Zimm on Mazi: "He's doing a really good job"

Beat writers/scouts at camp know what they're looking at since they've been doing it for years....We're a week into camp, don't read too much into what Zimmers said, what did you expect Zimmer to say, Mazi sucks, why is he even on the team? Ofcourse he's trying to stay positive about the player..
I'd believe Zimmer more than I would Broadus. You might be right, but I'd still place more weight to Zimm's word than Broadus.
I think Zimmer & Zgonina are trying to get him to master (as much as possible) one thing at a time. Step 1 is literally becoming a brick wall...but, as Zgonina pointed out in some of the videos I've seen, he HAS TO STOP lifting his leg when anchoring (seems to be his right leg each time).
His ability to maintain balance and stay off his butt is the biggest issue in my opinion.
One thing that Mazi is doing is working hard. He is in the weight room at 6am and he is the 1st player on the practice field.
Feel free to believe whatever you want. And I agree about people who are paid to give football opinions which for example Broaddus is. The thing with this particular video is these are just radio guys from the fan and it is OBVIOUS to them that Mazi is having problems performing and taking coaching. But hey maybe Mazi goes all pro some day. I wouldn't count on it though.
Depend's on what the person is looking for as to what kind of opinion he'll form. Zimmerman made it clear Mazi is not going to be a speed rusher, he's a power rusher, takes on double teams, etc but speed rushing is not what he was drafted for. People wanted to see that anyway, but that's not what they're asking him to do. I hope Zimm can get what he wants out of the kid.
This is what the staff did to Mazi last season:

To say the pressure is on Mazi Smith in training camp this summer, is a bit of an understatement. The Cowboys first-round pick in 2023 is coming off a massively disappointing rookie campaign. The Michigan defensive tackle logged the lowest number of defensive snaps for a Dallas first-round rookie since Bobby Carpenter back in 2006.


Forcing him to lose weight almost forced failure upon him last season. A complete change in him as to both size and personal strengths.
Did you watch Mazi last year, did you watch the camp film of the last two days or listen to the beat writers about what they're learning from the people in the building about Mazi..The beat writers are telling you what they're hearing, it's not their opinion.
The camp reports on Mazi have been conflicting. Some say he’s looking pretty good while Broaddus says he hasn’t. He has two players, including a seventh round pick ahead of Mazi. We’ll find out when the season opener gets here if he’s starting. If he’s not, the problems with him are continuing.
I know it's just coach speak but still so much better that posting stuff from Bobby Never Played A Down Belt or Bryan The Game Passed Me By Like 26 Years Ago Broaddus.
Coach speak is meaningless. If you prefer that it says more about you than it does the two analysts you mentioned.
If he can become the next Pat Williams...it's a win. But so far.. .he's a far cry from even being that. You just don't see the get off...and he's always catching blocks. Never a good thing. Think this is even a bigger whiff than Trystan already.
He is what he is.

This team has been hitting on 1st rounder’s.

Until this one.
So, apparently, it's turning out to be that Mazi is coming along well, contrary to what some early knee-jerk reports indicated. Maybe this is the first bit of honest evaluation that Mazi is improving, and on the right track to be a starter? Could that be possible? I've been reading here that Mazi isn't fit to be a Cowboy and now this! Anyway, it seems he's obliged to keep it up, according to Zimmer. Well, shoot, there's always a catch! :rolleyes:
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After doing very little to address the position in free agency and the draft, the Cowboys have painted themselves into a corner with Smith. Despite grading as one of the worst DTs in the NFL last year, Dallas has essentially handed a starting job over to the second-year player. The 23-year-old finds himself penciled in at the 1-technique spot next to Osa Odighizuwa, sparking a “Smith or bust” mentality in Cowboys Country.

Not surprisingly, Smith’s training camp has offered some good news as well as some bad news. The good news is Smith looks bigger and far more explosive off the snap. A year ago, he lost too much weight and was still often the last man off the ball. Now he’s thicker and nearly leading the pack off the snap.


Welcome to the league...now own it! Year two...:grin:

Unfortunately, majority of his highlights are in plays he gets to play the aggressor (i.e. as a pass rusher). In plays he gets attacked, like in the running game, his balance gets called into question. Pass protection requires offensive linemen to step back and Smith to charge forward. Run blocking isn’t so passive for an offensive lineman.

When discussing Smith on his Love of the Star podcast, Bryan Broaddus pointed out Smith still has a balance issue to contend with. He often gets stuck on one foot, losing his leverage and subsequently taken out of the play.

There’s also an issue with Smith’s confidence. Smith noticeably suffered in this aspect as a rookie and his confidence seems to remain fragile today. Bobby Belt stated, “He seems discouraged,” while Broaddus added Smith is “super tough on himself.”


(constant pad levels and centers of gravity controlled)
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One reason I believe it’s hard for Cowboys fans to see and believe Mazi is making progress is for a very simple reason: It has been so long since we have had an inside run stuffer, most fans not only don’t recognize it, they don’t even know what to look for.

Most NTs don’t have great stat lines with solo tackles or sacks. The better ones are expected to and are capable of engaging one or two inside OL which in turn can free a LB or other DL to make the tackle.

I doubt Mazi ever turns into an All Pro but if he can just be reliably good for 25-30 snaps a game, especially in the run game, we have an improved ability to stop the run.

Mazi still has a long way to go. But he has nowhere to go but up. Hoping he can make some major progress this summer.
Everybody that’s watching says he sucks

Yeah, nobody knows what they’re watching. They’re all idiots.
Everybody that’s watching says he sucks

Yeah, nobody knows what they’re watching. They’re all idiots.
Please explain real examples that does not arrive from a disabled fan's sentiments...
I think Zimmer & Zgonina are trying to get him to master (as much as possible) one thing at a time. Step 1 is literally becoming a brick wall...but, as Zgonina pointed out in some of the videos I've seen, he HAS TO STOP lifting his leg when anchoring (seems to be his right leg each time).
So our 1st round pick needs to go to the drawing board and learn the game one step at a time? Yikes. Not good at all.

Mazi is a huge bust. His college tape showed how slow he was but because he played in the Big 10, a conference known for slow, midwest farm boys aside from Ohio State, he could mask that. Same as Taco Charlton.
Please explain real examples that does not arrive from a disabled fan's sentiments...
Every single beat writer / reporter / radio guy of the team has said the same thing. None of them are fans

We are talking about football.. you think all of a sudden these people don’t know what they’re watching?
I tend to ignore Broaddus’s evaluation of players as he’s more often wrong than right.
Will MClay is more wrong than right, though. Let's pull up his draft history and show us how many terrible picks he has made. His entire fascination alone with the Michigan picks to start.

I will trust guys like Broaddus and Bobby Belt more than Zimmer because no coach will tell you a player is terrible but a non-biased media personality will.
Will MClay is more wrong than right, though. Let's pull up his draft history and show us how many terrible picks he has made. His entire fascination alone with the Michigan picks to start.

I will trust guys like Broaddus and Bobby Belt more than Zimmer because no coach will tell you a player is terrible but a non-biased media personality will.
:lmao: :omg::lmao::omg::lmao::lmao::lmao: Yeah, you pull up McClay’s draft history compare to his NFL peers. Please.
The player was absolutely crap all last year

All reports indicate he sucks again

But we should believe a coach instead of everybody else bc his coach says he’s doing fine


Coming off the back of reports suggesting Mazi has been struggling with his mental health not too long ago. Ever think that maybe the coach is protecting his player? Not very hard to understand

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