Zeke needs 63 yards for a 1000 yd season


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The evidence is in the video. Watch it.
If you don't see it maybe we can start a Go Fund Me to get you a pair of glasses.
Great response ronnie, so you can’t answer the questions and the only video is the one I posted. It’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about, it’s almost if you haven’t even kept up with the entire thread which wouldn’t surprise me.


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Great response ronnie, so you can’t answer the questions and the only video is the one I posted. It’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about, it’s almost if you haven’t even kept up with the entire thread which wouldn’t surprise me.
As soon as I get home from fishing I'll break it down for you.
I can lead you to water but I can't make you drink.
I can't believe you chose this hill to die on.


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As soon as I get home from fishing I'll break it down for you.
I can lead you to water but I can't make you drink.
I can't believe you chose this hill to die on.
Looking forward to it and if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I could lose an internet debate, oh well, it’s far from “a hill to die on.”

BTW, I’ve already posted several articles from people and analysts that broke it down, I have yet to find one that says Hitchins didn’t commit a penalty but it’s nice to know you and ronnie have it all figured out. What a relief!
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Of course he doesn’t want to answer because he knows he’s wrong. It would have been much more respectable if he just admitted he was wrong but instead he chooses to ignore the question. Weak. He’s ridiculous, now wonder you two are bff’s :D
You think anyone is a BFF when someone doesn't agree with something stupid you say....which is 90% of the site so I guess 90% of the site are bff's...


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Looking forward to it and if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I could lose an internet debate, oh well, it’s far from “a hill to die on.”

BTW, I’ve already posted several articles from people and analysts that broke it down, I have yet to find one that says Hitchins didn’t commit a penalty but it’s nice to know you and ronnie have it all figured out. What a relief!
What's your issue with Ronnie? You seem to get upset with anyone who agrees with him....its odd.


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You think anyone is a BFF when someone doesn't agree with something stupid you say....which is 90% of the site so I guess 90% of the site are bff's...
Nope. A lot of people disagree with what I say which is fine. Some are just morons, which isn’t. You fall into the latter.


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What's your issue with Ronnie? You seem to get upset with anyone who agrees with him....its odd.
Just wondering why he refuses to answer 3 simple questions. Let me help you out here. Normally when people disagree with each other, they state their reasons why and justify it with an answer. Ronnie refuses to answer the questions and types a page worth of crap that dodges the questions. Simpletons like you scan through his 2 pages of nonsense and suddenly think he answered the questions when in reality he never even acknowledged them.

I have a problem with people who agree with his responses that don’t answer specific questions. So now you and @Hardline have defended ronnie but neither of you have can provide the answers I asked ronnie which is what this is all about.

3 questions rocy, THREE QUESTIONS, and I’m still waiting for an answer.


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Let's see do Zeke "Hands" Elliott's 63 yards count when he puts it on the ground in the 35 degree pouring rain Sunday and the Giants run it back 63 yards for a TD? o_O


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Nope. A lot of people disagree with what I say which is fine. Some are just morons, which isn’t. You fall into the latter.
Some are just morons, which isn’t.....and then you have the nerve to call someone a moron afterwards lol.


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How about read it slower until it clicks lol......
Do you put “lol” at the end of every comment or do you really humor yourself that much?

Still waiting on the 3 simple questions Chiefy. lol

you continue to support ronnie but can’t even tell me when he answered my questions, lol.

do you even know what you’re talking to me about, lol?