Video: Jesse Holley totally destroys Jason Garrett and exposes him even further!


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Second, that Jimmy's philosophy was wrong--ie, the one where he came out and said he had a different standard for a Micheal Irvin than he did for a John Roper or Curvin Richards. (I believe he was right.)

"I can't be writing what the rules are because my rules vary from player to player. It's like I told Lawrence: In Dallas we had a linebacker named John Roper who got cut for falling asleep in a meeting. If Troy Aikman fell asleep in a meeting, I'd go over and whisper, `Wake up, Troy.' "


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Second, and following up on that last premise, when a guy like Travis Frederick is as supportive and complimentary of Red as he was, I don't brush that off as fluff. Nor do I presume that his perceptions of Red were limited to himself and a few others.

I don't get why its so hard to say Garrett had pros and cons like everyone else on Earth, he won a Coach of the Year award here but definitely needed to go after last season.

And to the OP of this thread, there are few former players like Jesse Holley saying this and Holley has a big incentive to do so. Look at the star players that retired or moved on, none of them have trashed Garrett and most were supportive.

The one I would point to is Tony Romo. Garrett was part of the decision to push Romo out when he clearly wanted to step back in as the starter. He has a grudge right? He is now in a commentary job where he should be critical of the Cowboys (like Aikman has been, clearly) in order to prove he is objective and not a homer - which is exactly what Troy Aikman did.

He hasn't done so.


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I thought it when George Iloka popped off on Kris Richard....and I think it now.

All of what he is saying may be true, but be careful how much you believe from bottom-of-the-roster guy.

There's a good chance Kris specifically didn't want George disguising intent because he was/is a marginal player....Kris just wanted him to line up in the correct spot.

Likewise, I suspect, Jesse may hold a grudge against Garrett....he's always been critical of Garrettt for as long as I can remember. And it all might be true, but it could also be sour-grapes and him trying to make a living talking about sports at a time when there are no sports and he has to talk about something....:grin:
Correct, but we all suffer from confirmation bias and this thread is a prime example. Most voice that Holley “tells it like it is” and “knows what he’s talking about” because what he says lines up with their own beliefs. Anyone voicing the opposite is “clueless” and can’t be helped.


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Sorry to infringe on your silo, there, but (a) this thread was irrefutably begun and fueled by a group of butt-chapped souls who, five months afterwards, still has an apparently insatiable addiction for anti-JG discussion, and (b) I'm not sure who is specifically being targeted with that comment, but for my part, I'm always interested to read what people who have a clear interest in attempting balance have to say.

Cheerleaders... those who exclusively hype the positive, or hype the negative... not so much.


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Is Mcarthy a better coach than Garrett? Yes or no

I’ve said before that I think they’re comparable coaches. Though, to be honest, I only followed the Packers very casually under McCarthy. I don’t dislike the guy at all, though. And I think he’s generally made or been involved with pretty good moves since he’s been here. We’ve had a good offseason.

I don’t think, overall, the organization has improved very much. But that’s ok because we were good enough all-around that we should have contended last season. I do agree that a new staff was necessary after failing to reach the post season last season.

I also know 2/3rds of the new MM supporters will be off the bandwagon after this teams’ 3rd loss. And I know I’ll be among the ones defending this coach I’m lukewarm on when it happens because it’s still going to be the case that NFL teams generally lose some games on things other than coaching and QB play.


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I’ve said before that I think they’re comparable coaches. Though, to be honest, I only followed the Packers very casually under McCarthy. I don’t dislike the guy at all, though. And I think he’s generally made or been involved with pretty good moves since he’s been here. We’ve had a good offseason.

I don’t think, overall, the organization has improved very much. But that’s ok because we were good enough all-around that we should have contended last season. I do agree that a new staff was necessary after failing to reach the post season last season.

I also know 2/3rds of the new MM supporters will be off the bandwagon after this teams’ 3rd loss. And I know I’ll be among the ones defending this coach I’m lukewarm on when it happens because it’s still going to be the case that NFL teams generally lose some games on things other than coaching and QB play.
Lol yes or no.


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Comparable isnt answering the question. Jordan and Kobe are comparable. They arent the same. One is better than the other

Lets put it this way, if you were to put each in a blender and liquify them both, and then pour each into graduated NFL coaching cylinders, you’d have the exact same amount of coaching liquid in each. Comparable, but different.

And Jordan was clearly better than Kobe. If someone is telling you they were comparable players, they’re an idiot.


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Lets put it this way, if you were to put each in a blender and liquify them both, and then pour each into graduated NFL coaching cylinders, you’d have the exact same amount of coaching liquid in each. Comparable, but different.

And Jordan was clearly better than Kobe. If someone is telling you they were comparable players, they’re an idiot.
Lord help this man lol

Outlaw Heroes

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Lord help this man lol

I think he’s handling you guys just fine without help.

You think it’s obvious that McCarthy is a far better coach than Garrett? Aaron Rodgers apparently thinks he has one of the lowest football IQs he’s ever come across. Then again, Rodgers is no Jesse Holley so why should you worry about what he thinks, right?


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You're welcome to your opinion, but pardon the observation that the word salad crap you've chosen here makes self-evident a certain prejudice against people who come from colleges with high reputations.
ehhh wrong but I am not surprised you tried to create a victim to justify your opinion.
I like smart people. In fact intelligence IMHO is sexy. Princeton's reputation is negotiable depending on whom you are asking so you can only speak for yourself.

So, to be specific, I am talking about our former Head coach Garrett and not some imaginery victim conjured up to make your paragraphs look nice.

Stay appears you've "educated" your self into imbecility or you have a "reputation school" me smart complex....

That, if you think about it, is no different than if a person were to inject into his/her opinion mention that the coach came from a college with a below-average reputation.
I don't care what victim complexes you've conjured up in your mind.:facepalm:

I am being specific about our former Head Coach whom used his Princeton affiliation at the top of his success as some intelligence coaching imagine if in a appropo thread a poster comments in the negative, some how I am prejudice...:huh:

And can't help but observe that you appear to want it both ways... Travis' opinion does matter because he was a "very good player?" Or, it doesn't matter because he didn't have a "championship pedigree?"

To use your analogy, that word salad just presented begs for some meat.
So, Garrett can use his Princeton connection to get a job but when I do an Autopsy on his coaching demise after he's not resigned I am colored prejudice gotcha:(

Facts are Jesse Holley gave factual incidences when Garrett exercised the coaching leadership off field and on field that got him the Giants OC contract:lmao2:

Liked I said...Travis is an intelligent player.

But intelligent fans can appreciate positive from a very good player ( Travis) and negative from an NCAA champion/ Professional athlete ( Jesse).

Mature fans can reconcile the conflict..

Later dude..
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Garrett always thought he was the smartest coach in the field. Outsmarting himself was a common theme throughout his coaching career.