The Red Rifle Appreciation Thread

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Go Seahawks!!!
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Congrats to the Cowboys and Andy, but we all know you would NEVER have done this for Dak!

So take your bragadocious haterade someone else buddy.
No, he used to rake Dak over the coals for a win like this. Defense won this game. They scored and provided the offense with short field after short field and the game was still in the balance in the middle of the 4th quarter.

Not only that, Dalton didn’t pass for 200 yards, dinked and dunked, missed open receivers, and threw a should be interception.

Any Dak hater praising Andy for this game is doing it for one of 2 reasons and one of them is Tony Romo.
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America's Cowboy

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No, he used to rake Dak over the coals for a win like this. Defense won this game. They scored and provided the offense with short field after short field and the game was still in the balance in the middle of the 4th quarter. true!

Andy passed for 185 yards but got a win. Willie praises Andy.

If Dak had passed for 300+ yards and got a win, Willie would definitely have been here bashing Dak how stats mean nothing but instead how the Defense won this game (as you mentioned).



Go Seahawks!!!
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24,485 true!

Andy passed for 185 yards but got a win. Willie praises Andy.

If Dak had passed for 300+ yards and got a win, Willie would definitely have been here bashing Dak how stats mean nothing but instead how the Defense won this game (as you mentioned).

Not to mention Cincy is one of the worst teams in the league. I don’t want to bash Andy but want to point out the hypocrisy.


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So instead of enjoying the W, you spew irrational hate towards our fearless leader :muttley:

Its obvious you are a Dak-Fan and not a Cowboy fan
WillieB......seems like a taste of the Zeke/Jaylon Smith customary board responses, that's all. Love your posts, but you lost me on the fearless leader part. It is a much needed win to enjoy though, for a change.

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I started Cooper in my fantasy league. He was wide open twice for TD's. Twice! So yeah thanks Dalton. At least you got him for one TD.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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dak is going to cost us a lot. we can win with dalton is what i mean. cheaper. he has made the playoffs often. now looking, maybe dalton just needs better coaching. has he EVER had a good coach?

Some of you are trying really hard to convince yourselves Dalton is something he is not.

I'm not interested in paying 35-40 million for Dak, but don't tell me Dalton is the answer.


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Okay, if Dalton signs with another team next season, we get a comp pick right? So even the guys that don't like him and/or are on team tank should be rooting for him to do as well as possible to increase the chances of another team wanting to sign him. Personally, I think he's an average bus driver at this point. He's not great, but he's not terrible.

That means nearly everyone should be rooting for him to do well:

1) Those that want wins. The better the QB does, the more they are likely to win
2) Dak fans, who it should not matter if Dalton does well or not since Dak will remain the QB for the Cowboys unless he doesn't want to be. It gets a comp pick for the team if Dalton signs elsewhere
3) Team Tank: Gets us a comp pick and him doing well doesn't mean wins...just means he does well and is likely to get signed by a team desperate for a QB....yielding another draft pick.
4) People who don't think another team will sign him, which just means we likely have a competent backup behind Dak next season.

The people that don't want him to do well:

1) People who personally hate Dalton.
2) People who are insecure enough in Dak's ability that anyone else doing good somehow threatens Dak's position. (Which is kind of laughable.)

So to Dalton I say: Great bus driving. Keep it up!


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Well, at least he didn’t drive the bus into a ditch.

Way to go, Andy! :):rolleyes:;)
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