News: SDFW: Dallas Cowboys: Stephen Jones is ruthless and the real villain


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Dallas Cowboys: Stephen Jones is ruthless and the real villain

The Dallas Cowboys did not sign Dak Prescott to a long-term contract because of Stephen Jones' stubbornness. As expected with the Dallas Cowboys, they made...

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This post makes no sense. They wanted to sign him. Why wouldn't they? Just weren't going carte blanche on the deal.
What doesn't make sense to you? Are you asking me why they didn't re-sign him? They gave him a tag. As far as why they didn't get something more long term done? Your guess is as good as mind. My reasoning is this organization has no idea what the hell they are doing. I'm sure they will blame the pandemic we are in but that doesn't explain 20 years of this.......


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Cheapskate Sons results aren’t any better than his daddy, the Football Idiot and Ultimate Fantasy Fan.


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Dallas Cowboys: Stephen Jones is ruthless and the real villain

The Dallas Cowboys did not sign Dak Prescott to a long-term contract because of Stephen Jones' stubbornness. As expected with the Dallas Cowboys, they made...

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Terrible take.

The Cowboys put out a terrific offer and Dak didn't want it because of his eagerness to re-enter FA at the end of the 4th year.

Dak cant see the forest through the trees. Chunky, Sleep Number, Oikos: they don't knock on doors without Navy Blue Stars on them unless you are a truly transcendent player.

Dak is really really good, but he is not especially gifted.

For all we know, Ben DiNucci could have a shoe deal in 3 years and be eating Dak's yogurt instead.


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And this also brings me to the Earl Thomas and Jamal Adams situations......what in the hell is that even about? They offered a 1st for Adams and didn't revisit the move? Granted, I'm more disturbed they offered a 1st for a strong safety to begin with but if you felt he was worth that last offseason why didn't you revisit it in the offseason?

They toy with us the addition of Earl Thomas just for them to not offer anything of substance.

I think that both are examples of the Joneses expecting things to happen and to be done on their terms - arrogance.

They tagged Lawrence - and that blew up in their face and they ended up paying more than they would have if they had just done that deal in the beginning.

They caved in to Zeke's holdout and paid him as the top running back - two years early.

I think they made a lowball offer to Earl Thomas, but once he saw what the Ravens had on the table, Dallas was out of it. I can't blame them for that, I think they made the right call. His play looks to have already fallen off.

If we sit back and push our biases to the side? The only positive is they hired McCarthy. But that's a reflection of how up and down this organization has been. They'll take steps forward be picking up McCarthy just to botch the Dak situation.

One step forward, two steps back.


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I think that both are examples of the Joneses expecting things to happen and to be done on their terms - arrogance.

They tagged Lawrence - and that blew up in their face and they ended up paying more than they would have if they had just done that deal in the beginning.

They caved in to Zeke's holdout and paid him as the top running back - two years early.

I think they made a lowball offer to Earl Thomas, but once he saw what the Ravens had on the table, Dallas was out of it. I can't blame them for that, I think they made the right call. His play looks to have already fallen off.

One step forward, two steps back.

Yeah I don't fault them on the Earl Thomas situation based on the salary but if they loved the player like they claimed? Seems like he warranted more than a lowball offer. Arrogance. And for what? What on earth have they done recently to even have this arrogance? Because they won 12 games in 2014 and 13 in 2016? They are moving like they are the Patriots.


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Yeah I don't fault them on the Earl Thomas situation based on the salary but if they loved the player like they claimed? Seems like he warranted more than a lowball offer. Arrogance. And for what? What on earth have they done recently to even have this arrogance? Because they won 12 games in 2014 and 13 in 2016? They are moving like they are the Patriots.

I'd attribute that to continuing to be popular and profitable, even 25 years after your last success. Being in a can't-lose business situation has a way of making people arrogant.


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I have no doubt whatsoever that Stephen has bungled the Dak negotiations. Not that it is solely his fault, but he's certainly a big reason in getting us to this point.

If anyone has doubts, just look at how the last three big-money deals were handled with Cooper, Elliott, and Lawrence:
  1. Cooper was paid at the top of the receiver market because the team had no choice at that point after investing a 1st round pick in the guy without an extension worked out.
  2. Elliott was overpaid - and two years before he was due. Setting the top of the market for the running back position, that few, if any successful teams pay.
  3. Lawrence was tagged when defensive end contracts were reasonable and they exploded in the meantime with the Mack and Donald deals, and then Lawrence got his deal, for much more money than if they had just done it in the first place!
On any other team, the contract negotiator would have lost his job, but when your last name is Jones and you have a job for life, you can bungle things as badly as possible, with zero consequences.

Stephen had a terrible cap situation back when Jerry actually did the deal and he worked hard after taking over to clean up the cap.
I grant him that.
But the last few large deals have been terrible in timing, structure, as well as cost; and the Dak thing is insanely bad because the Cowboys cap gets abused this year and basically forever.
Dallas could have done a Pat Mahomes deal after year 2 with Dak that was more like 10 years 200 million.

But they wanted to see a bit more and Dak's asking price has only went up as he has shown more.

I mean one of two things is true:
1. Dak is worth franchising.
2. Dak is not worth franchising.

If you decided 1 was painfully obvious and you have publicly admitted that than posturing and losing out on a deal over 1.5M per year on a 5 year deal or biting the bullet and doing a 4 year deal than yes you are the problem.

Here's the thing.
Executives do not have to be perfect.
You can screw up an overpay a RB or Late pay a DE... but you can not screw up with your QB.
Not unless you want your football team to be named after a city alone.... Stephen is putting out real Dallas Football Team vibes.


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All it also serves some Good signs and a few Bad signs to Stephen Jones
- what i like about Stephen is that he values and aims the team cap dollars at re-signing it's own core - impact players - the bigger impact players based off internal evaluations of those players.

Whereas he will re-sign a Zack Martin or Dlaw,.. he won't re-sign a Byron Jones based off an team evaluation of a player.

- Also we are not spending big money on average/decent/serviceable players. We do not stay financial loyal to underachievers, once
we got out of contracts of such as Flozell Adams, Gurode, Leonard Davis,Ken Hamlin, Marion Barber, Mile Austin, .even Dez Bryant
....that was it .

- i frankly do not believe or prefer the get rich quick scheme that sees big spending sprees of a Jacksonville, NYGiants, or LA Rams.
i much prefer to build our nucleus core thru the draft ..while carefully and genuously going after the " mid-ground' impact players.
ala Amari Cooper. (per trade or free agency)

- Also Stephen does not believe in committing to 30 year old players on long term basis.
We may sign a bargain based 30- yr vet such as McCoy and soon to be 29 yr age Poe, and we'll have a Sean Lee on a year to year basis.
but Stephen believes in a youthful roster to build a long term core around.

- i dunno how much has to do with Jerry's decision, or Stephen, but for the longest, many in Coboys Nation l[have been insisting Jerry
get a 'football ' guy which they have that in Wil McClay i don't get the sense with Stephen and McClay as they are trying to be the damn
head coach as i did with Jerry much of the yonder years - the Al Davis approach.


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Yawn. Fans were mad about Jerry being too reckless. Fans are mad about Stephen being too cautious.

All it boils down to is that fans won’t be happy until there is another Super Bowl title. At least until the first quarter of the next game.

you realize those both have “too” qualifiers, right?
A happy medium is what I’d like to see personally


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Yeah, he bent over on both of those, but draws a line in the sand when it comes to quarterback?

Uh, yeah.....

For real.

“we will look at Gurleys contract and start negotiations there”


“he has to take a smaller piece of the pie”

lol. Complete buffoon


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Don't insult my intelligence because your logic is silly. Its so silly you can't even explain it lol. Just say you don't want to and keep it moving respectfully..........
I'll try dumb it down. Byron was going to get top cb money. Dak wanted top money. Dak was valued more highly than byron, ergo cowboys could only afford one. Same thing when we had to choose between Murray and dez. It all comes down to the size of the pie.


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Yeah some people who don't like Dak are the ones excited but if people put their biases aside.......its troubling that they just spent all that money on Lawrence, Zeke and Cooper but got cheap with Dak who has been better and more consistent than all of them. I'm fearful they have no idea what the they are doing. Contrary to popular belief I don't think this Dak deal was suppose to end up with him being franchised. I Think incompetence played a part in this.
I often agree with you but I don’t think the team got cheap with Dak. I think they offered him around R Wilson money but wanted the five years to give them flexibility with the cap. Dak was adamant on the four years and Stephen was adamant on the 5.

IMO, it isn’t fair to expect the team to give on their stance while expecting Dak/France not to.

I think that it was a combination of a few things that led us to this point: The franchise tag, the uncertainty of the financial outlook because of the pandemic and the all-new coaching staff.

With the franchise tag, Dak’s services were guaranteed in Dallas, no matter what.

From Stephen’s perspective, Dak was going to be his QB in 2020, no matter what... which is the big thing and it removed any real sense of urgency that the team might feel. It did take away some cap room this season - all $31M had to hit this year - but it isn’t that different from what he’d be paying on a long term deal (LTD). Plus, the actual amount Dak is going to play for (31) is below the yearly average of what Dak would make on a LTD.

The financial outlook and what the league (and salary cap) will do was (I’m sure) always in the back of Stephen’s mind. I simply think that this kept Stephen from going any higher on his offer to Dak. He wasn’t, IMO, going to let the money creep up from what was already a crazy high figure (R Wilson) when he doesn’t know if the salary cap will flatten or even recede from its current figure. Particularly when Dak was making the team fight for flexibility in structure, along with the dollar figure.

It would have been reckless to do so, and frankly as much as I do like Dak, I’m glad that Stephen drew a line and didn’t cross it. I support that because as a fan of the team, I don’t want the cap to be too stressed to pay some of the other good players that they’ll need to.

Then, throw in that there is the inherent uncertainty of Dak having never played for McCarthy and in his system and you have a unique situation where the team felt like it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to let Dak play a year on the franchise tag. Let the league figure out where it will be financially before next season and have a year with Dak playing under MM to see what you’re getting there.

It makes perfect sense to me and really, I don’t understand why some are so upset by it. Yes, the contract will likely cost more next year but to have certainty on the cap and Dak’s play under McCarthy would be well worth it to the team.
Like I said above, the one thing that would have galvanized the team into getting a LTD done would have been if they could have lost his services this season... and absent that, there was too much upside with just waiting to next season to get the LTD done.

As for Dak, his perspective is simple: He will make $31 million this season, which is infinitely more than he made last season. Plus, he knows that he has great weapons in Dallas and will be playing under a coach that is somewhat of a passing game guru (and under Moore), so he expects to have a good enough season to up his pay after waiting a year. Not to mention that he knows more pressure will be on Dallas in a year because of the franchise tag being so high to do it again.

Making more this year than he’s ever made in his life and with the ability to pick right back up with the negotiations after the season made enough sense to him that he didn’t feel compelled to sign a deal now that isn’t 100% what he wanted.

So, I get both sides and why they decided to just wait until the off season to pick it up again.

I don’t think either side is really upset about waiting until after the season. There were simply too many reasons on each side to wait. No real reason to push hard and concede a lot on what they wanted. I think everybody is fine just waiting. Well, everyone except some of the fans.


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What doesn't make sense to you? Are you asking me why they didn't re-sign him? They gave him a tag. As far as why they didn't get something more long term done? Your guess is as good as mind. My reasoning is this organization has no idea what the hell they are doing. I'm sure they will blame the pandemic we are in but that doesn't explain 20 years of this.......
I'm not asking you why they didn't sign dak long term. I'm fully capable of making my own conclusions. His demands were excessive and his desire for a 4 year deal would have hurt the team. Imo, simple as that.