Zeke says he was “faded” and forgot to turn live-stream off

Redball Express

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Making a big deal out of nothing? All I’ve said is he’s an idiot but apparently this guy can’t do anything wrong in some homers eyes. If you think announcing to the world that he’s high is a good idea then you’re as hopeless as he is.

I don’t care what Gronk does, he’s not on the Cowboys and the main difference between him and the ewok is he doesn’t have near the history that zeke does. Comparing the two is ridiculous.

It’s amazing that some of you don’t see how that wasn’t a smart thing to do, especially for someone like zeke. Of course I don’t know why I’m surprised, a lot of you are the same ones who minimize anything he does and act like he’s always the victim.

Slow down.

I do not always like what he does off field.

But to relentlessly accuse him of being bad for the team is just way very the top.

Were you screaming cut him when he leaped in the Salvation Army Kettle?

It was said he added $40,000 of his own money to match funds that was called in.

How much did you send in?

Did you accuse him of being insensitive when he and Dak served dinners at a local homeless shelter?

No..why not.?

Do you really care if he likes women with their tops off? I do and so do you.

Do you really care if he visits pot dispensaries in his free time? I do it and it ain't no big thing and does not mark me as undesirable.

Unfortunately for some..we have quite a few guys on our team who like to have a good time and more than a few who use pot for pain control.

This is a well known cure for pain that will work. And it is way less dangerous that the prescription stuff.

So I need clarity with your axe you want to grind? You think he's an ewok?

Childish man. Stop it.

You have much better points to be made. This stuff just reduces your positive remarks.

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Right smh......

Huh? So its cool to be a drunk just as long as you are goofy and playful? That makes no damn sense. Let's just be honest with ourselves. We live in a culture where you have some people who frown upon weed smoking. Drinking beer is considered "cool". Let's call it what it is. People haven't caught up with the times.

Zeke is a key player for the Cowboys and he will continue to be a key player. This is nothing. If he's in a domestic situation then ok. If he murders someone? Ok. But this is just a dumb thing to get riled up about.

See this is what kills me about you guys. You will claim to be a Cowboy fan but call him a "Ewok". You sound like a opp. You don't care what Gronk does.....you brought up the drinking angle and I brought up Gronk because you guys forget about him when you talk about "drinking".

And anytime you guys get called out you bring up "oh you're just a homer". Being a homer has nothing to do with being right or wrong. Nobody called him a victim but I'm always going to stand up for what's right whether I can relate to it or not.

Of course I don’t care what Gronk does, he’s annoying as hell but he’s not a Cowboy, why would I care? I’m not going to make excuses for our what our players do because of what some idiots on other teams do. As far as drinking, I already said I don’t like Gronk and it’s still a bad idea but especially for zeke with his history. Personally, I can’t wait to smoke weed again because I wouldn’t drink as much and I think weed is a much better option but that’s another topic.

Actually I just responded to someone yesterday who was calling zeke a victim or a “target”. I’m not asking what’s right, do you think it was smart for zeke to post a live video of himself announcing he’s high? There’s a lot of things I think are right but they’re not always the best option.

Who cares if I call him ewok? Are you telling me you don’t see the resemblance? C’mon now, be honest.


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Didn't Gronkowski get caught up with a 16 year old at one point?
No idea, did he? What were the circumstances? Did he get suspended? Did Gronk ever knock out a DJ after being suspended for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE?


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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This place just gets SO run with any controversy.

Didn't the league just reduce pot as a suspendable offense?

So who cares?

We lobby for changes then get it and still you are a target?

Zeke is the heartbeat of his team. His attitude like jumping into Salvation Army kettles is the stuff of legend.

His attitude and Daks keeps this team lose to deal with all the pressure and expectations we all pile on with.

For those that think Pollard should be starting they have lost their minds.

People need to learn tolerance.

Even if league policy had not changed, it would not matter what Elliott said. All that would have mattered is if he had tested positive. As far as I know, he has not had any positive tests for drugs while in the NFL. The closest we have to it is him visiting a weed shop in Seattle a few years back (which drew the same kind of reaction from fans).

Even if someone wanted to accuse him of smoking weed based on his live-stream comment, he could simply say that's not what he meant. I think Elliott makes some foolish decisions, but it seems like some are attacking him for something that means nothing.


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lol who cares? let the guy smoke his weed.
"faded" for me as always been a combo of both.


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Of course I don’t care what Gronk does, he’s annoying as hell but he’s not a Cowboy, why would I care? I’m not going to make excuses for our what our players do because of what some idiots on other teams do. As far as drinking, I already said I don’t like Gronk and it’s still a bad idea but especially for zeke with his history. Personally, I can’t wait to smoke weed again because I wouldn’t drink as much and I think weed is a much better option but that’s another topic.

Actually I just responded to someone yesterday who was calling zeke a victim or a “target”. I’m not asking what’s right, do you think it was smart for zeke to post a live video of himself announcing he’s high? There’s a lot of things I think are right but they’re not always the best option.

Who cares if I call him ewok? Are you telling me you don’t see the resemblance? C’mon now, be honest.

He said he was "faded". Just because the boomers don't know what "faded" means doesn't mean he was actually high lol. Saying you are faded is like saying "I'm tripping..."...no...you aren't actually "tripping"...its a figure of speech.

And I don't care what Zeke looks like. My point is..the people who call him Ewok are not fan of the Cowboys. That's a term created by non-Cowboy fans so its funny you are using it. Its also a outdated word used to describe him. Its like calling Romo a chocker in 2020.

No idea, did he? What were the circumstances? Did he get suspended? Did Gronk ever knock out a DJ after being suspended for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE?
Well........I tend to think messing around with a 16 year old is a tad bit worse than punching a DJ but that may just be me being a homer so I don't know.....

You guys will go to extreme lengths won't you lol?


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Slow down.

I do not always like what he does off field.

But to relentlessly accuse him of being bad for the team is just way very the top.

Were you screaming cut him when he busted in the Salvation Army Kettle?

It was said he added $40,000 of his own money to match funds that was called in.

How much did you send in?

Do you really care if he likes women with their tops off? I do and so do you.

Do you really care is he visits pot dispensaries in his free time? I do it and it ain't no big thing and does not mark me as undesirable.

Unfortunately for some..we have quite a few guys who like to have a good time and more than a few who use pot for pan control.

This is a well known cure for that will pot.

So I need clarity with your axe you want to grind? You think he's an ewok?

Childish man. Stop it.

You have much better points to be made. This stuff just reduces your positive remarks.

I guarantee I donate a higher percent of my yearly income to charity. 40K to him is like me dropping a dollar in the bucket, big deal.

Off the field, are you telling me he’s been good for the team? Please say yes.

No, I don’t care about womens tops off if they don’t mind and I don’t care about weed but what part of this don’t you understand? This moron has been suspended for 6 games for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (right or wrong) and exposed the woman’s breasts in public. Do I really need to tell you how that is a bad look for any NFL athlete, let alone a guy who was being investigated for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE at the time? Really, do you really not see the issue there?

Same goes for the two DJ incidents and the security guard incident. Do I hav to explain 3 more times how being involved with ANY type of physical altercation, whether it’s knocking someone out or bumping into them purposely, isn’t smart AFTER being SUSPENDED FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE?

Do I have to explain to you how dumb it is for a player with his history to announce to the world that he’s high? Do you post videos of yourself on FB, or wherever, when you are plastered and where you know your boss will hear and see it? Is that smart?

Calling me childish while supporting zeke’s 10 year old behavior is quite hypocritical but I don’t play for the Cowboys so I don’t get that free pass, do I?


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He said he was "faded". Just because the boomers don't know what "faded" means doesn't mean he was actually high lol. Saying you are faded is like saying "I'm tripping..."...no...you aren't actually "tripping"...its a figure of speech.

And I don't care what Zeke looks like. My point is..the people who call him Ewok are not fan of the Cowboys. That's a term created by non-Cowboy fans so its funny you are using it. Its also a outdated word used to describe him. Its like calling Romo a chocker in 2020.

Well........I tend to think messing around with a 16 year old is a tad bit worse than punching a DJ but that may just be me being a homer so I don't know.....

You guys will go to extreme lengths won't you lol?

I am a fan of the Cowboys for 49 years - he looks like an Ewok, I dont care what you say zoomer

whats a "chocker"


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He said he was "faded". Just because the boomers don't know what "faded" means doesn't mean he was actually high lol. Saying you are faded is like saying "I'm tripping..."...no...you aren't actually "tripping"...its a figure of speech.

And I don't care what Zeke looks like. My point is..the people who call him Ewok are not fan of the Cowboys. That's a term created by non-Cowboy fans so its funny you are using it. Its also a outdated word used to describe him. Its like calling Romo a chocker in 2020.

Well........I tend to think messing around with a 16 year old is a tad bit worse than punching a DJ but that may just be me being a homer so I don't know.....

You guys will go to extreme lengths won't you lol?
I have no idea who called him an ewok, he looks like one, plain and simple. Please don’t play ignorant and act like zeke didn’t mean he was high, dude...c’mon. Regardless, perception is reality, right? I bet Odell was just making a pizza and that was flour, right? I’m sure he was just smoking a cigar in that video. I never said zeke should be suspended, I said he was an idiot. The guy shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near social media.

Again, I asked for the details about the 16 year old, I haven’t heard about this.

BTW, no idea what a chocker is and if you meant choker than I would agree, Romo was a choker. Sorry, the truth hurts.


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Go get myself some snickers? How about you roll up a fat blunt and chill. Relax.

How can he embarrass an organization that hasn't won anything in 25 years? One that has Jerry Jones as owner? One that has a history of drug addicts, murderers and rapists linked to it? One that Joseph Randle at one point stole panties while playing for them? How on earth can you embarass a organization like that? Zeke is only a pain in the *** if you want him to be.
How about you two compromise, a snickers AND a fat blunt? I’d be down for that, probably need more then one Snickers though.


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You will all kiss his butt when he scores TDs!!!!! Get off your high horses!!! Bunch of whiners! Like Irvin and his crew didn't pull that same crap!!!!
There wasn’t social media with Irvin, that’s the difference. How the hell can you guys not understand that every time these players do something dumb, the entire world is watching and it could result in a suspension which would hurt the team?

This is truly mind blowing. Trying to compare what a player did 25 years ago vs a player today isn’t even the same. Society’s standards are different, the rules are different, even the laws are different. What wasn’t a big deal 25 years ago could be a big deal today. Whether you agree with it or not everyone has to change or face the backlash. People in the corporate world get fired for things they say or post on FB (which is one reason why I don’t use FB and never have), they get fired for the things they write, even if it’s just their opinion. Actions that were considered acceptable just a decade ago aren’t now. Why is this difficult to comprehend. It’s not about what think individually, it’s about what the league thinks and society since the are the ones changing laws these days.

I’ll never understand how some of you don’t get this. For some of us it’s not every action of a player, it’s that they’re dumb enough to put themselves in jeopardy of a suspension or bring unwanted attention to the team or within the locker room which can effect the team.


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Even if league policy had not changed, it would not matter what Elliott said. All that would have mattered is if he had tested positive. As far as I know, he has not had any positive tests for drugs while in the NFL. The closest we have to it is him visiting a weed shop in Seattle a few years back (which drew the same kind of reaction from fans).

Even if someone wanted to accuse him of smoking weed based on his live-stream comment, he could simply say that's not what he meant. I think Elliott makes some foolish decisions, but it seems like some are attacking him for something that means nothing.

LOL....grown men


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How about you two compromise, a snickers AND a fat blunt? I’d be down for that, probably need more then one Snickers though.
Aye I'm down. Snickers wouldn't be my first choice after a blunt but aye......I'm not picky.

I have no idea who called him an ewok, he looks like one, plain and simple. Please don’t play ignorant and act like zeke didn’t mean he was high, dude...c’mon. Regardless, perception is reality, right? I bet Odell was just making a pizza and that was flour, right? I’m sure he was just smoking a cigar in that video. I never said zeke should be suspended, I said he was an idiot. The guy shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near social media.

Again, I asked for the details about the 16 year old, I haven’t heard about this.

BTW, no idea what a chocker is and if you meant choker than I would agree, Romo was a choker. Sorry, the truth hurts.
You're playing ignorant. Maybe you are not with the times but I'm educating you on the matter. When someone Zeke's age says "they're faded" its a figure of speech. He may have been high. Hell I don't know. I'm telling you that's a figure of speech and you are arguing with me it isn't?

And you are comparing him to Odell having cocaine on his nose even though there's no drugs in this video. You sound crazy.....

Whether Zeke is a idiot or not I don't know. What I'm saying is the term "faded" is a figure of speech. No one gets high and says "Ohhhh guys I'm so high...ahhhh"...not how it is lol.


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Go get myself some snickers? How about you roll up a fat blunt and chill. Relax.

How can he embarrass an organization that hasn't won anything in 25 years? One that has Jerry Jones as owner? One that has a history of drug addicts, murderers and rapists linked to it? One that Joseph Randle at one point stole panties while playing for them? How on earth can you embarass a organization like that? Zeke is only a pain in the *** if you want him to be.

Sure thing. McCarthy wants to wake up and hear about this nonsense. It’s a distraction. The guy has been a distraction since day 1. Sure he appreciates fans like you though.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
There wasn’t social media with Irvin, that’s the difference. How the hell can you guys not understand that every time these players do something dumb, the entire world is watching and it could result in a suspension which would hurt the team?

This is truly mind blowing. Trying to compare what a player did 25 years ago vs a player today isn’t even the same. Society’s standards are different, the rules are different, even the laws are different. What wasn’t a big deal 25 years ago could be a big deal today. Whether you agree with it or not everyone has to change or face the backlash. People in the corporate world get fired for things they say or post on FB (which is one reason why I don’t use FB and never have), they get fired for the things they write, even if it’s just their opinion. Actions that were considered acceptable just a decade ago aren’t now. Why is this difficult to comprehend. It’s not about what think individually, it’s about what the league thinks and society since the are the ones changing laws these days.

I’ll never understand how some of you don’t get this. For some of us it’s not every action of a player, it’s that they’re dumb enough to put themselves in jeopardy of a suspension or bring unwanted attention to the team or within the locker room which can effect the team.
Lol!!!! He was all over TV when he went to court! That's worse than social media. Irvin was busted for Cocaine, I guess that wasn't that bad 25 years ago! Lol!!!!! Pull your hate for this kid outta your butt and open your eyes!


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You will all kiss his butt when he scores TDs!!!!! Get off your high horses!!! Bunch of whiners! Like Irvin and his crew didn't pull that same crap!!!!
Exactly, imagine getting mad at a 24 year old for getting baked and playing video games...now hes gotta be abit more lowkey with it IMO but my god people are acting like hes a terrible guy . Rather have him doing that then plenty of other things.


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I am a fan of the Cowboys for 49 years - he looks like an Ewok, I dont care what you say zoomer

whats a "chocker"
Ageist....hahahahhhahah...oh so that's a thing. The new insult is being a "ageist". I guess anything to make up for your outdated views on life.


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Sure thing. McCarthy wants to wake up and hear about this nonsense. It’s a distraction. The guy has been a distraction since day 1. Sure he appreciates fans like you though.
Yeah because I don't give a damn about someone smoking on camera. What do I look like being mad at someone saying they are "faded" when this team has signed murderers, domestic abusers, drug addicts, alcoholics, etc.? You can't have it both ways. The team you rooted for just signed Aldon Smith. You on that same high horse about that signing?