Players bullying front office


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You pay *prices*. You get *value* in return. We may have paid market price for Zeke, but few think we're getting proportionate value out of what we spent.
No doubt in 2019 the coaching didn't use Zeke right. They got fired for it. But you can't say Zeke had not performed well until that point.


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Paying a player shouldn’t effect talent elsewhere if you are doing what you are suppose to do in the draft. Not only that but the salary cap can be manipulated.
Yes but it is still there. We are talking about losing some good talent in Byron and possibly others due to salary cap constraints so


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All this talk about all this contract bs is a waist of time. They always get done when they gotta get done. My boss never calls me in to tell me what a great job I am doing, that I’m underpaid and that he wants to give me more. When I tell him I’m thinking about leaving or I found something else then the offer comes in.


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Yes but it is still there. We are talking about losing some good talent in Byron and possibly others due to salary cap constraints so
If they lose Byron it’s because they wanted to lose him. They could easily sign Dak and Amari and franchise Byron. The problem with Byron is we aren’t sure he’s worth it for what he does on the field.


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If they lose Byron it’s because they wanted to lose him. They could easily sign Dak and Amari and franchise Byron. The problem with Byron is we aren’t sure he’s worth it for what he does on the field.
And that is where some think about Dak.
I have not seen enough from Dak to personally think he is anywhere close to worth 40 mill. Whatever we sign him for, we are stuck with.
I know the Cowboys are gonna go ahead and no matter what are gonna sign him so I am hope I am wrong.
I liked Dak from the getgo, but I am a bigger Cowboy fan and am being realistic sitting on the fence with him.


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Do you expect them to get better as they get older?

Noticing that they failed to live up to their contracts last year is not petulant. It's the power of accurate observation in action. I can look back at their play last year right now. If you can't, that's your issue.

All the emotionality you claim of me is pure projection.

So the holdout didn't effect his play (not saying it did or should or a good thing...just "the power of accurate observation" (oh my're crazy! )
Did Garret's offense have any effect on the effectiveness of Zeke? Using your "power of accurate observation" of course. :confused:

So players NEVER ever EVER "slump", then have a GREAT year or two or three? Using your "power of accurate observation", of course.

Using ONE year of the contract, in what certainly were tumultuous times, to determine the entire value of the contract? Emotional over-reaction.


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It's a team sport. We win as a team and we lose as a team. It takes fixing the bad and keeping the good and knowing the difference to get better. Dak's career passer rating says he is the part we keep while we fix the parts that aren't so good, that would be the defense and coaching. The regime change will hopefully fix the coaching problem. The fixing of the defense will take a little more patience to see it fixed. FA and the draft will have to be focused on that effort.

I get it. I think that I actually agree. But I also understand the frustration level of some with things like accuracy and winning big games through sheer will and adeptness. I know I haven't seen it.

For the record, I don't think that just because a pass was caught means it was QB accuracy.


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Dak has played with one of the worst defenses in football. Special teams is garbage, too. He is asked to drive the ball and score 3-4 TDs on 80+ yard drives every single game. but simpletons like you don't see that. They blame it all on Dak. :rolleyes:

If you re-read my post...I said no such thing. i NEVER "blamed it all on Dak" EVER. Resorting to name-calling eh?

*IF* ....Dak is "asked to drive the ball 3-4 TDs 80+ yards every game", he's been given a pretty good offense to do it with. Many games he couldn't even do it once...against some pretty bad teams.

My position has been made clear.....I;ve said several times that EVERYONE on this team has a clean slate, BUT must still earn their way to 2020. That includes idiotic contract beeching. I'm okay with Dak...but he certainly has some basics to work on. He may not be THE problem...but certainly part of it. I don;t have the tools to put together a lowlight video...but if-n-when I find's gonna get posted. A LOT of errant throws. (yep....QB's throw SOME, I know.)

Name-calling because we might have some disagreement of opinion? Stay classy spider.


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I get it. I think that I actually agree. But I also understand the frustration level of some with things like accuracy and winning big games through sheer will and adeptness. I know I haven't seen it.

For the record, I don't think that just because a pass was caught means it was QB accuracy.
Likewise, just because a pass wasn't completed doesn't mean it wasn't QB accuracy. Dak was a victim of a lot of that with Cooper on the road.


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I get it. I think that I actually agree. But I also understand the frustration level of some with things like accuracy and winning big games through sheer will and adeptness. I know I haven't seen it.

For the record, I don't think that just because a pass was caught means it was QB accuracy.
It has to be at least accurate enough to be a reasonably catchable pass, but sure, some that are caught aren't throws in the best spot. A number of times Dak definitely hurt the receiver's ability to get yards after the catch by throwing a bit behind


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And a career 61.5% completions.
And Brady is at 63.8% and Montana at 63.2%. Bart Starr was at 57.4%, Staubach was 57%, Elway 56.9%, Marino 59.4% and Baugh at 56.5%. 6 of those QB's are considered in the top 10 to play the game and all are in the HOF.


Taco Engineer
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It has to be at least accurate enough to be a reasonably catchable pass, but sure, some that are caught aren't throws in the best spot. A number of times Dak definitely hurt the receiver's ability to get yards after the catch by throwing a bit behind
Goes both ways. We're not informed on the proper route/place to be as a WR. And, how a WR may have adjusted to a pass that was not thrown accurately.


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They are going to get "bullied" as long as they roll over under pressure. Bryant, Lawrence and Elliott are the template and Elliott broke new ground in holding out with 2 years left. Every agent knows the Joneses are round heeled and he sure as hell isn't leaving any money on the table because of their propensity to crater. They're contracts are used to lure other clients.

"Pay the man" resounds across the forum countered by "don't pay the man" until it's their man they want paid.

Jones isn't a GM, he's a star struck fan with control of the cap.

The problem isn't paying 5 players on the O in the top 6 at their position or 2 more likely to get there at QB and WR or a D player, it is everything else. The Cowboys simply aren't a good enough drafting team to cover the other positions and injuries are going to be more problematic for them. It is simply too much to too few. Pay enough "A" players and you will end up with too many D and below.

This talented team myth is just that. If you confine the team to the offense or OL and RB or skill positions, yes it is a talented team and can go head to head with any team. But, add the D and ST to that and what have you got? Exactly what their schedule was, the definition of mediocrity, 8-8. And they've had 3 mediocre drafts in a row. Too much to too few and mediocre drafts will not take this team anywhere.

Bullying is the right word to describe it because the Joneses are the weak little sissies standing at the edge of the schoolyard with their lunch money held out for the taking. And it's not the bullies that are at fault.