Zeke in trouble

LOL, he was hammered. That looks like about 15-20 beers right there.

I remember that Zeke's Mom made some Comments either just prior to, or just after the draft, about women. I wished I could remember what she said. I'm afraid it's gone.
Release him it’s enough. Give this alcoholic guy more money and entitlement and he’s gonna kill someone one day. It’s just football we can lose just as fine without all this



If anything....Elliott needs to have a sit down w/ Josh Brent. Honestly.....I'm for cutting bait. You can't fix stupid. But we are talking about the Cowboy way. And Jerry will turn the other way....so he can put butts into seats.

If this is gonna work out...there needs to be an intervention.:angry:

Guy has some serious problems.
Is the NFL going to give the guard that 8 game check that zeke will be suspended for?
I m don’t think he gets suspended. Unless after letting others off softly goodell suddenly decides to prove a point again..
not to be the boo bird
For those that wont get it"drum sting"

From the code of conduct policy:

Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to the following:

 Actual or threatened physical violence against another person;
 Violent or threatening behavior toward another employee or a third party in any workplace setting;
 Stalking, harassment, or similar forms of intimidation;
The other part of the video by the way includes him drunkenly stalking a female in underwear....after a concert. How do you get in a fight at a concert. It’s aupposed to be joyous.

Zeke sucks he ruined this
What Zeke did was very minor. It was stupid because he's under a microscope. He has to know this. I expect a lengthy suspension from Emperor Goodell.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Guy was talking crap, Zeke pushed him. Whoop-tee-do. La-te-da.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Guy was talking crap, Zeke pushed him. Whoop-tee-do. La-te-da.
Really? Lol. Zeke was a sloppy drunk, the guy is a security guard charged in part with keeping sloppy drunks in check, and Zeke reacted stupidly and unnecessarily. He’s lucky he didn’t go to jail.

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