FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and Mudville is deep in sorrow today. I actually thought they would win before the game and even after that first Rams drive but when I saw them go for it on 4th and 3, I knew it was over. That's just too special a gift for the Fan Forum to pass up.

And I don't get it either. On the road with a 4th and 3, you go for the 3 points and tie the game. You don't give them a boost with a stop. I think McC wanted to win this too badly and made a Coaching 101 poor decision.
Morning Pops and Mudville is deep in sorrow today. I actually thought they would win before the game and even after that first Rams drive but when I saw them go for it on 4th and 3, I knew it was over. That's just too special a gift for the Fan Forum to pass up.

And I don't get it either. On the road with a 4th and 3, you go for the 3 points and tie the game. You don't give them a boost with a stop. I think McC wanted to win this too badly and made a Coaching 101 poor decision.
Morning Pops and everyone.

Agree 100% CC. I was so pis... ANGRY when they went for that stupid play I shut off the tv. Knew it was over. And what in the actual .... what the heck is up with this already? Are they so full of themselves that they didn’t feel they needed the conditioning during their off season and preseason downtime? Sure shows in the # of injuries and the way they played. Didn’t miss this “morning after” feeling in the off season, and please, please, please no Maureen McGovern sound bites people. Not in the mood.
Nothing like turning the TV to see the resurrected ads of ugly old AR selling insurance. Then to listen to the howls of 'waiting all day for Sunday night' which has gotten exponentially more obnoxious. Finally to watch my beloved Cowboys choke like it's 1999. Al Michaels had to sleep on the couch and Chris in the barn. Dak needs a butt whooping every day until his mind functions normally. I am in a mood!

Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I did a lot of painting yesterday and got the new light fixture up. It's unattractive. Looked cute on Amazon though. Next up, the new faucet. Have a respectable Monday everyone.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I haven't talked about this because I was sort of in shock. My crazy aunt that fell off the roof after a hurricane and broke both legs was told not to climb on anything again. Well, she was on a step stool or something and fell off it breaking another leg. Not that she has three legs, but rebroke one of the ones she has. She was put in the hospital and fell off the bed possibly breaking something else. Her daughter is a whole new level of crazy that moved back into her mom's house and pulled her furniture out of the house and set it on fire. She shot and killed my aunt's dog and started burning other things my aunt is attached to in the house. I don't get close to that side of the family because my aunt tortured me non stop as a kid. So don't think I'm anything like them. I've grieved over everything the daughter is doing.

This past weekend crazy aunt started puking and stopped eating. The hospital had run all manner of blood tests and scans. They couldn't find anything wrong with her. We thought she was trying to die after all that's happened. They were going to put her in the loony toons section of the hospital but decided to run another test and found out the gall bladder was ready to explode. She had surgery and will probably enjoy some nasty hospital food now. It was a fog all around me thinking that one of my relatives was slowly committing suicide. Once daddy asked me why I didn't get along with my sister (different crazy) since my momma can get along with her sister and she's bat sheet crazy.

Don't think I don't see y'all looking at me funny now. Anyway, have a good Tuesday everyone.
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

I'm a bit melancholy this morning. The home is an organized mess with all the packing and tomorrow, we head back to Montana with another load of household goods. As much as I am looking forward to new adventures in Montana, can't help but be a bit sad to leave this area.

This morning, it hit me - I may have taught my last scuba class this past weekend. Oh, I'll continue to dive for fun as long as the mind and body hold up, but is unlikely I will teach in Montana. I will miss the look of wonderment the first time a new diver descends or the the shared feeling of accomplishment when a new instructor is run through their paces.

Here's to a great hump day!
X Girl, we do not choose our own blood relatives but we can choose our family and I choose you as my crazy sister, only crazy in a fun way. I shall dub thee my nutty wacky sister.

Colo, change doesn't get any easier for us as we gracefully age. You are off to a new adventure with those wild turkeys to be replaced by man eating sheep. Oh, they look innocent enough with their teeth filed down to flat surfaces but that just takes them longer to chew. They love shepherd pie.

It is yet again another Wonderful Wednesday and I think nicknaming these days makes them seem more inviting, more navigable but I think I am just fooling myself, which I am very good at. Ya can't fool other people until you can fool yourself.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in today.

Been absent the last few days, my apologies folks.

Xelda, sounds like you got your hands full. That's a tough one, don't have any good advice there except to say, hang in there.

Sunday was kind of meh...... I don't have many real high aspirations for the season so I hope that translates into no real downs either. It's just good to have some Football to watch but gotta be honest, I hope the games get more exciting. Was all I could do not to nod off to sleep in the second half last Sunday!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope life is treating you all well.

Half way through the week and the Wife is headed out to California to pick up another dog. No, it's not our dog (at least not yet), it's my inlaws dog. They are paying 800 bucks for a dog they have to pick up in California but man, I have a hard time wrapping my head around this kind of thing. People pay that much to go pick up a dog half way across the country, that you've never seen. The world is a funny place these days.

So, long story short, she'll probably be back on Sat or Sun. IDK, I guess it's kind of whatever.....

Everybody, hope you all have a great day today!
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Montanalo please rest up before the exodus continues. McManna will fall on you at the golden arches so keep an eye out because you'll want to relive your bladder as well. I recommend grapes for road trips. They have enough fluid in them to keep you from drinking and having to make too many Mc stops. If you get sleepy, get uncomfortable and turn on country music. Turn it up if you need to. It will keep you awake until you can get some where to rest. I don't think I'm good at long road trips any more but those are my tips.

Thank you Coachadoodles! I gladly accept the role of sister with honor. (We can tear the honor up later.)

Chin up, ABQ. This virus has altered everything this year and it did it with wretched ease. I should have been foaming at the mouth Sunday night, but I couldn't get excited. I'm sure it will come eventually, but it's just not there yet.

I almost drove across the U.S. to get a dog, but I came to my senses. I'll drive to Dallas for my next dog as soon as my home is back in order. That sing a long play list has worked wonders for motivating me. Linda Ronstadt, Jim Croce, Neil Diamond, ELO, Eagles, Three Dog Night, Journey, Joe Cocker, John (Cougar) Mellencamp, Tina Turner, George Ezra and many more are begging to add my voice to the mix. It's amazing how many great songs are on my iTunes song list.

Have a good Wednesday everyone.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Montanalo please rest up before the exodus continues. McManna will fall on you at the golden arches so keep an eye out because you'll want to relive your bladder as well. I recommend grapes for road trips. They have enough fluid in them to keep you from drinking and having to make too many Mc stops. If you get sleepy, get uncomfortable and turn on country music. Turn it up if you need to. It will keep you awake until you can get some where to rest. I don't think I'm good at long road trips any more but those are my tips.

Thank you Coachadoodles! I gladly accept the role of sister with honor. (We can tear the honor up later.)

Chin up, ABQ. This virus has altered everything this year and it did it with wretched ease. I should have been foaming at the mouth Sunday night, but I couldn't get excited. I'm sure it will come eventually, but it's just not there yet.

I almost drove across the U.S. to get a dog, but I came to my senses. I'll drive to Dallas for my next dog as soon as my home is back in order. That sing a long play list has worked wonders for motivating me. Linda Ronstadt, Jim Croce, Neil Diamond, ELO, Eagles, Three Dog Night, Journey, Joe Cocker, John (Cougar) Mellencamp, Tina Turner, George Ezra and many more are begging to add my voice to the mix. It's amazing how many great songs are on my iTunes song list.

Have a good Wednesday everyone.
What is extra special is that those artists left a space for us to join them in the song. Very accommodating.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I haven't talked about this because I was sort of in shock. My crazy aunt that fell off the roof after a hurricane and broke both legs was told not to climb on anything again. Well, she was on a step stool or something and fell off it breaking another leg. Not that she has three legs, but rebroke one of the ones she has. She was put in the hospital and fell off the bed possibly breaking something else. Her daughter is a whole new level of crazy that moved back into her mom's house and pulled her furniture out of the house and set it on fire. She shot and killed my aunt's dog and started burning other things my aunt is attached to in the house. I don't get close to that side of the family because my aunt tortured me non stop as a kid. So don't think I'm anything like them. I've grieved over everything the daughter is doing.

This past weekend crazy aunt started puking and stopped eating. The hospital had run all manner of blood tests and scans. They couldn't find anything wrong with her. We thought she was trying to die after all that's happened. They were going to put her in the loony toons section of the hospital but decided to run another test and found out the gall bladder was ready to explode. She had surgery and will probably enjoy some nasty hospital food now. It was a fog all around me thinking that one of my relatives was slowly committing suicide. Once daddy asked me why I didn't get along with my sister (different crazy) since my momma can get along with her sister and she's bat sheet crazy.

Don't think I don't see y'all looking at me funny now. Anyway, have a good Tuesday everyone.
Wow, that's...wow. I'm glad you're perfectly sane! You don't know where I live, right?
Thank you, Montanalo! It was a burden that I didn't want to put on anyone else. Too much has been going on with that side of the family and it's been overwhelming at times. She was always abusive towards me, but that doesn't mean I want her to die.
Of course you don't. We all know you're not like that, Darlin'!
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Montanalo please rest up before the exodus continues. McManna will fall on you at the golden arches so keep an eye out because you'll want to relive your bladder as well. I recommend grapes for road trips. They have enough fluid in them to keep you from drinking and having to make too many Mc stops. If you get sleepy, get uncomfortable and turn on country music. Turn it up if you need to. It will keep you awake until you can get some where to rest. I don't think I'm good at long road trips any more but those are my tips.

Thank you Coachadoodles! I gladly accept the role of sister with honor. (We can tear the honor up later.)

Chin up, ABQ. This virus has altered everything this year and it did it with wretched ease. I should have been foaming at the mouth Sunday night, but I couldn't get excited. I'm sure it will come eventually, but it's just not there yet.

I almost drove across the U.S. to get a dog, but I came to my senses. I'll drive to Dallas for my next dog as soon as my home is back in order. That sing a long play list has worked wonders for motivating me. Linda Ronstadt, Jim Croce, Neil Diamond, ELO, Eagles, Three Dog Night, Journey, Joe Cocker, John (Cougar) Mellencamp, Tina Turner, George Ezra and many more are begging to add my voice to the mix. It's amazing how many great songs are on my iTunes song list.

Have a good Wednesday everyone.
Yesssssssss. Sister. I live in the backhills of Luckenbach, where "sister" often takes on a different role!!!
Thank you, Montanalo! It was a burden that I didn't want to put on anyone else. Too much has been going on with that side of the family and it's been overwhelming at times. She was always abusive towards me, but that doesn't mean I want her to die.
Sounds to me like she needs a blanket party w/ soap in a sock. We'll chant "Be nice to Xelda, be nice to Zelda....." the whole time.
Morning, Pops and peeps. My youngest daughter is getting married (for the 3rd time) Saturday. I think she picked a good one this time. My oldest is coming in today from California for the wedding. It will be delightful to have the whole family together for a few days. I had a wonderful round of golf yesterday, except for four out-of-bounds shots that result in a two-stroke penalty each.

Y'all have a wonderful day.
Morning, Pops and peeps. My youngest daughter is getting married (for the 3rd time) Saturday. I think she picked a good one this time. My oldest is coming in today from California for the wedding. It will be delightful to have the whole family together for a few days. I had a wonderful round of golf yesterday, except for four out-of-bounds shots that result in a two-stroke penalty each.

Y'all have a wonderful day.
Third time is the charm... As they say.

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