Do the refs really favor Packers/Steelers & scrutinize Cowboys?


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Not a stretch, Marcus. The NO noncall is extreme proof. The stretch in this case is actually not believing/seeing it. I would imagine if you can't see it, then you can see this love child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Got any pics?)

Whoa, extreme proof? Not even close, ksk. Holy Toledo. No, no, no. Extreme proof would be there was an investigation done and in the process it came out that the ref bet on the game, had some other conflicting interest, or was bearing a grudge, etc. Even then he could lie about those things to implicate himself for some unknown reason (like to hide a larger operation). But someone blowing an extremely easy call is not extreme proof, or even simple proof of something nefarious in the slightest. Any number of things could have happened:

1. He simply just wasn't paying attention
2. He had some medical occurrence that caused him to lose concentration
3. He was high on drugs
4. He had an incident with gas and was preoccupied with not pooping his pants
5. He was daydreaming about the hot time he had with a hooker the night before
6. He heard a noise behind him that made him think he was about to get hit by something/someone and diverted his attention
(don't know if there's video of him the whole way but if so, these could easily be disproved)
7. He could have thought he heard a whistle in the crowd, maybe thought the play didn't happen

Every single one of these options are more plausible than what you and others claim was conspiracy, and this was just me brain-storming. There are probably tons more options to consider. This is why these conspiracies are dangerous, especially when people get so tunnel-visioned that they can't see any other possibility but one where they're "being done wrong and need to do something about it." I hope the start to this year at least taught that. I think you need to reconsider the case of that call.


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Well done Mr Bob. One of your best post !!

This post should be saved for every time one of these conspiracy theories arise.

Analysts have said it many times—holding could be called on virtually every play. Remember the 8 game stretch where our opponents didn’t get even ONE holding flag? How about the countless brutal hits on Romo and Aikman. Ever see Brady get hit like that? If you did, there was a game changing flag, right? How many times have we seen a huge play in our favor negated by a subjective penalty? Yeah, it happens to everyone, but so consistently? As far as bias—who’s the most polarizing team? The most despised/resented owner?

I’ve said all along that the vast majority of our failures are on us, and there ARE no secret meetings in smoke-filled rooms with evil bureaucrats, happily plotting our demise. A very small percentage is mostly human error or coincidence, but I’d also wager an agenda to feed the profit monster DOES exist.

If we’re able to win it all this year (or next), watch people scream how things were rigged to aid the Cowboys!

America's Cowboy

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So now you're a ref lover! Are related to a ref? Lol. Hand fighting they allow for the most part but you can't grab a facemask and restrict a receiver from making a break on the ball by doing so.

But I have to laugh at how bad you are at lying in your quote below. If it would have been a 5-yard penalty on 3rd and 3 like Bob said, how would it not be a first down? Your blind lying is so bad it defies logic. Lol. Busted you lying 3 straight times and still you persist. Keep stalking. I know that beatdown was bad but you will NEVER even things up with me. You hear me? "I STILL own you!" Lol.
So you intentionally avoid to address the push off by the Patriots WR who committed the push off before Anthony Brown slightly grabbed his facemask? Had the WR not pushed off, AB would not have had to slightly grab his facemask. You and several others won't admit what is on the very video clip you posted because it would destroy your agenda against AB.

IN OTHER WORDS, you are only here to bash and blame Cowboys players. Clear as day what is your agenda, thus verifying you are not a fan of this team. Go away Packers fan. We see you.


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Analysts have said it many times—holding could be called on virtually every play. Remember the 8 game stretch where our opponents didn’t get even ONE holding flag? How about the countless brutal hits on Romo and Aikman. Ever see Brady get hit like that? If you did, there was a game changing flag, right? How many times have we seen a huge play in our favor negated by a subjective penalty? Yeah, it happens to everyone, but so consistently? As far as bias—who’s the most polarizing team? The most despised/resented owner?

I’ve said all along that the vast majority of our failures are on us, and there ARE no secret meetings in smoke-filled rooms with evil bureaucrats, happily plotting our demise. A very small percentage is mostly human error or coincidence, but I’d also wager an agenda to feed the profit monster DOES exist.

If we’re able to win it all this year (or next), watch people scream how things were rigged to aid the Cowboys!
And if they do scream then I’ll discount their paranoia as well. There simply isn’t any sound evidence or proof to substantiate beyond much more than fans complaints. Imagine the breaking news or investigation that would undertake if there actually was a lead to follow on any kind of conspiracy.

It’s most likely poor officiating and like we have seen in most sports an assumption by referees that the more talented top athletes are more protected .

That’s not an organized conspiracy . It’s merely assuming that if you interfere or impede a star talent there’s a greater probability you were cheating. And why in all sports the big names are more likely to get a more favorable call regardless what sport it is.

It may not always be fair but I think on the most they get most of the calls right . Usually just a handful a game are questionable. There’s never going to be perfection. But unfortunately some of the new rules implemented in recent years are also absurd and have aided in the questionable calls.

Instant Replay has ruined how we over view all of these plays. The TD review is totally absurd. The fact it has to be under microscope is ridiculous. It’s not a game that needs perfection.

But until there is substantiated evidence that there is an organized collusion or intention of a conspiracy even a whistleblower coming forward I’m going to believe it’s more paranoia from fans frustrated with the calls. There’s simply too much to risk for an organized conspiracy by the league to conduct such.

Most likely if there was ever games being rigged , etc it would come from within like from the coaches or players attempting to throw a game . Maybe an isolated official influenced by the organized crime , etc. But eventually it would come out just like with Pete Rose or the 1919 White Sox for example.


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If anyone wants to see a real NFL conspiracy…Roger Goodell announced today he will not make public the investigation regarding the WFT and its harassment allegations.
The NFL simply has too much to lose if there was ever any organized effort of conspiracy or rigging games.

They could lose their non profit status and Anti Trust which protects them from other league competitors enabling their monopoly. Too much to lose for what?


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So you intentionally avoid to address the push off by the Patriots WR who committed the push off before Anthony Brown slightly grabbed his facemask? Had the WR not pushed off, AB would not have had to slightly grab his facemask. You and several others won't admit what is on the very video clip you posted because it would destroy your agenda against AB.

IN OTHER WORDS, you are only here to bash and blame Cowboys players. Clear as day what is your agenda, thus verifying you are not a fan of this team. Go away Packers fan. We see you.

Because there was no push-off. This is your diversion tactic because you initially said there was no facemask, but now that even you can't deny the video of the facemask (being a known video-denying liar), you're pivoting to off-setting fouls to minimize that you had to admit there was indeed a facemask. So now you're arguing a push-off you never mentioned before. And you don't "slightly" grab a facemask in 2 different directions, either.

Again, you'll have to get up way earlier in the day to best me in wordplay, chump. "I STILL own you!"


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So you intentionally avoid to address the push off by the Patriots WR who committed the push off before Anthony Brown slightly grabbed his facemask? Had the WR not pushed off, AB would not have had to slightly grab his facemask. You and several others won't admit what is on the very video clip you posted because it would destroy your agenda against AB.

IN OTHER WORDS, you are only here to bash and blame Cowboys players. Clear as day what is your agenda, thus verifying you are not a fan of this team. Go away Packers fan. We see you.
With all due respect , you bashed Romo for years. What’s the difference?

America's Cowboy

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Because there was no push-off. This is your diversion tactic because you initially said there was no facemask, but now that even you can't deny the video of the facemask (being a known video-denying liar), you're pivoting to off-setting fouls to minimize that you had to admit there was indeed a facemask. So now you're arguing a push-off you never mentioned before. And you don't "slightly" grab a facemask in 2 different directions, either.

Again, you'll have to get up way earlier in the day to best me in wordplay, chump. "I STILL own you!"
There was a push off. You simply lie and lie and lie in order to attack Cowboys players every chance you get. Like I said, we see you and your agenda, Packers fan.

America's Cowboy

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With all due respect , you bashed Romo for years. What’s the difference?
Romo actually committed game costing mistakes and went Hollywood. He actually committed all of that on his own knowing full well it would eventually hurt the team. You and your type simply couldn't handle Romo being called out for such bad actions. Your emotionally invested feelings for the player couldn't accept or handle Romo being called out for his costly decisions.. That's the difference.


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Yup. That is definitely what they mostly are.

However, not all. Calls are made to keep games close now. Because blowouts cost ratings.

The biggest was the NO noncall vs Minny. That noncall was absolutely not even in the realm of being able to be missed. There is simply no way it was missed. So, why was it not called? My best conjecture is that calls are made to keep games close, and have exciting endings. Because I have see this over and over and over. If NO gets that first down, they are then able to run the clock down to nothing and kick the game willing FG. Which the NFL does not want. They want the exciting ending, so they ignore the blatant rules violation, which give Minny time for one last drive. If you drop all biases and look at it from that perspective, then it suddenly comes into focus what they are doing.
This accusation that calls are made to keep games close is totally unsubstantiated. If there was any glimpse of evidence of such there’d be a major investigation.

If there was a league wide conspiracy someone by now would have been a whistleblower. These officials are not paid enough to keep quiet.

Really disappointed such claims from you K. There’s simply so evidence to support a conspiracy with such enormous proportion as you’re implying. None.

Every major casino sports book would have called for an investigation and Congress would have called for an investigation along with state officials and justice department. It would be the largest conspiracy in sports and possible business in the modern era.


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There was a push off. You simply lie and lie and lie in order to attack Cowboys players every chance you get. Like I said, we see you and your agenda, Packers fan.

No, there NEEDS to be a push-off because you can't deny the facemask. We got away with one and it saved the game for us. Don't know why people just can't admit that but that would require you to be honest and we both know that's not happening with you. So I will continue to bust you lying and you'll continue stalking me to try to get even. But that won't happen, sorry.

America's Cowboy

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Ha! Forgot about that. Yes, he was the leader of the unjust Romo-bashing. Now he's Dak's purdy little booster boy.
Difference is I do bash Dak when he does wrong, but I support any Cowboys player who puts the team first as Dak does. You and Greg are some of the many in the old forums who would whine and complain to the mods to banish any posters critical of Romo's team-costing decisions both on and off the field. You thought you were doing the right thing until you all got put in your place by the new female administrator who warned y'all to stop your biased and wrongful bullying.


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Romo actually committed game costing mistakes and went Hollywood. He actually committed all of that on his own knowing full well it would eventually hurt the team. You and your type simply couldn't handle Romo being called out for such bad actions. Your emotionally invested feelings for the player couldn't accept or handle Romo being called out for his costly decisions.. That's the difference.
That’s an opinion . And you were bashing a Cowboys player much like fans are now. You think it’s different because that’s what you believe in but it’s the same.

And you’re just as emotionally involved as they were. Your crap doesn’t smell better than theirs.

America's Cowboy

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That’s an opinion . And you were bashing a Cowboys player much like fans are now. You think it’s different because that’s what you believe in but it’s the same.

And you’re just as emotionally involved as they were. Your crap doesn’t smell better than theirs.
Even Troy Aikman called out Romo on his team costing off-the-field antics, but you go ahead and keep thinking otherwise even now. That's your right. Just remember, I told you so. A few of us told you Romo with his antics and way of thinking would never lead the Cowboys to a conference championship, much less a Super Bowl, and time proved that to be true. You just can't handle that truth.


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Difference is I do bash Dak when he does wrong, but I support any Cowboys player who puts the team first as Dak does. You and Greg are some of the many in the old forums who would whine and complain to the mods to banish any posters critical of Romo's team-costing decisions both on and off the field. You thought you were doing the right thing until you all got put in your place by the new female administrator who warned y'all to stop your biased and wrongful bullying.
Wrong again. I was a critic of Romos. Criticizing Romo’s final speech and those who cried over him resigning led to me being banned by that Administrator.

How quickly you forget . But it doesn’t fit your narrative . I’ve told you several times but you continue to try and frame it in such manner . I’m left to only assume that’s all you got .


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Even Troy Aikman called out Romo on his team costing off-the-field antics, but you go ahead and keep thinking otherwise even now. That's your right. Just remember, I told you so. A few of us told you Romo with his antics and way of thinking would never lead the Cowboys to a conference championship, much less a Super Bowl, and time proved that to be true.
It doesn’t matter . Most of the world but some faithful Homers were right Romo wouldn’t ever win a SB. You think everyone should believe what you do? That’s sounding like trolling to me.

America's Cowboy

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It doesn’t matter . Most of the world but some faithful Homers were right Romo wouldn’t ever win a SB. You think everyone should believe what you do? That’s sounding like trolling to me.
I don't care if you believe, not believe, agree or not agree. Just don't lie about what videos actually show. That's all.