Zeke's Instagram Post

Jerry's quote is displayed prominently at The Star. I'm sure Zeke saw it and it's ingrained in his head, thus the instagram post.
Ok, someone please educate me on this story. I don't know what the Saturday Night Massacre is or the story behind it. I'm curious.
We MUST win. We WILL win. Winning is EVERYTHING.

This is good, because that is the attitude to have, not play good, and watch the tape get better, if we lose.
or were going to try our best !! lol

They have to win for this year to mean something.

Dallas hasnt won a div game since the 90's, so this first game they need to win .
Only thing is , GB isnt coming here to lose, either, so it will be hard fought game.
jordan4vols said:
Wonder what this board would have done if it existed when Jimmy guaranteed a win over San Fran and told the paper to put it in 3 inch headlines for the other team?
Haha nice! Was just thinking about that!
(I know at the time I was thinking.... Jimmy said it... so I got his back....)

I would love it if Zeke said.... I was looking at some old videos of this guy named Jimmy who said,"put it in THREE INCH HEADLINES"

Let's do that!
So do you think JG has the guts to predict a win?? Should he??
It is all psychological, if they then win he looks great, if they lose, not so bad, just thought they would win.
Ok, someone please educate me on this story. I don't know what the Saturday Night Massacre is or the story behind it. I'm curious.
That's when Jerry fired Landry and brought in Jimmy Johnson as his head coach. A lot of people felt is was handled wrong. The two JJs met for dinner to discuss the situation and there are those who think they conspired against Landry. The truth is firing Landry was a condition of the sale set by previous majority owner Bum Bright. Anyway, at the press conference to announce Jimmy's hiring, Jerry Jones said "We must win. We will win. Winning is the name of the game" or something like that.
An elite player telling the world he thinks his team will win?

Nothing to see here. That's what I would expect when you have 13 wins, are at home, and the favorite.

Its not like Joe Namath guaranteeing a victory when no one on planet Earth gave your team a snowballs chance and an epic beatdown was the expectation.

Let's not blow this out of proportion. (but I know some will try, LOL).

Edit: And let's not forget. Zeke was held out of the Philly game. So he's chomping at the bit to get back out there and EAT!!!
That's when Jerry fired Landry and brought in Jimmy Johnson as his head coach. A lot of people felt is was handled wrong. The two JJs met for dinner to discuss the situation and there are those who think they conspired against Landry. The truth is firing Landry was a condition of the sale set by previous majority owner Bum Bright. Anyway, at the press conference to announce Jimmy's hiring, Jerry Jones said "We must win. We will win. Winning is the name of the game" or something like that.
O, Okay, so it was named the saturday night massacre cuz of Laundry. Gotcha. I've never heard that story, I mean I heard that Laundry was fired, obviously, but I didn't know there was a nickname to the event.

Thanks for sharing
This is good.

He's so amped he can't hold it in.

By Sunday he'll be a white-hot fount of power. And the yin to his yang will be Dak, cool and precise.

I don't have the words to describe my excitement.
Does anybody remember the Jerry press conference when he bought the team? He made a very similar statement.
The only quote I vaguely remember is something about **********.....and realizing that jerry has no actual idea of what the term means.
jordan4vols said:
Wonder what this board would have done if it existed when Jimmy guaranteed a win over San Fran and told the paper to put it in 3 inch headlines for the other team?

So do you think JG has the guts to predict a win?? Should he??
It is all psychological, if they then win he looks great, if they lose, not so bad, just thought they would win.

Actually I do think Garrett has it in him.... but in his own way.

Maybe something like, "I feel like we are the best team and I expect to win"
Bulletin board material is no such thing when the playoffs start. Its win or go home. Everyone knows it. The players, the coaches, the fans......we are going to get all of what the Packers have on Sunday. Packers don't need any bulletin board material to get up for this game and neither do the cowboys.

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