Richard Sherman arrested, denied bail

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Except, when confronted, RS fought the police to the extent that a canine unit was called in. This isn't a run of the mill DV.
Maybe or the press on cops has been at a fever pitched so they let loose the dogs of war instead.


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My mother and father were once having an argument in the car. It got heated so my father was speeding and driving noticeably erratic. Cop pulls them over. My mother says to the officer that walked up to the car, "Officer, don't mess with my husband when he's been drinking". I know it sounds comical but it's a true event. This actually happened. He wasn't drinking BTW.

Look, I know woman can lie, say things they shouldn't say, and get guys in trouble. But lets not pretend this comes out of nowhere. We all know our partners and significant others. We know what buttons to push and we often push them. So lets not cry about it when one gets the upper hand. All is fair in love and war. We ultimately make our own beds.

Risen Star

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My mother and father were once having an argument in the car. It got heated so my father was speeding and driving noticeably erratic. Cop pulls them over. My mother says to the officer that walked up to the car, "Officer, don't mess with my husband when he's been drinking". I know it sounds comical but it's a true event. This actually happened. He wasn't drinking BTW.

Look, I know woman can lie, say things they shouldn't say, and get guys in trouble. But lets not pretend this comes out of nowhere. We all know our partners and significant others. We know what buttons to push and we often push them. So lets not cry about it when one gets the upper hand. All is fair in love and war. We ultimately make our own beds.

What are you saying here? That it's okay for a woman to lie to get the upper hand?


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What are you saying here? That it's okay for a woman to lie to get the upper hand?

Don't cry foul when you're at war. Sometimes anything goes and the gloves come off. People need to realize this.

Risen Star

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I saw my parents get violent once and I mean really bad. It's tough to watch a parent get pummeled while you stand there helpless as a child unsure of what to do.

Finally in desperation I yelled out "Mom, that's enough!" and by the grace of God she stopped.


Junior College Transfer
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For DV reasonable doubt means nothing to get locked up for the night. Many DVs fall a part once they get weighed against reasonable doubt, but the stigma that Bob got spend the night in Jail lasts forever.

There has got to be a plausible reason why an agitated Sherman was found outside his ex's home at 2 a.m.

Risen Star

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Don't cry foul when you're at war. Sometimes anything goes and the gloves come off. People need to realize this.

So when there's a heated non physical argument at home, the cops are called and the woman lies and says it was a physical assault you shouldn't cry foul because you're at war?

Is this what you're saying?

Does she give you an extra hour of TV at night for saying stuff like this?


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I am shocked the article did not say, Richard Sherman, potentially a Dallas Cowboy, was arrested for burglary domestic violence. Sherman, another in a long line of Dallas Cowboy players who have been arrested, Michael Irvin, ect......

The press is evidently getting lazy now. One would think they would have a paragraph saved where they could copy and paste it into any future article linking a pro ball player to the Cowboys.

In late breaking news, Megan Rapinoe was arrested today for domestic violence. The Olympic women's soccer player, who could never be a Dallas Cowboy, but Jerry Jones is quoted as saying, "I think she could be a safety. We don't actually draft safeties, but she could be a free agent for the Cowboys." /sarcasm


Outta bounds
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So when there's a heated non physical argument at home, the cops are called and the woman lies and says it was a physical assault you shouldn't cry foul because you're at war?

Is this what you're saying?

Does she give you an extra hour of TV at night for saying stuff like this?
It’s wrong. There should be consequences for a woman who cries wolf about this kind of stuff.

Obviously, if the guy is proven to have been abusive, then throw the book at the guy… but women do sometimes lie about it to weaponize the police against a man. Those women should get in trouble if they’re proven to have lied.

It happened to me (sort of) although I never did get charged.


Captain Catfish
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no doubt, your correct. It stinks that its that way, but its the day and age we are in. Facts be damned as they say. Look at the daily news cycle for example. Most of it is feelings and opinion by those providing us "the news" ..and its not factual. Its gone off the deep end. I hope Sherman is innocent then he can sue the hell out of the sports reporters and the virtue signalers on TV and radio for slander. My gut however, says he is likely done, his goose is cooked. We shall see.
If someone wants to ruin you, its just a phone call away.


Safety third
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Dear naíve lad. In most jurisdictions, outside of Iran, N.Korea, and Taliban-controlled areas, there is a little known facet of the law called probable cause.
Yes, Perry, anyone can be accused of DV. But police and magistrates seek proof, first.
An agitated perp outside his ex's home at 2 a.m. may be normal behavior in your family or hood, but in most of the U.S., it is probable cause, argumentum in legal terms.
You must live in W.Virginia is or East Texas, where this type of situation is only a family spat.
When it comes to DV, probable cause comes down to the "victim's" statement.

A friend of mine went through this a couple years ago. Rocky marriage. Wife was cheating. He had enough and told her he wanted a divorce. She called the cops on him. The cops put her in contact with a state funded DV support group. Within an hour the cops showed up with a warrant for his arrest, confiscated his firearms and served him with a no contact order. The truth finally came out but he paid a heavy price. Not the least of which, was the reaction from the town imbeciles, who had him metaphically hanging from the old oak tree, based simply on what they heard at the beauty salon. Much like what we see in this thread, from some.
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