's gotten himself into now.
They drafted 2 RB's.
Ignorant, entitled millennial with no respect for authority.

I love when people throw this word around for everything. Stop. You look ignorant using this word for every little thing that happens. You honestly think that is the only generation who challenged authority? Ummm are you forgetting a whole entire movement in the 60s and 70s who did this? It has gone off for ages.

And judging by your pic, you are a millenial as well...

The security guard was enticing and escalating the situation just as much.
Doesn't matter if he was arrested based on the PC policy. Here's an excerpt:

Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to the following:

 Actual or threatened physical violence against another person;
 Violent or threatening behavior toward another employee or a third party in any workplace setting;
 Stalking, harassment, or similar forms of intimidation;

Given that he's already been suspended once I'll be surprised if he's not again.


This maybe falls under the intimidation part of the rules:

Zeke never puts his hands on the woman but he uses his body to block her from walking away several times during the argument.
Zeke is on a tight leash with the NFL, no reason for him to get into these situations at all.

Maybe he didn't put himself into that situation, maybe the guy was mouthing off to him, or to the lady he was with. Trying to instigate something. As most men would do, they will say something back. In this case the got too close, which he should not have, then the guy flopped or tripped.

Heck the guy could have been drunk and lost his balance from a slight touch. LOL.

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