Zimm on Mazi: "He's doing a really good job"

That's about as good as any term I could imagine to apply.

I'm supposed to be impressed?... hehe...
Huh? Watch the video. The sources are the people at camp watching Mazi attempting to play. he he
....who wanted Mazi anyways? Jerry or coaches?
The sources are the people at camp watching Mazi attempting to play.
Yes. They are. People. I'm fine with calling them people.

Maybe I should clarify, but I thought I already did... the opinions that are compelling to me are those from professionals, individuals who have been at least impressive enough that some football team out there somewhere thought to part with some of their own money and give them a paycheck for their observations/opinions... so, coaches, scouts, and even players... but don't try to sell me on media "people" as being anything more compelling than what you or I think. That is, unless your real goal is to get me to think less of your intelligence. I've watched a lot of football in 50 years. I'm fairly well-informed, know what to look for in general, but no one will be asking me to fill a role on any NFL or college team's scouting staff anytime soon. As it should be.
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Yes. They are. People. I'm fine with calling them people.

Maybe I should clarify, but I thought I already did... the opinions that are compelling to me are those from professionals, individuals who have been at least impressive enough that some football team out there somewhere thought to part with some of their own money and give them a paycheck for their observations/opinions.
Feel free to believe whatever you want. And I agree about people who are paid to give football opinions which for example Broaddus is. The thing with this particular video is these are just radio guys from the fan and it is OBVIOUS to them that Mazi is having problems performing and taking coaching. But hey maybe Mazi goes all pro some day. I wouldn't count on it though.
Nothing said here actually debunks anything I wrote, with the exception that you bring up that beat writers may sometimes be telling us things they're hearing from "sources in the building." And that's fair. But if you think you're able to discern when the opinion is coming from "sources in the building" versus coming from the media person him/herself, please enlighten us... because I'm predisposed to the belief that the vast majority isn't coming from anyone in the building, or at least, anyone in the building who is actually in charge of anything important... maybe the guy washing the unis has an opinion, though, that's worthy of hearing, you never know.

As for your ragging on Mazi, that's fine. I'm making no final assessments myself, just 3 days into real practice, whether based on your observations or Zimmer's, either one. In fact, I'm pretty content to just stay allergic to anything conclusive for probably another 3-4 weeks, really. I've just found that to make more sense over the decades, and maybe especially in any year when there's a new coaching regime installing their stuff. That's just me, though.
The beat writers, many who have covered this team for decades cover this team EVERY DAY, these aren't national talking heads residing in Bristol ... these beat writers talk to players, coaches and scouts every day, the information they're getting isn't coming from some guy washing jerseys.

And stating the blatantly obvious on Mazi isn't ragging on him, he just hasn't been good...He's a first round selection and thus far rookie DT seventh round selection Justin Rogers is outplaying Mazi.....Mazi has got to start showing more especially in preseason games..
Feel free to believe whatever you want. And I agree about people who are paid to give football opinions which for example Broaddus is. The thing with this particular video is these are just radio guys from the fan and it is OBVIOUS to them that Mazi is having problems performing and taking coaching. But hey maybe Mazi goes all pro some day. I wouldn't count on it though.

We agree. They are people. They have eyes and ears, and they know football... like you or me.

That does count for something.

But it counts so much less than it seems it should on your side of the internet... whether Mazi is all pro or doesnt will have almost nothing to do with what he did or did not show or achieve in the first 3 days of training camp in 2024, I'm confident of that much.
Beat writers/scouts at camp know what they're looking at since they've been doing it for years....We're a week into camp, don't read too much into what Zimmers said, what did you expect Zimmer to say, Mazi sucks, why is he even on the team? Ofcourse he's trying to stay positive about the player..
If you can't read Zimm is choosing his words carefully to give an honest evaluation, I don't know what to tell you. Let me get this right, BB makes a general evaluation after the first 1-2 days in pads and you wanna paint a broad brush that Mazi is struggling w/o any knowledge of what Zimm is asking him to do. Ok........but I'll trust the expert/coach
these beat writers talk to players, coaches and scouts every day, the information they're getting isn't coming from some guy washing jerseys.
So, I'm open to that assertion... but I need a little more than that. I'd asked you to enlighten with how you're able to discern b/t the media guy's opinion and someone's opinion that is compelling (and thus, that the media guy is just forwarding what he's heard).

I said I'm predisposed to believe the vast majority is their own opinion, but I will stand down and stand corrected if you can give me reason to think differently. I'm the kind of poster who doesn't have trouble with that. So, shoot. I'd like to hear it.
We agree. They are people. They have eyes and ears, and they know football... like you or me.

That does count for something.

But it counts so much less than it seems it should on your side of the internet... whether Mazi is all pro or doesnt will have almost nothing to do with what he did or did not show or achieve in the first 3 days of training camp in 2024, I'm confident of that much.
You are so stuck in the small picture which is you want Mazi to work out that you are overlooking the big picture which is: He was coached at a top college program for 3 years. He was professionally coached for one year already. At this point he still doesn't have even the basic fundamentals of the position down even though he has a dedicated coach drilling him and on his butt every day. That says to me something is wrong with Mazi above the neck. Hope I am wrong and he works out though.
what do you think the coach is going to say? He’s ****? Of course not.
If you can't read Zimm is choosing his words carefully to give an honest evaluation, I don't know what to tell you. Let me get this right, BB makes a general evaluation after the first 1-2 days in pads and you wanna paint a broad brush that Mazi is struggling w/o any knowledge of what Zimm is asking him to do. Ok........but I'll trust the expert/coach
Did you watch Mazi last year, did you watch the camp film of the last two days or listen to the beat writers about what they're learning from the people in the building about Mazi..The beat writers are telling you what they're hearing, it's not their opinion...Direct me to ONE coach that has ever went in front of the mic and said a player is terrible, a bust etc,...they don't, you can listen to the pie in the sky coach speak, like what BS Jerry says every training camp who isn't going to say those things or you can listen to the beat writers that are hearing it behind the scenes from the same coaches...
You will hardly ever here a coach outright say a player stinks
is about as bad as I have ever heard saying the guy cannot do it
NEEDS TO LEARN THE SYSTEM (code words for slow to learn)

In the games we will see. Actually if they guy can just plug the middle I would be happy. too much to pay for that as regards a pick but that job DESPERATELY needs to be done
Direct me to ONE coach
As you know, what we hear from coaches is generally positive, but there are degrees of positive... sure, you're right, they're almost never going to say anything explicitly and irrefutably negative unless the coach is just persuaded that the player needs that kind of motivation... I mean, maybe a Parcells or a Parcells disciple might, but you'll never find one of those old school types anymore, of course...

So, I'm open to that assertion... but I need a little more than that. I'd asked you to enlighten with how you're able to discern b/t the media guy's opinion and someone's opinion that is compelling (and thus, that the media guy is just forwarding what he's heard).

I said I'm predisposed to believe the vast majority is their own opinion, but I will stand down and stand corrected if you can give me reason to think differently. I'm the kind of poster who doesn't have trouble with that. So, shoot. I'd like to hear it.
Still. Would like to hear it.

Beat writers... aren't scouts. They're guys like us who write for a living. No one's knocking on their door trying to lure them away from journalism and into the scouting domain. We put these guys up on pedestals sometimes for no actual reason other than that they're familiar to us, and we can become inclined to think they're smart and friendly, and we like them. And they may be smart and friendly, but that doesn't make them experts.

Scouts in the media are a full step above the others, though guys like Broaddus will try to talk with them as-if they're equals because... well, that's his job now. Who's the fool who's going to be constantly pulling the card, "You've never been a scout" when talking with radio talkers... all of us like to be liked... so Broaddus capitulates with reckless abandon, of course.

But even Broaddus is just one scout. Even if he's the most insightful and wise scout, teams don't employ just one scout. They employ a corps of scouts because it's just understood, you need multiple voices in a room when the decisions require so much subjective intel in addition to the objective intel.

And. Broaddus is not the most insightful and wise scout. He'll tell you that, to his credit. And he's apparently right, because... again... no one appears to be banging on his door begging him to get back into anyone's front office, either.

Zimmer? I get the skepticism, but when you listen to his words and his tone of voice, I get nothing but sincerity. Zimmer doesn't resist saying what Mazi won't be able to do. He acknowledges that. But then he goes on to speak to what he's seeing. I just don't take him as head faking, me.

I think some fans... not necessarily anyone contributing to this thread, because I really haven't studied any of the names in the posts... are just a little disappointed to hear anything that isn't a slam against Mazi, but I hope I'm wrong about that.

My take is that I'm most interested in former coaches' takes... then either former players or scouts are about the same, imo... and then there's the rest of us, some employed in media, some just posting in social media.
Media stir the excitement credits but on philosophy first. This case starts with a strong base to develop with leadership methods. Mezi does have strong base levels in his skill set.

He now needs successes as his leadership direct. I'm looking forward to a season of growth.
Did you watch Mazi last year, did you watch the camp film of the last two days or listen to the beat writers about what they're learning from the people in the building about Mazi..The beat writers are telling you what they're hearing, it's not their opinion...Direct me to ONE coach that has ever went in front of the mic and said a player is terrible, a bust etc,...they don't, you can listen to the pie in the sky coach speak, like what BS Jerry says every training camp who isn't going to say those things or you can listen to the beat writers that are hearing it behind the scenes from the same coaches...
So Zimm is lying?

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