FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

Another warm weekend (high 80's to low 90's) and I am once again teaching scuba.

BUT WAIT (I used to love the "but wait" comment from TV infomercial)... Next Tuesday, the temperature drops to the mid-20's and there is a 70% chance of SNOW. In the 5+ years we've lived in CO, this is the earliest I remember snow.

BUT WAIT... Temperatures return to near perfect 60's and 70's on Wednesday

I like the way Mother Nature messes with us just to remind us who is really in charge.

As the shadows grow a bit longer in the afternoon, the trees take on their fall colors and the temperatures begin to drop, I can't help but smile.. Fall is my favorite time of the year.

Have a good weekend everyone
Morning Pops and Happy Sunaturday to one and all. I could make something naughty out of that word and will not because you know I could. Oh yes you do!

Sunaturday doesn't come but twice a year for sure and this is one of them and it is magical. But don't go showing up at church because preachers don't buy Sunaturday's.

You all deserve a Monday off even though it's a day for Labor, never made sense to me. I prefer Goof Off Day but of course I would. This holiday is one of my favorites because it's on a Monday and has nothing attached to it.

However, I do want a moment of silence for our poor unfortunate souls in the Northeast where they have the silliest thing in the world, grilling season. Yes, they can only cook out tomorrow and then they must put it back in the garage until Memorial Day weekend when they rejoice over the next grilling season. Poor things.
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

Another warm weekend (high 80's to low 90's) and I am once again teaching scuba.

BUT WAIT (I used to love the "but wait" comment from TV infomercial)... Next Tuesday, the temperature drops to the mid-20's and there is a 70% chance of SNOW. In the 5+ years we've lived in CO, this is the earliest I remember snow.

BUT WAIT... Temperatures return to near perfect 60's and 70's on Wednesday

I like the way Mother Nature messes with us just to remind us who is really in charge.

As the shadows grow a bit longer in the afternoon, the trees take on their fall colors and the temperatures begin to drop, I can't help but smile.. Fall is my favorite time of the year.

Have a good weekend everyone
NO LIKES FOR YOU!!....at least, not from me........for this post.
Afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I think a lot has been going on, but I can't seem to remember much of it. One of my cousins and her four large dogs is staying with momma because Laura took her electricity out. In the beginning, momma was over the moon. She's not as enthusiastic as she started out being. The Old English Bulldog is terrified of storms and we've had some doozies. Over the last few days, we had an unusual storm that just seemed to be nature venting at us. Crazy lightning and obnoxious thunder. Not one thing relaxing about this. I was like "Holy Crap! Let me look outside while it still looks familiar.". Now the sun is shining, blue skies and the lush trees are all still.
NO LIKES FOR YOU!!....at least, not from me........for this post.
I die a little on the inside every fall. I honestly try to block out winter because all we see are skeletons for trees. The days shorten and they screw with our clocks again. Misery!
Seen that on the news. Was thinking of you. Crazy weather.

You really hit home with this one... My wife accuses me of channeling the father figure in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Instead of spraying Windex on everything, (apparently) I pull out the vacuum at the merest hint of dust. Hey, you can never be too clean... as my father used to tell me, "... if you can't be smart, at least be clean".

Morning, Pops and peeps. The wee ones are back in school today but because of some teachers thingamajig going on they get another 4 day weekend next week. At least I get three days to rest up before the mayhem. (My boomerang daughter and 2 kids live with us.) Have a good day, Y'all
Morning Pops and friends, and welcome back to the grind...or for those of you who no longer need to wake up before you want to, I'm flipping you the bird.
Sorry, missed this as I was lazing about the bed and didn't even want to expend energy on a yawn but I have planned on a stretch around 2pm today, right before my nap.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who have come in to check out the thread.

I hope everybody had a great long weekend! I am hopeful that everybody had a chance to recharge the batteries, so to speak, with the long weekend. It was a relatively quiet weekend for us, here. We had the boys on Friday, then they spent the night on Saturday, or should I say, they spent the day and a lot of the night shopping with my Wife and Daughters, and were finally brought home around 7:30 PM to see Grandpa. So, they were put through a good 6 hours of shopping and I know there has to be some kind of child protective law against something like that! This is where you need a Union or something. A Grampa's Union to protect the rights of little boys who are forced to spend to much time shopping, not enough time playing in the mud! Anyhow, they did get home and so there was just about enough time for them to go out and jump on the Tramp for a hour and a half or so, enough time to Grill up some dogs and get some chips together and some Mac and Cheese. Not a great dinner but a good one for hungry boys. Got them squared away with a bath and put up the tent in the Front Room, where they watched "Spies In Disguise" and fell asleep. On Sunday, we had the littlest Grandson come over, while ABQJr took a ride up to the Crest. We had fun playing cars and generally doing nothing but chasing dogs and playing hide and seek so it was a good morning for us. Yesterday, we did not do much, which was OK.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, all you guys have a good weekend?

Back to work today, gotta get things rolling again. Chime in and let us know what kind of trouble all of you got yourselves into and out of this long weekend.

Everybody, have a great work week, it's a short one so we will be back to Friday relatively soon this week! Hoping everybody is off to a great start! But just to get you guys going, here is a tune for you all to start the work week with.

Here are The Pretenders - Back On The Chain Gang


Xelda fights mornings and mornings win every time. They get a head start on me.

Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles! I'm on my second shot of caffeine today which I really try to avoid, but today is special. I'm going to be awake today and who knows where that will lead. I hope everyone felt joy this past weekend even if it was just a little bit. I am burying my head in the sand and ignoring the change in temperature (which is a shock to those of us in the South). I went outside for a minute yesterday and had to move my plants farther from the house as the planet is shifting. I believe that's nature's demand for football. Who could blame her?
Good morning Pops,

It's snowing... Don't really have anything else to add on this fine end-of-summer day.
Colorado is begging you to stay. I call that shameless.
You didn't need to add that!!! A pox on your house!!!
That was particularly harsh on us, the leaf lovers.
Morning, Pops and peeps. The wee ones are back in school today but because of some teachers thingamajig going on they get another 4 day weekend next week. At least I get three days to rest up before the mayhem. (My boomerang daughter and 2 kids live with us.) Have a good day, Y'all
Yah mon! Time to spend a couple of months checking on your other home.
Sorry, missed this as I was lazing about the bed and didn't even want to expend energy on a yawn but I have planned on a stretch around 2pm today, right before my nap.
I'm jealous.

Thank you, ABQ! Not a bad song to start the week to.

Have a respectable Tuesday everyone and get extra nap time for me, Coach. We will call it beauty sleep and dare anyone to question it.
Xelda fights mornings and mornings win every time. They get a head start on me.

Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles! I'm on my second shot of caffeine today which I really try to avoid, but today is special. I'm going to be awake today and who knows where that will lead. I hope everyone felt joy this past weekend even if it was just a little bit. I am burying my head in the sand and ignoring the change in temperature (which is a shock to those of us in the South). I went outside for a minute yesterday and had to move my plants farther from the house as the planet is shifting. I believe that's nature's demand for football. Who could blame her?

Colorado is begging you to stay. I call that shameless.

That was particularly harsh on us, the leaf lovers.

Yah mon! Time to spend a couple of months checking on your other home.

I'm jealous.

Thank you, ABQ! Not a bad song to start the week to.

Have a respectable Tuesday everyone and get extra nap time for me, Coach. We will call it beauty sleep and dare anyone to question it.
I agree, a shameless act on the part of mother nature to get us to stay. And if we were not moving to another part of the Rockies, it would work :).
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and visit the thread.

So, hump day already and i think I have, at least, 4 full days of work left before Friday gets here. That's the only down side of a long weekend!

Of course, the good news is that Football Is Back Baby! KC and Mahomeboy tomorrow and the Cowboys on Sunday! You guys excited at all or naw?

What does everybody got going on today? Speak up now, don't be shy.....

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope that all are well and looking forward to the upcoming season!

People, life is still happening for us. All we have to do is live it! Stay strong everybody.

Sadly, I doubt I'll be able to stay up and watch the game on Sunday night. I don't have enough vacation days left to cover every day after a late game, and I don't think I'm so excited yet for the thought of the game being on to keep me awake.

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