Zeke in trouble

The other part of the video by the way includes him drunkenly stalking a female in underwear....after a concert. How do you get in a fight at a concert. It’s aupposed to be joyous.

Zeke sucks he ruined this
There was a female in underwear wandering around a concert?
Ignore that woman!
It’s okay to look ain’t it? Aww, come on, let me look, will ya huh?
Nope. She chose to wander around in her undies and now you are obligated to run away as fast as possible. That's what human animals do!
Like a nuke is blowing up behind you, but be cool and don't look back.
Nope. She chose to wander around in her undies and now you are obligated to run away as fast as possible. That's what human animals do!
Like a nuke is blowing up behind you, but be cool and don't look back.
But I ain’t ever seen no mushroom cloud before.
The most bizarre thing is how he was acting while he was just walking around, mostly by himself. He had to have been drunk or high.

As far as the “push”, there really isn’t much at all. He just kinda leans into the guy and the guy kinda falls backwards on his own. Maybe a slight shoulder nudge from Zeke. But nothing much in the way of violence at all.

He acted as if he was tripping on something. What was the event he was at? I dont know, but he looked erratic.
His last suspension should've put him on high alert. He was told any other incident could result in his banishment from the NFL.

Not a smart guy at all.

Thats a good point, and imagine if that guy was dieseled up and did have something to say. You think Zeke in his current state at that time wouldn't have been ready to throw? Hes an idiot and its clear he hasnt learned that HE IS A TARGET. Mark my words, if he doesn't grow up quickly his recreational life will come back to haunt him. Id run him until the wheels come off and cut him loose if he refuses to grow up.
Zeke is a complete bonehead. Nothing new there. Probably be gone a game or two over it. Such a clown.
Not sure why, maybe its quieter in my house now. But seems like the Audio was fixed on this and is much clearer. Seems to me like Zeke might of been a little out of control , you can hear his GF call his name a few times during the video before the incident. Seems like always we miss what started the incident or purposely removed. People claimed they heard the N word . It was either that or we good, but, either way, it came from Zeke with clearer audio. Best bet, don't speculate until all the facts are out

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