Twitter: Collins has tested 10 a month (passed all)


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I'm a bottom line guy, these players know it is not an option when called into be tested, I don't care if he passed 15 test, fact is when you are called in to take the test you show up and get it done. In not doing so it will likely cost his teammates 5 games without him in the lineup. Again this has nothing to do with past test, it has nothing to do with it being optional, they know the rules and consequences ahead of time. Personally I would love to know the reason behind him not showing to take the test.
Tested 10 times in a month means 2 or 3 times a week. If he was to pass 2 or 3 times in a 7 day period then that's enough.


Landry Hat
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They should have given him advanced notice that he was at the limit before they suspended him. They hit him with a sucker punch instead


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Tested 10 times in a month means 2 or 3 times a week. If he was to pass 2 or 3 times in a 7 day period then that's enough.

That is not how it works and because it does not work that way he is looking at a 5 game suspension. League is not asking they are telling and it is the players responsibility to abide by it or face suspension. I expect players to go get tested when the league calls them to be tested I don't care if the player or fan disagree with it but if it means a player missing 5 games then just do it by not doing it he puts this team in a bind where they will rely on backups.


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they were just testing him for the fun of it because he plays on the dynasty team. o_O


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Lost in this is the leadership of Dak. Dak is supposed to be the leader of the team and he is supposedly good friends with Dak.

Dak most likely knew about the drug use and failed tests and missed tests. Yet, here we are with Collins suspended. A real leader would have chewed Collins out and told him to get his act together and make football a priority over drugs.

Collins failed the team as a player and teammate and Dak failed as a leader of men.

Ask your self what Staubach would have done in this situation. I doubt Romo or Aikman would have did anything different than Dak.

One time in practice after the OL failed to block resulting in a sack, Parcells chewed out Sims. Sims was incredulous and said it was not his fault. Parcells told him it was his fault because the OL did not fear him and that is why they are not blocking well for him.

Dak needs to stop being buddy buddy with Collins and lead Collins. Dak and the team need to ostracize Collins and not even associate on a social basis with him for the next 5 weeks. Do not welcome him back and make an example of him. The team leaders are responsible for culture. Not the GM.

Hollywood Henderson flamed out in Dallas while Staubach was still the starting QB.

This isn't Prescott's fault anymore than it's Tyron Smith's fault. All blame goes to La'el Collins - the guy who didn't follow the policy.


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10 tests a month for roughly a year is RIDICULOUS and borderline harassment. If he had a problem in the past, maybe for a while (6 months or so) but has he? If not, this should be addressed by the NFLPA. 10 x a month, passed them all, and missed 7 with at least a couple when the team was shut down due to Covid protocol? That is insane.

Between this and the blatant missed calls it makes me want to throw my hands up. We have a good team and to get punished for this kind of bull crap is infuriating!


Blame the NFLPA and the players - it's a part of a CBA that they negotiated and agreed to.


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Magic 8 Ball, is there more to this story than just the info that Collins' agent is releasing?


This is the funny part of all of this. The NFL, by the rule of law on the policy, are not allowed to comment about anything other than a player being suspended and the length of said suspension. The player and his agent can say whatever they want, in no ways bound by facts or the truth.


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Hollywood Henderson flamed out in Dallas while Staubach was still the starting QB.

This isn't Prescott's fault anymore than it's Tyron Smith's fault. All blame goes to La'el Collins - the guy who didn't follow the policy.

I agree, that was completely low blow for anyone to hang this on Dak. He is the leader of this team, he is not a baby sitter nor was Roger when as you said Henderson was having issues with drugs. Nor was it Aikman fault or lack of leadership when the Cowboy players purchased the white house to bring women and drugs.


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Hollywood Henderson flamed out in Dallas while Staubach was still the starting QB.

This isn't Prescott's fault anymore than it's Tyron Smith's fault. All blame goes to La'el Collins - the guy who didn't follow the policy.

Was Staubach good friends with Hollywood? I doubt it. Was Staubach aware? You tell me.


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Was Staubach good friends with Hollywood? I doubt it. Was Staubach aware? You tell me.

Dude, you made the assertion that Staubach would have handled it as a leader. It happened on his team to a FAR worse degree, as Henderson was doing cocaine during games, and he didn't (nor was it his responsibility to) prevent it. Staubach and the whole team were completely aware that Henderson was off the rails and had a drug problem, though they likely didn't know how deep he was in trouble. I mean, Henderson got kicked off the team after they lost to Washington on the road in 1979 - you think they didn't know why?

Staubach and Henderson got along. Staubach helped Henderson out after he got out of prison, and Henderson went as far as to say that if he were ever in an alley, and could have one teammate to have his back in a fight, he would pick Roger Staubach.

It's not Prescott's responsibility in any way, shape or form to make sure that La'el Collins is appearing for his drug tests. That's La'el Collins' responsibility, and no one else's.
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I'm assuming he missed it because the frequency of testing is ridiculous. 180 times is well over the top. At some point you would think the league would back off a little bit and let the man live his life.

Sure is unless they have a reason for so many tests. Sounds like he was in the protocol for failing or missing a test before. When a job pays this much I'd take a test everyday and never fail. But that's me.


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Sure is unless they have a reason for so many tests. Sounds like he was in the protocol for failing or missing a test before. When a job pays this much I'd take a test everyday and never fail. But that's me.

Yes we are missing context. I have no idea how the league schedules the test and what hoops players have to jump through. When you are testing 3 times a week I can see that being difficult to coordinate while training, being a husband and father ect. I'm assuming the league shows up at your door and all you have have to do is be there, but I dont know. To me it seems excessive. A couple months would make sense, then back off a bit and be more random. In either case they do what they are allowed to do per contract and the blame for a bad system falls on the union AND players who get themselves into this position.


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Did Collins finish all of his appeals yet and If he has not he should be eligible to play right?


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There has to be more to this….
This is not adding up. There has to be a lot more involved than what the media is reporting. I find it hard to believe that Collins was so irresponsible that he missed seven straight drug tests. I find it hard to believe the league would wait until he missed this many tests before saying something or taking action.


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Does the player get an email or a phone call?

Can the notification be after 10 PM or before 8 AM?

Can a player turn the phone or email off at the movies? Is one expected to not pick up a child from school or leave a doctor’s appointment?

Can a player be serving jury duty?

How long does have a player have to get to the site?

What if the NFL’s tester isn’t there?

How to handle a traffic accident or Dallas traffic?

Is a player tied to his phone 12 months of the year?

What if the player is riding his bike too far from the test site?

Hiking the Appalachian Trail?


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Awesome article....finally someone somewhat calling out The Goon for the piece of S that he is....the Cowboys really need to call a press conference and do something that will get these legit claims of bias out there nationally. Seriously....if I was 78, I'd be going scorched earth the likes never seen before....what more can he do? If The Goon retaliates, its just gonna look like more bias and pettiness....this blatant crookedness cannot keep continuing year after year.
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Well-Known Member
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Awesome article....finally someone somewhat calling out The Goon for the piece of S that he is....the Cowboys really need to call a press conference and do something that will get these legit claims of bias out there nationally. Seriously....if I was 78, I'd be going scorched earth the likes never seen before....what more can he do? If The Goon retaliates, its just gonna look like more bias and pettiness....this blatant crookedness cannot keep continuing year after year.

That isn't "someone". That's a poster on a another website. Plenty of posters here have done the same.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Yes we are missing context. I have no idea how the league schedules the test and what hoops players have to jump through. When you are testing 3 times a week I can see that being difficult to coordinate while training, being a husband and father ect. I'm assuming the league shows up at your door and all you have have to do is be there, but I dont know. To me it seems excessive. A couple months would make sense, then back off a bit and be more random. In either case they do what they are allowed to do per contract and the blame for a bad system falls on the union AND players who get themselves into this position.

Not everyone is tested that often. We don't usually know the details but many cases these guys don't enter these protocols untill they fail multiple tests. That may depend on what substance they fail to take. Either way these tests are scheduled atleast before they enter into substance protocol. It's no one's fault but history missing or failing a test. It's his responsibility to use a Dr that knows what is on the banned list as well. Maybe he had a good reason for missing, hope it was worth missing those 5 game checks too.