CZ POLL Would you want Kellen Moore hired as head coach if he were to leave after the season?

Would you want Kellen Moore hired as head coach if he were to leave after the season?

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Poll is super flawed what was our season like? NFCCG appearance loss , 1st round blowout loss, 2nd round close loss,???

Im saying no right now because i believe KM is still green as a coach and MM needs fair shot to finish what he started, now 2023 different answer, most likely...

Id take MM and him taking over play calling for 2022 over no MM and KM trying to do it all..

we al MM called plays most of his NFL career and includes a SV and 2 NFCCG appearances. The offense is very talented and no doubt MM could be the play caller like reid and have an OC do the other responsibility's.

still bewildering you think KM is solely responsible for game pans and the way this offense has developed since MM arrived.. MM isnt just walking around 90hrs week and not have input..MM has had positive effect on this entire team but especially the offense and KM..
Introducing that many variables would require several polls, so instead I opted for a general poll based on each person's on expectations for the way the season will play out as the best all-in-one poll.

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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It would be completely foolish to fire a seasoned head coach who has run multiple successful organizations, is actively changing the culture here and will have a playoff appearance for a guy who has been a coach in the NFL or ANY level for all of 4 years. Like, what an absurd notion.

People point at Sean McVay, Matt LaFleur, etc. McVay has been coaching for 9 years by the time he got hired. LaFleur for 15. Moore completes his 4th year of coaching end of this season. He has proven he can organize an offense around World Class talent. If people don't understand the world of difference between that and leading an overall organization, well, you deserve Garrett to be your coach into perpetuity.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I’ve seen too many successful coordinators fail as a head coach so it’s an easy no for me considering how well we’re playing right now under McCarthy.


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still bewildering you think KM is solely responsible for game pans and the way this offense has developed since MM arrived.. MM isnt just walking around 90hrs week and not have input..MM has had positive effect on this entire team but especially the offense and KM..
I think you are making assumptions here.

I am not pushing for hiring Moore or keeping McCarthy.

I created this poll because I thought it was a perfect time to gauge the opinions of the community right now on a six game winning streak because I felt it was the best time for a level playing field of fan emotions between the two coaches.

If I had waited until the Cowboys lost a game (or more), then it would have influenced the results because of those losses.

Right now, it is a fair question to ask and, more importantly, an interesting question for everyone here.

When the season is over no matter the result, I will likely post the same poll again so we can see how fan sentiment changed or if it even changed at all over time.


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To be fair though, this is different in the sense that the team is doing great right now so there is no perception that Kellen Moore is trying to undermine McCarthy in any way like there was with Garrett and Phillips.
In reality it was Jethro who created the perception by dysfunctionally naming JG the future of the Cowboys before naming Wade HC completely undermining Wade.


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KM is not ready. He's just got his OC skills in gear and still has things to learn.
McM is a good enough play caller if necessary. Nussmeir is good too.
I would want Quinn as HC if MM retired.
Besides, a good OC is not equated to a good HC.
It doesn’t really matter what we think if he’s ready or not. By most accounts the phones are going to be ringing .


Fattening up
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I think Moore’s going to be a really good coach in the NFL for a really long time.

McCarthy is just a good coach.

I’d roll the dice on Moore because he’s uniquely good at something that’s very hard to find. Even knowing how steep a learning curve he’s still got to climb. It wasn’t long ago people used the same argument for him to not be elevated to OC, and I think that transition was actually riskier than HC would be.

That said, it’s a great point that Dallas isn’t a good place for a first time HC. We went through it with Campo and Garrett both, and Jerry was a handful both times. They’d need to commit to developing KM properly if they do it. And we’d need Quinn on board snd committed to the program. I’m not sure how realistic that would be.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I think he has a brilliant, football mind. I think he will succeed at whatever he does. Head coach isn’t much different. Time management. It’s probably the main difference. Other than 24 seven job. Is Kellen willing to put the hours in that’s the only issue. He might not even want to be a head coach. But if he was ready I think the players would Buy into the scheme. The thing as a head coach needs the following of assistant coaches. It’s just too much to decipher. From what I know about him again I think you’ll succeed in whatever he puts his mind to


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Dak has been working with KM since he came into the league. Dak knows this offense well. KM calls the plays, but I think there has been enough offensive continuity that they could continue to function without him. And, I question KM’s readiness to lead a team. Calling plays and leading men are two very different things. He may be great at it, but I’d rather not fire MM just to find out. I’ve been down on MM at times and I still don’t know if they are winning because of him or in spite of him, but if this season ends well, I would be loath to replace him.


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Yes, but his last year was what caused Jerry to make the switch. In fact, Jerry keep constantly saying he would not fire a coach during a season before doing just that.

The Cowboys defense had declined and Jerry was always raving about Garrett, so there was more to it than a perception of Garrett undermining Phillips.

That said, I can understand what you are saying because regardless of the perception problem, there are other similarities in play.
The same scenario could be in play if Jethro guarantees or promises to Moore it’s his job in waiting in order to persuade him to stay as OC.
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