Winning in spite of McCarthy


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I don't mind being aggressive but it depends on the situation. It would have been nice to be up by 9 instead of 8 at the end of the game. Not sure what chart said to try for 2 instead of kicking the extra point on the touchdown, but we see what that resulted in. Other things he did I wouldn't have, but I can follow the thinking at least. Turning down the personal foul penalty a having a 3 and 12, I could understand except, the second and forever would have had them backup toward their own end zone. I rarely like going for 2, especially early on, but from the 1 with the way they had been running I was OK with it.

He seemed to understand the use of timeouts toward the end of the first half, so there has been growth from last week!


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MM is a placeholder for Moore. The Jones Boyz hired him, because they knew the fan base would revolt if they just handed it to Moore after Garrett. They needed someone to try to rebuild their legitimacy with the fan base after a decade of Carrot Head. They though MM was it: Super Bowl Winner, beat our butts repeatedly in the playoffs, so he had a pedigree. They thought he would be like Parcells, but judging by the reaction here, he is more like Wade Phillips. Everyone knows he is short time. MM himself says it: "I didn't touch the offense." Then it's not sure exactly what he is doing here other than keeping a seat warm.


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Great win today.

That said, let's not gloss over yet another game of McCarthy's mind-numbing time and game management.

There will be folks that will claim all is well because we won, but you can't keep making these bone-headed decisions and it not eventually come back to haunt you.
Actually, this team reminds me a lot of the Packers teams of years past. This team seems to plug in replacements and they play just as good as the starters would have.

MM is not perfect. But I don’t think he is as clueless as many of you think he is. Will he cost us a game at some point? Maybe, but that’s true of every coach.

Give him credit for staying out of KM and DQ’s way and letting them do their thing.


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Great win today.

That said, let's not gloss over yet another game of McCarthy's mind-numbing time and game management.

There will be folks that will claim all is well because we won, but you can't keep making these bone-headed decisions and it not eventually come back to haunt you.
I am not a fan of going for 2 early in the game
I am not a fan of declining a 15 yard penalty
Both McCarthy decisions


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We're going to lose games because of McCarthy.

He's basically holding the seat for Moore. I don't see any way Jerry can justify keeping McCarthy around and losing Moore.

McCarthy is making this such an easy decisions for Jerry.
Jerry doesn’t want to lose kellen and will pay him like a coach salary . He did this with Garrett . But Jerry loves the fact the head coach is not making the shot on personnel or talent acquisition and the fact his head coach has agreed to give up most of his duties . This leaves Jerry be a fully in charge as GM . Jerry is getting the credit for the success this season , and not McCarthy. MM has agreed to everything Jerry wants and does not take any attention away from Jerry . Life is good for Jerry . I don’t see him wanting to mess with this set up unless the team loses , then the head coach has to take the fall . Jerry will tolerate and defend MM in the meantime.


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The only thing I disagreed with today was McCarthy's decision to decline the penalty to make it 3rd and 12 instead of 2nd and 20+

I was fine with everything else he did. The "controversial" calls:

  • Going for 2 after the second TD was the right decision. The ball is moved to the 1 yard line and is usually an easier conversion. NFL teams do this all the time in the same situation - this is not uncommon. When it's early in the game like that, why not? If you convert then you pretty much get a free 2-pt conversion. If not, there's plenty of time left in the game so it's not going to hurt you.
  • Challenging the spot of the ball on 4th and 1 in the 4th quarter. This wasn't a serious challenge - they lined up on 4th and 1 to go for it but more than likely just trying to draw an offsides. Instead of taking a delay of game or timeout, they used up a challenge. If they won the challenge then maybe the new spot of the ball would result in a 1st down. If not, they were going to call a timeout anyway. No risk/high reward challenge.
  • Keeping Diggs out was fine. With a 15 point lead halfway in the 4th, the defense was going into prevent mode with or without Diggs on the field. Even if the Panthers scored, you knew their defense could not stop the Cowboys offense to get the ball back. If this was a different opponent then the strategy is different but it was fine today.


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The only thing I disagreed with today was McCarthy's decision to decline the penalty to make it 3rd and 12 instead of 2nd and 20+

I was fine with everything else he did. The "controversial" calls:

  • Going for 2 after the second TD was the right decision. The ball is moved to the 1 yard line and is usually an easier conversion. NFL teams do this all the time in the same situation - this is not uncommon. When it's early in the game like that, why not? If you convert then you pretty much get a free 2-pt conversion. If not, there's plenty of time left in the game so it's not going to hurt you.
  • Challenging the spot of the ball on 4th and 1 in the 4th quarter. This wasn't a serious challenge - they lined up on 4th and 1 to go for it but more than likely just trying to draw an offsides. Instead of taking a delay of game or timeout, they used up a challenge. If they won the challenge then maybe the new spot of the ball would result in a 1st down. If not, they were going to call a timeout anyway. No risk/high reward challenge.
  • Keeping Diggs out was fine. With a 15 point lead halfway in the 4th, the defense was going into prevent mode with or without Diggs on the field. Even if the Panthers scored, you knew their defense could not stop the Cowboys offense to get the ball back. If this was a different opponent then the strategy is different but it was fine today.

Well almost perfect .


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Bottom line , Diggs did not play because MM did not want Diggs to get injured once the cowboys had the big lead . That would piss off jerry . MM knows Jerry hates losing his stars during garbage time . Remember the way this team handled the preseason preserving the stars as much as possible .


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Why did McCarthy not accept either major penalty against Carolina early that would have backed them up.
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Why did McCarthy not accept either major penalty against Carolina early that would have backed them up.

Even Greg Olsen who was moonlighting as a Carolina cheerleader during the broadcast was like huh *** is McCarthy doing ?
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You all are giving me a headache. Fans "demand" to know why a player was out. Big Mike this and that. Bunch of whining Garrett fan boys.

I expected the usual whiners, but this is becoming a pathetic trend.

Go join a Giants forum so you can cheer for your boy, Garrett.

I am disappointed by what I thought were knowledgeable fans who should be able to see a difference between this team and past years, including the leadership, but really, I shouldn't be surprised at this point.

Go send Garrett your love notes. He needs your hugs and kisses.


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McCarthy is aggressive, sometimes to a fault. But it's a breath of fresh air from the previous coach, who was afraid of his own shadow.
It has only been a short time ago when he was too conservative. I wonder if he has been told to be more aggressive, because he hasn’t been until the last couple of games.


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We probably won't. But we do know Diggs got hurt last game and he was hurt this whole week......I don't get announcing his "time management".....I don't know if its just arrogance or incompetence.
strange enough, they didnt seem to be managing snaps with diggs in the first half. ONly when it appeared the game was a route did Diggs sit...... hmmm


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The Mike disrespect has gone too far, which is ridiculous coming from cowboys fans who watched Jason Garret teams look sloppy and unprepared every week. Mike has had his team prepared and ready with a great game plan for 4 straight weeks now. I know it’s easy to brush him aside because he’s not the OC or DC but Cmon guys let not be dumb. The dudes resume speaks for itself. You don’t luck into that many wins and you’re seeing it right now. When was the last time Cowboys have looked this prepared with a good game plan? When is the last time they could lose 4-7 starters a week and still look really good? The answer is not in a long long time. Give Mike credit

waving monkey

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folks that will claim all is well because we won,
somewhere along the way you have to give credit.
he left a bad taste in my mouth for the Nolan hire [and still does]
if you want to blame him for the TB loss oK
if you dont agree with his clock management ok
if you dont think he is inspiring ok
but we'll win a weak division .He's way better then Garrett
I dont like *****in after a win
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Right! They think we're winning in spite of if we've seen that possible especially under Jerry? Yeah how far did this talent go with Garrett as head coach?

Garrett seemed afraid to try new things that were working across the league.....his old style 90's cowboy ways are almost 30 years old now.....i believe he wasted so much talent...but i am nobody?