You Think Dak Stinks Question


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The problem isn't with Prescott, it's all of those other contracts that's too much to too few.

If I am the GM of this team, I do what I can to get into position to trade up for either Lawrence or Fields because I've got the HC and OC already on board, between picks and either Cooper or Lamb and maybe Elliott if Pollard shows some stuff, I've got some good trade bait if those top 2 teams aren't looking for a QB. If it's another CIN type team, Lawrence will be gone. And I do not underestimate Fields jumping him. No one, NO ONE, picked Burrow to be the top QB taken before the season, he wasn't even a round 1 preseason pick.

This gives me an affordable QB contract for at least 3 years while some contracts run down and that would allow me to play in D FA better.

The beauty of this is I've got the same situation I had with Prescott when he got the start in 2016, surrounded by talent and that was the main reason Prescott made a splash playing NFL QB 101.

I think he's a 2nd tier QB and destined to be that and the amount of money he wants is disproportionate to his value to the team. If I am going to play this game, I am going for a tier 1 QB until I get one or get fired. A tier 2 might get me there once but in the game today, it takes a tier 1 to sustain anything.

And I do not think Prescott stinks; he just doesn't smell like 110M guaranteed to me. And I let the fans know that the reason I hired this HC was for the next franchise QB. And if I can tag and trade Prescott, I do that but if not, I let him walk with my well wishes and thank him for his service.

If I am GM and paying top tier money to a 2nd tier QB, I should be fired. Any idiot can do that.

I agree your plans must include getting that defense up to top 5 as soon as possible with a rookie QB....going to be tough with the contracts you wrote on the offense.


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I have read the posts. I believe them to be unreasonable. But that's me. I am still in a show me state. But I am patient and believe good things are ahead for Dak. But this is not about me.

This is about..........


So tell me how you would handle this. How will you jettison Dak? How will you replace him? How about the fact this team has been built and waiting on the perfect drafted guy will take several seasons? How will you reconcile that?

Truthfully not interested in your assessment of Dak. We can assume here if you actually respond to this you want him gone and you have your reasons

Tell me your plan. Vegas might not take action on anyone really having a plan. I think this is merely grousing.

But you are the GM with the team in its current situation.

How and where do you find the QB you think is a winner and how will you fit that guy into the cap.

Step up to the microphone. Let's hear it.
#1. Put the non exclusive franchise tag on Dak. Someone offers two 1sts, you consider taking it.
2. Shut up. For Pete's sake. Don't talk to media at all, aside from maybe some general blather.
3. Talk to Dak privately, let him know you value what he is and what he brings to the table, and discuss w/ him what he'd like around him.
4. Let Dak play under the tag if he has unreasonable contract demands.
5. If Dak plays lights out at the team wins 12 games and makes the NFC champ game and he doesn't stink in that game, it's time to acquiesce to his demands. If not, you tag him again and go through it again.

Dak has not played at a level deserving of the contract he is demanding. If he continues and shows no improvement in the next 2 seasons, time to move on. Unfortunately. I like Dak and would rather he stay here, but giving him a huge contract if he continues to have mediocre results would hurt this franchise for years upon years.

Very touchy situation w/ no clear answer. And w/o being in on the meetings and not knowing what's been offered and said and all that jazz, there's really no way to really say what one would do.


Lucky Devil
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Well, they should have paid him at the earliest opportunity. Now it's too late.

Like the earlier metaphor, he's a Camaro that wants to be paid like a Bugatti.


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I’d probably move on after this season. Paying him 38 million in 2021 is going to be a huge cap detriment to signing any new players. It’s pretty clear a long term deal is a pipe dream at this point. Dak just thinks he’s worth more than the Jones’ do. Stuff happens.

I’d sign Dalton for 2021 and look at having DiNucci ready by 2022.


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I don't think anyone thinks Dak stinks, it's just that he needs a full compliment around him to be successful.....if for this year you could have Dak or Aaron Rodgers behind center, who would you take and it shouldn't require a second of thought, you'd take Aaron Rodgers.....if you wouldn't, then clearly you're watching Dak through rose colored glasses
Aaron Rodgers is at that age where he could be regressing sharply. May not be so clear as you think. Rodgers was very mediocre last season and has not played at an elite level since 2016.

And Rodgers is under contract for the next 2 seasons. What are you proposing we give up to get him?


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Well, they should have paid him at the earliest opportunity. Now it's too late.

Like the earlier metaphor, he's a Camaro that wants to be paid like a Bugatti.
Dammmmmmitttt. They tried to pay him. Are you saying they should have strapped him to a table and forced his hand to sign?


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The first thing I'm asking if I am the GM of the Cowboys is how much am I getting paid and for how long?? Sound familiar??


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I’d probably move on after this season. Paying him 38 million in 2021 is going to be a huge cap detriment to signing any new players. It’s pretty clear a long term deal is a pipe dream at this point. Dak just thinks he’s worth more than the Jones’ do. Stuff happens.

I’d sign Dalton for 2021 and look at having DiNucci ready by 2022.

I Have said that their is most definitely a ceiling to what we can pay him and be competitive for sure, But if we don't we better get that defense up to speed quick with some sure fire FA's that are no miss, any QB we have not seen start in the NFL could very easily not take care of the ball the way Dak has.


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I Have said that their is most definitely a ceiling to what we can pay him and be competitive for sure, But if we don't we better get that defense up to speed quick with some sure fire FA's that are no miss, any QB we have not seen start in the NFL could very easily not take care of the ball the way Dak has.
I know. Not an easy situation by any means.

If we let Dak go and can't find another, but Dak wasn't taking us there anyway, is letting him walk a bad move?


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Dammmmmmitttt. They tried to pay him. Are you saying they should have strapped him to a table and forced his hand to sign?

Jerry dragged his feet when it came to paying Dak.

Signing his franchise QB should have been Jerry’s top priority since Dak is the most important player on the team. Jerry of all people should have realized that.

Why did Jerry wait until after the season started to say a deal was “imminent”? It should have been imminent before then.

Mismanagement 101.


Cowboys Diehard
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Dak is a QB who is, evidently, a work in progress, somewhat similar to what Romo was, in the past. A typical pro QB requires time to become his ideal self. Oftentimes, it might take several years or more to arrive at their peak performance. Romo was one of those and I think perhaps Dak might well be one of those, as well. Let's see what the future holds, lest we arrive at an anxious perspective that may or may not do him justice. ;)
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I have read the posts. I believe them to be unreasonable. But that's me. I am still in a show me state. But I am patient and believe good things are ahead for Dak. But this is not about me.

This is about..........


So tell me how you would handle this. How will you jettison Dak? How will you replace him? How about the fact this team has been built and waiting on the perfect drafted guy will take several seasons? How will you reconcile that?

Truthfully not interested in your assessment of Dak. We can assume here if you actually respond to this you want him gone and you have your reasons

Tell me your plan. Vegas might not take action on anyone really having a plan. I think this is merely grousing.

But you are the GM with the team in its current situation.

How and where do you find the QB you think is a winner and how will you fit that guy into the cap.

Step up to the microphone. Let's hear it.

When you find the right quarterback- and you have to know what you're looking for- everyone else will pale in comparison.
Dallas didn't know what to look for, and wasted Kellen Moore.
Now they have to find another one.
But, getting rid of Dak is easy once you accept that we have seen his ceiling and it isn't high enough.
He chokes when the pressure is on.
I like Dak and would love for him to be the guy, but he isn't.
Like it or not, the Cowboys are already hunting for another quarterback-whether or not they know it yet.
They had better get some value for him in a trade, but they screwed that up, too.
He should have been tagged with the non-exclusive tag, and maybe another team would have bitten.
Now they have him believing he has done enough to be worth more than he is, and signing him is going to be hard to do- therefore trading is hard to do.
Use him this year and give him the non-exclusive tag, and hope for the best.
But, he's not "the guy".


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Dak is a QB who is, evidently, a work in progress, somewhat similar to what Romo was, in the past. A typical pro QB requires time to become his ideal self. Oftentimes, it might take several years or more to arrive at their peak performance. Romo was one of those and I think perhaps Dak might well be one of those, as well. Let's see what the future holds, lest we arrive at an anxious perspective that may or may not do him justice. ;)
I agree. Problem is, what do we pay him while we wait? He won't be reasonable, so now what?


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Jerry dragged his feet when it came to paying Dak.

Signing his franchise QB should have been Jerry’s top priority since Dak is the most important player on the team. Jerry of all people should have realized that.

Why did Jerry wait until after the season started to say a deal was “imminent”? It should have been imminent before then.

Mismanagement 101.
He didn't wait. Dak wouldn't negotiate. He insisted on a maxed out contract.


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I didn't want him gone at first, but now I believe the time to pay him has past. I am not paying Corvette prices for a Chevy Camaro. Maybe that would make me a bad GM, I don't know. And I like Camaros, one of my favorite sports cars. The year to pay him was after 2018, not wait until he's worth the most possible money, and then pay him because you can't imagine a replacement.

We have on the roster right now a bridge quarterback. I'd probably try to trade up in the first round next season for a QB. Who's available will depend on how far. There's a big difference between a rookie contract and what Dak wants. If you're going to pay Dak, you have to be sure he's worth the difference. I don't think so right now. And who knows? Sometimes quarterbacks like Nick Foles can win a Super Bowl.
So you want to put a rookie QB in the starting lineup because he will be way cheaper than Dak?

And your answer to how effective he will be is "you never know'?

Despite the fact that no rookie quarterback in the 54 year history.....104 teams....has ever started a Super Bowl?.....and only 4 have ever started, and obviously lost, a conference championship game?

As reassuring as your answer is, we are talking about a 2 or 3 year window before salary cap and contract issues subtract from the Cowboys talent pool. This rookie QB would have to immediately perform at a very high level for the Cowboys to succeed and for our great trio of WR's to even be relevant.

What level of performance by this rookie QB would make you feel confident about his future as a franchise quarterback?

How about if that QB sets a rookie record for passer rating and completion percentage, would that satisfy you? What about throwing in the most wins in NFL history for a rookie starting quarterback, would that be enough? It might build up his confidence if he didn't throw any interceptions in his first five starts or would that be a tad unrealistic? He'd have to stay healthy of course, what about if he starts all 16 games, would that complete the kind of rookie QB we are looking for in the draft? Yes, of course, we forgot about mobility and the advantages of a QB running with the ball. as a rookie, I'm sure he'll need that.

C'mon, now. Let's be serious for a moment, okay? When has a team ever found a guy like that? We're just going to have to come up with a different plan. Any other ideas?


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Dak doesn't stink. He's just not worthy of a huge percentage of the cap. He's average to slightly above in this league. Pay him like he can carry a team, and watch your championship hopes go up in flames.


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Jerry dragged his feet when it came to paying Dak.

Signing his franchise QB should have been Jerry’s top priority since Dak is the most important player on the team. Jerry of all people should have realized that.

Why did Jerry wait until after the season started to say a deal was “imminent”? It should have been imminent before then.

Mismanagement 101.
Jerry offered more than Russell Wilson. He isn't worth that.

How is that dragging his feet?


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Dak doesn't stink. He's just not worthy of a huge percentage of the cap. He's average to slightly above in this league. Pay him like he can carry a team, and watch your championship hopes go up in flames.
I"m afraid I'm on this same page. While I might think a little more of him than you do, we're pretty close. Above average. 8-12 range.


Cowboys Diehard
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I agree. Problem is, what do we pay him while we wait? He won't be reasonable, so now what?

Dak and his agent haven't been appreciably reasonable in the past, imho. There's nothing to do other than to wait and hope good faith between our FO, Dak and Todd France might progress far more admirably in the future. I was horrified by what I saw developing of their negotiating sessions in their recent attempts to arrive at a mutually acceptable contract. They acted like children, stubbornly dead set upon getting their way. I'm hoping for more determined efforts to compromise enough to come to agreeable terms. Otherwise, both parties lose. Nobody with sound thinking wants that.
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So you want to put a rookie QB in the starting lineup because he will be way cheaper than Dak?

And your answer to how effective he will be is "you never know'?

Despite the fact that no rookie quarterback in the 54 year history.....104 teams....has ever started a Super Bowl?.....and only 4 have ever started, and obviously lost, a conference championship game?

As reassuring as your answer is, we are talking about a 2 or 3 year window before salary cap and contract issues subtract from the Cowboys talent pool. This rookie QB would have to immediately perform at a very high level for the Cowboys to succeed and for our great trio of WR's to even be relevant.

What level of performance by this rookie QB would make you feel confident about his future as a franchise quarterback?

How about if that QB sets a rookie record for passer rating and completion percentage, would that satisfy you? What about throwing in the most wins in NFL history for a rookie starting quarterback, would that be enough? It might build up his confidence if he didn't throw any interceptions in his first five starts or would that be a tad unrealistic? He'd have to stay healthy of course, what about if he starts all 16 games, would that complete the kind of rookie QB we are looking for in the draft? Yes, of course, we forgot about mobility and the advantages of a QB running with the ball. as a rookie, I'm sure he'll need that.

C'mon, now. Let's be serious for a moment, okay? When has a team ever found a guy like that? We're just going to have to come up with a different plan. Any other ideas?

Very well said.

Dak set the ceiling for what a rookie QB in the NFL can accomplish since he had the greatest rookie QB season in NFL history.

I don’t much like our chances of getting that kind of production again from a rookie, even with a #1 pick.