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It’s far from a part time job and many leave the game with lifetime physical harm to their bodies
If the players didn’t matter why has no other league not been able to make it
It’s about the players, not the owners

These guys don't understand. AGAIN, NFL football is an entertainment industry. Big bucks in, big bucks out.

Part time job playing a kids game? SO dumb.

And to the poster who's never heard of an employee making more than an owner, now you have. I had commissioned sales reps take home more money than me some years and I owned the company.

EDIT: MANY CEOs take home less than their employees.
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Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
What if teams around the NFL could just sign top players to 1 year Deals??? We harp so much on what players are making, and how they're not living up to the amount of money they are costing the team.

Instead of having a long term commitment, why not 1 year deals, that way if their play isn't up to par, there's no long term attachment!! Your thoughts....
I’m not sure players will go for it. Some may. Majoritywant longevity insurance


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These guys don't understand. AGAIN, NFL football is an entertainment industry. Big bucks in, big bucks out.

Part time job playing a kids game? SO dumb.

And to the poster who's never heard of an employee making more than an owner, now you have. I had commissioned sales reps take home more money than me some years and I owned the company.

EDIT: MANY CEOs take home less than their employees.
Nfl owners do very well
The big money is not in what they carry home each year but in the value of the franchise which are growing at 10-14% a year. That’s huge money
The teams who control their stadiums really do well
Just naming rights can be 20 mil a year
And if you maximize your stadium like Jerry does you make big money
Jerry is a very smart man
He makes more off one concert in ATT than he pays the whole year in rent
Most fans think Jerry owns the stadium but he doesn’t
But he controls it


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What if teams around the NFL could just sign top players to 1 year Deals??? We harp so much on what players are making, and how they're not living up to the amount of money they are costing the team.

Instead of having a long term commitment, why not 1 year deals, that way if their play isn't up to par, there's no long term attachment!! Your thoughts....

Premium players will not sign 1 year deals.

It's the same reason that premium players don't sign for the veteran's minimum.


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Nfl owners do very well
The big money is not in what they carry home each year but in the value of the franchise which are growing at 10-14% a year. That’s huge money
The teams who control their stadiums really do well
Just naming rights can be 20 mil a year
And if you maximize your stadium like Jerry does you make big money
Jerry is a very smart man
He makes more off one concert in ATT than he pays the whole year in rent
Most fans think Jerry owns the stadium but he doesn’t
But he controls it

I didn't say NFL owners don't do well. I said there are many instances of employees making more money than owners.

Fwiw, the current value of a team doesn't translate to a liquid asset.


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It is without question about the owners, without them there is no NFL so hello CFL making a fraction of what they do now.

There are over a 1000 colleges that play football, all those footballers would love to play pro football, never be a shortage of players.

First Bill WR to have a 1000 yard season, Blufton's Elbert "Golden Wheels" Dubenion. where is Blufton?

You’ve still never laid out a reason why players need to make less.

Give one solid reason why players need to make less or how player salary levels are negatively impacting the league.

the only reason you’ve stated is that “Guys making 40 million is ridiculous”……. Why?


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I didn't say NFL owners don't do well. I said there are many instances of employees making more money than owners.

Fwiw, the current value of a team doesn't translate to a liquid asset.
I know
But it’s much like a stock
It’s value is derived when you sell
The difference is nfl team value never go down
They even rose last year with billions less coming in from local revenue
Not many investments grow at the rate a nfl team grows and none as close to being guaranteed


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My plan would be for every player to receive a base pay that depended on their position and how many years in the league.

They would then begin to accrue bonuses based on their performance and their team's performance. Bonus when you team wins, bonus on individual performance like yardage, big plays, bonus for top ten ranking, bonus for your team making the playoffs and for each level attained.

The great players on winning teams would make the most money, every player would make money based on achievement, not potential or "market value" or degree of desperation. they get paid exactly what they earned.

There would be one big cap instead of each team having their own caps, each franchise would put the same amount into the salary cap and every NFL players base salaries and bonuses would be paid from that cap. This means that the combined salaries for teams won't be equal, the best team would have the highest paid players combined.

It doesn't mean a player on another team can't be paid more. I would think the league MVP would be one of the highest paid as well as top receivers and rushers, top sack leader, etc.

No more agents negotiating, no more overpaid players, if a player feels they are good enough to make 20 million in a year then they won't mind playing at a level that earns that 20 million. It's all in their hands.


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The AFL started out with nothing, so what happened? How has the CFL stayed in business all these years?

Dude, the NFL could shut down today, kick out the union and start hiring new players at half of what they are currently paying. The 2022 the first season of the new NFL, watch what happens. If the current players want to play in the non union NFL ok cool.

Chiefs owner....only paying 20 mill for a QB Patrick

So what are his options, well?
you are so utterly confused...yes they started with the 60s...that's 60 years ago and you still want everything to be the same as it was 60 years ago...times change. rules change. business environment change. is that so hard to understand that the market and business environment today is different than 60 years ago and your comparison of an NFL player to a cashier at walmart is uttely stupid!

....what happened? AFL grew and merged and its the big NFL business that it is today. 60 years later...they make over 8B in annual revenue from TV deals alone. and its about to go to 12-14-16B per year range..this is not the NFL that you are used to when you were 30 or 40 years old.

and yes, the NFL could shut down today and kick the union out and hire new players. absolutely could. in case you were in a coma, it actually did happen. the CBA ended. players went on strike. NFL hired replacement players. it was easy. the product on the field nobody was watching. they weren't making the same revenue....what you miss so badly, you think an olive picker and cashier at walmart are equivalent to an NFL player...a cashier, olive picker is easy to replace. no special skills.....a VP, CFO and CEO aren't easily replced....they have special skills, so they get paid more....a janitor in the cowboys stadium is easily replaced...

so ...its about making money, what makes me the most money. what keeps the most eyes on TV, so I get the bigger TV deal. so I increase my profit. what brings the most fans to the stadium. what keeps me most it Mahomes. or Joe Schmoe who couldn't make it as a PS player in the know XFL tried and failed. they failed several times...the replacement players after players union was an utter failure and it failed misreably. that's why the owners renegotiated and brought the players back....

you really don't understand business do you? you are so utterly lost and the concept I speak of are so above your head, your head is spinning and can't understand the most basic part of it.

sorry. I can't help you...
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I'll go slow, you can do this...


What about that don't you get?

Baltimore Colts, Pittsburgh Steelers, Cleveland Browns were all NFL teams what happened to them when the AFL merged? Hell, where did the Browns come from?

CHANGES....ok guy?
yes. change....they changed for the better...not change for the sake of changing......

you are just aimlessly throwing stuff out there, without rhyme or reason. I bet you have no idea what it is you are arguing. you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. what is your point of all of this? do you even have a point?

like I said, you probably were a complainer at work, who complained about everything and everybody to any ear that would are not a very happy person are you?....
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Man some of you guys thinking the players are winning in this sport is crazy..There are PA's in sports that are winnning..NBA, MLB....not this sport the owners are winning and it is not even close...


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Players should be paid reasonable salaries for what they do. Yah, owners and the franchise should reap the benefits of what they have created and fostered. Players come and go. At the end of the day, its a part time job playing a kids sport.
OMG, you all are so confused and mixing so many concepts, including things that are emotional...

the owners are about making make money they need to put the best product out there. so investing in players is a form of ROI approach to their business. in order to get the best product, they need the players that help put that best product out there. so they needed to make a deal with the players and players union. there was a time when players went on strike. there was no union. the owners brought in replacement players....and the quality sucked. and the owners realized they are not going to make as much money, so they made a deal and brought the best players would watch mahomes...but would you watch joe schmoe who couldn't make it to an NFL practice squad? how much XFL did you watch?

now, some may watch football no matter what...but its not about core fans....they watch any product. but its about the fringe fans and that's how NFL grew its business by bringing in fringe fans. that's why they changed the rules and made it more passing, more big plays, more scoring to attract those fringe fans...the core fans complain about football not being football of the old any more..NFL doesn't care. you as a core fan watch no matter what...but now they have more fans than they did before. they are the most watched. the most talked about sport in US......they make money as a result......

so yeah, owners should benefit. the fact is owners do benefit....they made an investment in the form of 47% of revenue and they get 53% and all they had to do is grow the pie......and the grow the pie they did. to the tune of 8B in revenue that's being shared today (and there are revenues that are not being shared, ala stadium rights, jersey sales, etc.).

players come and go, but the owners need to invest in those players for short periods to maximize their profits....basic business 101.


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You’ve still never laid out a reason why players need to make less.

Give one solid reason why players need to make less or how player salary levels are negatively impacting the league.

the only reason you’ve stated is that “Guys making 40 million is ridiculous”……. Why?
he has no aim. he has no logic. he is a chronic complainer and so he just finds something to complain about so he can have an argument and conversation....we have a few of those in the office....I hate complainers....they don't contribute to the solution. they don't even contribute to finding a problem, as this guy hasn't been able as you asked to even identify what the problem is...he just randomly complains about stuff....I bet he can't answer your question.


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My plan would be for every player to receive a base pay that depended on their position and how many years in the league.

They would then begin to accrue bonuses based on their performance and their team's performance. Bonus when you team wins, bonus on individual performance like yardage, big plays, bonus for top ten ranking, bonus for your team making the playoffs and for each level attained.

The great players on winning teams would make the most money, every player would make money based on achievement, not potential or "market value" or degree of desperation. they get paid exactly what they earned.

There would be one big cap instead of each team having their own caps, each franchise would put the same amount into the salary cap and every NFL players base salaries and bonuses would be paid from that cap. This means that the combined salaries for teams won't be equal, the best team would have the highest paid players combined.

It doesn't mean a player on another team can't be paid more. I would think the league MVP would be one of the highest paid as well as top receivers and rushers, top sack leader, etc.

No more agents negotiating, no more overpaid players, if a player feels they are good enough to make 20 million in a year then they won't mind playing at a level that earns that 20 million. It's all in their hands.
this would create a bit of inequality, where better teams pay more, are able to retain better players vs. teams that don't do so well and thus the good teams dominate...this was similar problem before the salary cap as it is today was put in place, teams like SF, Dallas, NY out spent everybody else and were dominant...they put the cap in place to create competitiveness and they also put in place a rule that each team has to spend 89% of the salary cap...this way some team couldn't just cruise at minimum salary levels and make money from the league (ala baltimore orioles). this has allowed small market teams to be as competitive as the big markets and its made NFL more interesting.....


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OMG, you all are so confused and mixing so many concepts, including things that are emotional...

the owners are about making make money they need to put the best product out there. so investing in players is a form of ROI approach to their business. in order to get the best product, they need the players that help put that best product out there. so they needed to make a deal with the players and players union. there was a time when players went on strike. there was no union. the owners brought in replacement players....and the quality sucked. and the owners realized they are not going to make as much money, so they made a deal and brought the best players would watch mahomes...but would you watch joe schmoe who couldn't make it to an NFL practice squad? how much XFL did you watch?

now, some may watch football no matter what...but its not about core fans....they watch any product. but its about the fringe fans and that's how NFL grew its business by bringing in fringe fans. that's why they changed the rules and made it more passing, more big plays, more scoring to attract those fringe fans...the core fans complain about football not being football of the old any more..NFL doesn't care. you as a core fan watch no matter what...but now they have more fans than they did before. they are the most watched. the most talked about sport in US......they make money as a result......

so yeah, owners should benefit. the fact is owners do benefit....they made an investment in the form of 47% of revenue and they get 53% and all they had to do is grow the pie......and the grow the pie they did. to the tune of 8B in revenue that's being shared today (and there are revenues that are not being shared, ala stadium rights, jersey sales, etc.).

players come and go, but the owners need to invest in those players for short periods to maximize their profits....basic business 101.

Again its crazy how some view this....I can not stress enough how low the % of the profit is going to the salaries in this sport...again Check MLB and NBA if you want to see the PA's that are cap and they literally run the league...NFL the owners got that stuff on lock down and could shut down for a couple years and be just fine..thats why the NFLPA is always pressured to the table and take very small wins to get CBA's done.


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OMG, you all are so confused and mixing so many concepts, including things that are emotional...

the owners are about making make money they need to put the best product out there. so investing in players is a form of ROI approach to their business. in order to get the best product, they need the players that help put that best product out there. so they needed to make a deal with the players and players union. there was a time when players went on strike. there was no union. the owners brought in replacement players....and the quality sucked. and the owners realized they are not going to make as much money, so they made a deal and brought the best players would watch mahomes...but would you watch joe schmoe who couldn't make it to an NFL practice squad? how much XFL did you watch?

now, some may watch football no matter what...but its not about core fans....they watch any product. but its about the fringe fans and that's how NFL grew its business by bringing in fringe fans. that's why they changed the rules and made it more passing, more big plays, more scoring to attract those fringe fans...the core fans complain about football not being football of the old any more..NFL doesn't care. you as a core fan watch no matter what...but now they have more fans than they did before. they are the most watched. the most talked about sport in US......they make money as a result......

so yeah, owners should benefit. the fact is owners do benefit....they made an investment in the form of 47% of revenue and they get 53% and all they had to do is grow the pie......and the grow the pie they did. to the tune of 8B in revenue that's being shared today (and there are revenues that are not being shared, ala stadium rights, jersey sales, etc.).

players come and go, but the owners need to invest in those players for short periods to maximize their profits....basic business 101.

Did you just start out a reply with an OMG? :lmao2::lmao2::lmao:

Cant have the inmates running the asylum. That's bad for business. The players care about one thing and one thing only...........themselves. Owners have the burden of the product on the field and success of the league. They need to take back the power and put the players in their place. Continuing to see these salaries skyrocket is hurting the league.

Distribute the money to the other people in the organizations if need be. The little guy. Paying 4 or 5 guys all the money makes little sense. These guaranteed salaries need to go. Owners sadly are their own worst enemy.
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Again its crazy how some view this....I can not stress enough how low the % of the profit is going to the salaries in this sport...again Check MLB and NBA if you want to see the PA's that are cap and they literally run the league...NFL the owners got that stuff on lock down and could shut down for a couple years and be just fine..thats why the NFLPA is always pressured to the table and take very small wins to get CBA's done.
I think each league is slightly different in how they need to manage their business. NBA is so big star driven, and they have much smaller number of players and play 82 games. MLB has 162 games.....NFL is unique. has highest number of players and only 17 (now) games. owners of all the professional teams would be ok if they shut down....they have enough money...but again, its about investing and seeing returns....if the current players give me the highest return on investment, then what's the best deal for me to do with them to maximize my revenue.....simple business 101.


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Did you just start out a reply with an OMG? :lmao2::lmao2::lmao:

Cant have the inmates running the asylum. That's bad for business. The players care about one thing and one thing only...........themselves. Owners have the burden of the product on the field and success of the league. They need to take back the power and put the players in their place. Continuing to see these salaries skyrocket is hurting the league.

Distribute the money to the other people in the organizations if need be. The little guy. Paying 4 or 5 guys all the money makes little sense. These guaranteed salaries need to go. Owners sadly are their own worst enemy.
the owners care about one thing and one thing only. themselves. why is that so different? now, the owners can take a more long term look at things, given players have about a 4 to 5 year windows (majority, except for a smaller percentage that have longer career)....and what's wrong with players being selfish and want money? strategy for each is different, thus they have to find an equilibrium that makes both happy (or equally unhappy).

and I disagree, both owners and players have the same interest. maximize revenue, because its good for players want to put the best product out there no, its not just owners carrying the burden, the players do too....

and I think there is a power balance based on CBA....and if things change, and the owners feel they can push back and make more....they will. they are not stupid. they are all rich and have made money not just from NFL but from other businesses too. and its not just one owner, there is 32. so you can't say they are dumb for giving in to the players....they have much smarter people working for them on the business side than you and I.....

and why should they spread the money to the others in the organization? I distribute it to those that will give me highest return on my investment....if the other guy in the org. can easily be replaced, then I replace him...for example that's why good GMs demand top money. good coaches demand top money...but scouts may come and go (not all of them obviously)......

I think the business environment and market changes over time and that's why they make agreements and that they come back to negotiating table and redo it.....its not permanent...they do what they think is best for the time and forseeable future. these CBA aren't lifetime. they get redone once every few years....