Zimm on Mazi: "He's doing a really good job"

Depend's on what the person is looking for as to what kind of opinion he'll form. Zimmerman made it clear Mazi is not going to be a speed rusher, he's a power rusher, takes on double teams, etc but speed rushing is not what he was drafted for. People wanted to see that anyway, but that's not what they're asking him to do. I hope Zimm can get what he wants out of the kid.
I could be wrong it appears Zimm wants him to focus on run support and keeping his LBers clean.
Belt complained about same thing said people think he’s Dak biased that’s why he trashes Lance . He denies this . Y’all don’t take these two opinions seriously I’ve noticed . They see these players every day .
Of course he will deny it.
So are you saying Mazi sucks, as if you know more than Zimmer, who is there every day?
Practices and meetings.

From the Inside the TC videos, the reporters have been saying he has looked good also.
Yes, only 4 or 5 practices since his shoulder surgery. But still something to look forward to his continued development.
Broaddus was / is a horrible for his scouting opinions. He is biased about certain players, and always has been.
Radio guys are there to see their show for ratings. I don't take too much what they say for granted. It is like listening to some fans on here repeat the same things over and over either good or bad.

In another post I stated Inside TC reports said Mazi has looked good. However, some can say that is their opinions as well.

I think Mazi from some video clips I seen is doing what he is supposed to do and learning Zimmer's scheme.

I dont know jazz its more than just broadduss and I agree he misses quite frequently on evaluations. I hope that Mazi catches on but they all seem to have more praise for the 7th rounder rogers than Mazi. reaction time and strength comments.

hopefully Mazi is a beast but im not holding my breath. They also havent been real positive about schoonmaker either. said his blocking leaves alot to be desired for a TE that was considered one of the best blocking TEs in his draft
Broaddus was / is a horrible for his scouting opinions. He is biased about certain players, and always has been.
Radio guys are there to see their show for ratings. I don't take too much what they say for granted. It is like listening to some fans on here repeat the same things over and over either good or bad.

In another post I stated Inside TC reports said Mazi has looked good. However, some can say that is their opinions as well.

I think Mazi from some video clips I seen is doing what he is supposed to do and learning Zimmer's scheme.
Since you and a couple other posters have taken it upon yourselves to be the board "positive thought police" I am hardly surprised you are in denial. But hey, maybe your right. Maybe Broaddus is so stupid, and such a hack, that he cant decipher what he is looking at OR HEARING standing 15 feet from Mazi and his position coach. If only Broaddus was only one reporting this.
Its called having high standards and expectations
if you are happy with relevancy, fine
don't expect others to be satisfied with less
Sure, highly unlikely outcomes as the standard is my point. The comparison is against the Triplets as opposed to the current NFL.
TC hype is the same every year. You will never hear a coach say a player isn't getting it done. They are always positive.

The truth will emerge eventually. You cannot hide it in the NFL. By the end of the preseason games we will know exactly where Mazi is.
For the most part that is true but that does not mean that you cannot glean anything. You just have to adjust to their bias.

If a player is doing poorly they are not going to sing sunshine either or at least I have never seen MM or Zimmer do that type of hype.

IOW, a good report can be taken at face value. OTOH, a non-report can mean nothing or there is an issue with the player because as you say they will never bash players to the media.
If a player is doing poorly they are not going to sing sunshine either or at least I have never seen MM or Zimmer do that type of hype.
Players in Dallas are never blamed or criticized in Dallas unless they have just been cut or they are low draft picks or they are bargain basement free agents. Jerry does not allow for this from the coaches or the media. It is chronic and it is a sickness within the organization. The players are Jerrys friends and the bigger the "star" the stronger the friendship. They are treated like children and they respond in kind.
Since you and a couple other posters have taken it upon yourselves to be the board "positive thought police" I am hardly surprised you are in denial. But hey, maybe your right. Maybe Broaddus is so stupid, and such a hack, that he cant decipher what he is looking at OR HEARING standing 15 feet from Mazi and his position coach. If only Broaddus was only one reporting this.
Links to all who are reporting this?

What is wrong with being positive about some things? Better than being constantly negative. I do criticize things also, I guess you selectively miss those posts.
I just can't take Broaddus at his word as he seems to be wrong way more than right IMO.

I am pretty sure these reporters are not within 15 feet of the on field practices. More like 150 feet if not more.
Sure, highly unlikely outcomes as the standard is my point. The comparison is against the Triplets as opposed to the current NFL.
Bluntly speaking no one will ever be able to accumulate that much talent on a team again except by such a batch of luck you would basically have to win two lotteries in a row.
BUT having a team as dominant for THESE times is not out of the question.
The Chiefs have managed to do it; the Pats had the greatest NFL dynasty of all time in the age of the CAP and FA
The problem with us starts at the TOP and permeates down
Links to all who are reporting this?

What is wrong with being positive about some things? Better than being constantly negative. I do criticize things also, I guess you selectively miss those posts.
I just can't take Broaddus at his word as he seems to be wrong way more than right IMO.

I am pretty sure these reporters are not within 15 feet of the on field practices. More like 150 feet if not more.
its called listening and watching and trying to find out all you can rather than kneejerking.
Mazi has to respond in season two or going to be a rough run defense again. There is no true option B.
There's absolutely nothing to stop him from saying a player needs work. Of course it's coach speak, but he's happy with the effort and retention from Mazi.

It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for him to say we just need to get blank to focus or work on this or that or any other weakness. He's called out players before.

Hes not doing that, so I'd say he's fairly happy with what's been done so far. To be clear I'm not saying throw the kid under the bus, but he does NOT need to outright lie.
zimmer has never struck me as a sugarcoater
So are you saying Mazi sucks, as if you know more than Zimmer, who is there every day?
Practices and meetings.

From the Inside the TC videos, the reporters have been saying he has looked good also.
Yes, only 4 or 5 practices since his shoulder surgery. But still something to look forward to his continued development.
Never said he sucked!! If that's what you concluded from my comment, then clearly you're the biased one.....Broaddus gave his opinion as a scout from his point of view, or he gives you what other execs say about a player that he's talked too, no scout is ever 100% correct all the time but atleast Broaddus will state on the record if he was wrong about a player analysis...You made a conclusion on Broadduss as biased with zero evidence....

The only coach in the last thirty years with this club that sends a message in a press conference was BIll Parcells.....like when he called Terry Glenn, "She" he was sending a message.....You don't learn anythign from this coaching staff from press conferences other than a bunch of same old cliches' What I clearly stated was, what did you expect Zimmer to say at a press conference less than a week into camp, that the guy sucks???? Ofcource not, he's going to be positive about all the players but you can't take anything from early press conferences in Camp....Mazi was NOT good last year, I don't need a coach, or a scout to tell me that, I have eyes, I watched the tape, and everything I saw from his limited play,, limited because he couldn't be trusted to do his job...He has a lot of things to work on as a first round selection especially after last year with his play, his fluctuation of weight and his injury...
I mean you don't have to be an expert to see whether the guy is getting pushed around or if he's holding his ground.

It would be great if he actually turns the corner ... but coach speak a week into camp isn't going to persuade me. I'm going to need to see it.
completely agree.......
Never said he sucked!! If that's what you concluded from my comment, then clearly you're the biased one.....Broaddus gave his opinion as a scout from his point of view, or he gives you what other execs say about a player that he's talked too, no scout is ever 100% correct all the time but atleast Broaddus will state on the record if he was wrong about a player analysis...You made a conclusion on Broadduss as biased with zero evidence....

The only coach in the last thirty years with this club that sends a message in a press conference was BIll Parcells.....like when he called Terry Glenn, "She" he was sending a message.....You don't learn anythign from this coaching staff from press conferences other than a bunch of same old cliches' What I clearly stated was, what did you expect Zimmer to say at a press conference less than a week into camp, that the guy sucks???? Ofcource not, he's going to be positive about all the players but you can't take anything from early press conferences in Camp....Mazi was NOT good last year, I don't need a coach, or a scout to tell me that, I have eyes, I watched the tape, and everything I saw from his limited play,, limited because he couldn't be trusted to do his job...He has a lot of things to work on as a first round selection especially after last year with his play, his fluctuation of weight and his injury...
Broaddus was the guy who said Mazi has mental issues. And he did not mean about learning the plays. That is irresponsible for a reporter.
He meant it like he needed professional help.

He has been wrong about many players.

No I do not expect any coach to say a player sucks. But I will take what they say over some biased reporter.

I will wait and see before I come to my own conclusion.

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