Video: The Movie Trailer thread

It sure felt like it. And then taking a bunch of blue pills to keep his memories repressed? Was that done by he himself to suppress grief of loss or someone else?

Yeah, it's a weird preview. I wouldn't expect it to be an emotional response thing, more of a practical in that maybe if he's in the Matrix too long without the blue pills he inevitably becomes "The One". Trinity and Morpheus seem to have been alive in the movie, so maybe it was just a choice to go back because there's no longer a need for him in the "real world". I pray they don't play off the "going blind" aspect and explain that he went back in because he "can no longer see Trinity" or something overly cheesy like that. That'd be a "maybe I should cut bait and stop watching" moment.

I'm gonna watch it. Sunk Cost Fallacy; I've come this far, I can't back out now.
I absolutely cannot wait for this. :flagwave:

Yeah, I'm on board. 100%.

I would have never thought to cast Robert Pattinson as Batman, but holy hell does he look the part. And, his voice is WAY better than Bale's ever was. I thought Bale did a great job, but the voice really wasn't there. Then Affleck somehow got the part and didn't even use his voice as Batman. I really loved the Bale trilogy, but Pattinson may surpass him if this movie is any good.

Also, Colin Ferrell's makeup is probably the best I have ever seen. How can anyone not be impressed by this role. He supposedly Penguin, but no matter what he is, his appearance is absolutely incredible. The only movie I've ever been creeped out to that extent with how different the actor/actress looks from the character they were playing was Charlize Theron in Monster and that was almost 20 years ago.

Regardless of the plot, this movie has to win all kinds of awards for costume and design or whatever they call it. Really eager to see who plays Alfred. Michael Caine kind of broke the role for anyone else. Tough to beat.

Meh, it has Mark Wahlberg. He's not a terrible actor, just not a serious one. His last good movie was what, The Fighter?

He's a type-casted actor anymore. A more mainstream JCVD at this point. Need a name to be in an unrealistic movie with a slight bit of comedic offset, get Mark Wahlberg.

Holland and Whalberg: Two guys who can deliver great comedic lines.

Banderas: Great actor who can bring the cool.

The Hot chick from the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: She's just so hot.

Some Scottish guy who's hard to understand: Comedy gold.

And what look to be some good (if not over the top) action scenes.

Looks like it could be really good, or really disappointing.
Yeah, I'm on board. 100%.

I would have never thought to cast Robert Pattinson as Batman, but holy hell does he look the part. And, his voice is WAY better than Bale's ever was. I thought Bale did a great job, but the voice really wasn't there. Then Affleck somehow got the part and didn't even use his voice as Batman. I really loved the Bale trilogy, but Pattinson may surpass him if this movie is any good.

Also, Colin Ferrell's makeup is probably the best I have ever seen. How can anyone not be impressed by this role. He supposedly Penguin, but no matter what he is, his appearance is absolutely incredible. The only movie I've ever been creeped out to that extent with how different the actor/actress looks from the character they were playing was Charlize Theron in Monster and that was almost 20 years ago.

Regardless of the plot, this movie has to win all kinds of awards for costume and design or whatever they call it. Really eager to see who plays Alfred. Michael Caine kind of broke the role for anyone else. Tough to beat.

Bale's voice never really bothered me as much as others. I always just understood it that he is suppose to conceal his voice. Anyway, I too would have never picked Robert Pattison, but so far, it looks promising and I'm willing to give him a fair shot at the role. Also, I absolutely agree about Michael Caine being the perfect Alfred. Like, a perfect Alfred. lol
Meh, it has Mark Wahlberg. He's not a terrible actor, just not a serious one. His last good movie was what, The Fighter?

He's a type-casted actor anymore. A more mainstream JCVD at this point. Need a name to be in an unrealistic movie with a slight bit of comedic offset, get Mark Wahlberg.
I agree on the Mark Wahlberg sentiments. The character he plays, Victor Sullivan, is a gruff, abrasive mentor and father figure to Nathan Drake, Tom Holland. Yet they cast Wahlberg for that role? :huh:

Holland and Whalberg: Two guys who can deliver great comedic lines.

Banderas: Great actor who can bring the cool.

The Hot chick from the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: She's just so hot.

Some Scottish guy who's hard to understand: Comedy gold.

And what look to be some good (if not over the top) action scenes.

Looks like it could be really good, or really disappointing.
Unfortunately with the casting of Mark Wahlberg, the latter is more likely. Hopefully Tom and Sophia get most of the scene time. The action looks like the source material, so I'll try to stay positive. :thumbup:
I agree on the Mark Wahlberg sentiments. The character he plays, Victor Sullivan, is a gruff, abrasive mentor and father figure to Nathan Drake, Tom Holland. Yet they cast Wahlberg for that role? :huh:

Unfortunately with the casting of Mark Wahlberg, the latter is more likely. Hopefully Tom and Sophia get most of the scene time. The action looks like the source material, so I'll try to stay positive. :thumbup:

I agree with you about the Wahlberg casting. Doesn’t fit the original character at all.
Yeah, I'm on board. 100%.

I would have never thought to cast Robert Pattinson as Batman, but holy hell does he look the part. And, his voice is WAY better than Bale's ever was. I thought Bale did a great job, but the voice really wasn't there. Then Affleck somehow got the part and didn't even use his voice as Batman. I really loved the Bale trilogy, but Pattinson may surpass him if this movie is any good.

Also, Colin Ferrell's makeup is probably the best I have ever seen. How can anyone not be impressed by this role. He supposedly Penguin, but no matter what he is, his appearance is absolutely incredible. The only movie I've ever been creeped out to that extent with how different the actor/actress looks from the character they were playing was Charlize Theron in Monster and that was almost 20 years ago.

Regardless of the plot, this movie has to win all kinds of awards for costume and design or whatever they call it. Really eager to see who plays Alfred. Michael Caine kind of broke the role for anyone else. Tough to beat.

Andy Serkis is playing Alfred

Andy played Gollum in Lord of the Rings, Caesar in the last three Planet of the Apes movies, and Kong in King Kong. He also directed the new Venom film.




I take it you are a fan?

Yes, indeed ... :flagwave:
a huge fan of Marvel comics.....
a huge fan of Marvel movie films .... .
a huge fan of Morbius the Living Vampire ....
a huge fan of Spiderman's most deadliest foes ....

- What could help the movie goers interested in Morbius the movie, but not familiar with the character, is he is not a true, " undead " vampire.
He's not one that has physically died and returned to walking earth as a vampire, in the traditional sense of vampires.

- As a biochemist, he had a rare blood disease and sought a cure thru a scientific experiment (involving bats) to cure his disease.
An experiment that of course went wrong and turned into a pseudo-vampire.
But like traditional vampire, he still needs to feed off living tissue blood.

- Just like Blade,..Morbius is considered a "pseudo-vampire "
Vampires that were created and originated through alternate means like science, mutations, or magic other than that of the Dark hold Evil Powers..

- While Morbius possesses many traditional vampire strengths, self-regeneration, minor hypnotic powers, gliding on air,
he does not have their same weaknesses towards the sun, garlic and religious artifacts.
He can regenerate injured tissue, but he is not invulnerable. If he has not consumed sufficient blood, Morbius’ body has difficulty repairing itself.

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