Why can't we be happy?


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I’m stoked on this season! This team feels different they’re playing with confidence and belief in one another, and when injuries happen this staff seems to be able to adjust. Those are things we haven’t seen from this team before. I’m excited to see how the rest of this season plays out.

I’d like to see some change in personal when it comes to #52 and #42 and I’d like to see Parsons in on a few more snaps at DE, and I’m curious to see how they’re going to manage Gallup and Wilson’s playing time. I do believe Collins goes back to RT with a possibility of a move to LG to keep Steele on the field as well. I think with Collins suspension and his lack of availability the last couple of years they might use that as some leverage in putting him there. Just a guess not saying it will happen. Hopefully we will see more Cox at LB after the bye as well.

Go Cowboys!


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5-1, could be 6-0 or even 3-3.....I'm happy and excited about our team.....I don't understand all the negatives.....are some of you just being cautiously optimistic, or just negative?
Dak is good, Zeke is good our receivers are good, our
TEs and OL are good, our defense is above average.....we good....
Haven't you learned anything from the last 20 years, or so.....?


Well-Known Member
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5-1, could be 6-0 or even 3-3.....I'm happy and excited about our team.....I don't understand all the negatives.....are some of you just being cautiously optimistic, or just negative?
Dak is good, Zeke is good our receivers are good, our
TEs and OL are good, our defense is above average.....we good....

We started out 11-1 in 2016 and we couldn't even win a single playoff game.


Well-Known Member
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5-1, could be 6-0 or even 3-3.....I'm happy and excited about our team.....I don't understand all the negatives.....are some of you just being cautiously optimistic, or just negative?
Dak is good, Zeke is good our receivers are good, our
TEs and OL are good, our defense is above average.....we good....

You must be new to Cowboys fandom?


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I'm not even going to argue with you. I'm going to let you continue to think that and then when Dak hurts himself trying to play when he has no business on the field, I'm going to hit you up with an "I told you so". You have a chance to do the same if Dak truly is fine.
Lol. I would expect nothing less than a I told you so. I heard there is no muscle tear. But when they said same as Gallup I thought he may miss 2 games. I think he will not be 100%. I think they will lean on the run and keep him in the pocket and perhaps dink and dunk. He has to plant and push off. Hope I am right. We won’t hear for a week or when they start practicing. Game time decision.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Happy is personal. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness.

Posters don't want to be happy or buy in? OK by me. They have their reasons.


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We are happy. Thrilled, in fact. This is the best I've felt about our team in years. But float a comment about player position, or question if we could tweak this area or that, and there are a select few that just lie in wait around here to attack those posts. The same people who ask why we can't be happy, or cry "Go Cowboys" before attacking members in general discussion with "then why aren't you a coach???????" or "Idiot, that will never work!!!!". It's embarrassing, but also the norm. Doesn't impact my enjoyment of this season in the slightest!

Homers are useless for anything but cheerleading.


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Lol. I would expect nothing less than a I told you so. I heard there is no muscle tear. But when they said same as Gallup I thought he may miss 2 games. I think he will not be 100%. I think they will lean on the run and keep him in the pocket and perhaps dink and dunk. He has to plant and push off. Hope I am right. We won’t hear for a week or when they start practicing. Game time decision.
They said they would re-evaluate him on Monday.


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5-1, could be 6-0 or even 3-3.....I'm happy and excited about our team.....I don't understand all the negatives.....are some of you just being cautiously optimistic, or just negative?
Dak is good, Zeke is good our receivers are good, our
TEs and OL are good, our defense is above average.....we good....
I personally have known a number of sports fan who over decades seem to never be satisfied. It could be in their nature to be that way. Or it could be that they like to think they can coach or general manage better themselves and can only use the internet (or bar talk) to manage by proxy because they cant do it in real life.

Another reason you hear negativity is because its not really negativity it is people being perfectionists or at least people assuming you have to keep tweaking and improving to keep streaks alive. Thats what the players and coaches are doing. As soon as the next day after a win their high-fiving is done and they are looking at how to improve. Fans cheer during the game and then during the week they come here to discuss ways to improve. They are just doing what the team is doing.


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The bigger question is, why are you so focused on the small number of posters who are never happy?


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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5-1, could be 6-0 or even 3-3.....I'm happy and excited about our team.....I don't understand all the negatives.....are some of you just being cautiously optimistic, or just negative?
Dak is good, Zeke is good our receivers are good, our
TEs and OL are good, our defense is above average.....we good....
This is an open message board.
We have avowed Eagles' fans chit-chatting up in here and I applaud the few good ones, but we also have about a 15% chatty clientele that likes to actively rile up the board for (usually) their own narcissistic reasons and then that can cause a chain effect.

Thankfully, we have some super-cool posters active up in here and I still have true moments of enjoyment reading this board.

Even though I don't post much anymore (been busy and a few posters were exhausting during the off-season), my love hasn't diminished.