What Is Your Unpopular Cowboys Opinion?


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Funny you should say that, because it's certainly popular on this board.

My "unpopular" opinion is that Barry Sanders was a better running back than Emmitt.

This is how bad it was.... I remember people telling me that Barry wouldn't gain yards on our team because he couldn't handle a great offensive line that made holes because he was only good at creating yards.

So I guess my unpopular opinion is Barry Sanders would have had multiple 2,000 yard seasons and been the greatest RB of all time if he had played on the Cowboys in the early 90's.

Loves me some #22, but Sanders was a freak.

Silver Surfer

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This is how bad it was.... I remember people telling me that Barry wouldn't gain yards on our team because he couldn't handle a great offensive line that made holes because he was only good at creating yards.

So I guess my unpopular opinion is Barry Sanders would have had multiple 2,000 yard seasons and been the greatest RB of all time if he had played on the Cowboys in the early 90's.

Loves me some #22, but Sanders was a freak.

In 1997, for the first time in his NFL career, Barry Sanders got to run in a system with a lead blocker.... just like Emmitt did his entire career with Moose Johnston. The result? 2053 yards and a 6.1 YPC average on 335 rushes.


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The blue jerseys make for the best uniforms in sports.

While I loved Romo when he actually played, his fans have turned me into a hater afterwards. He’s the most propped up loser in the history of sports.
I wouldn’t go so far as call him a loser. Romo was good. He just wasn’t great. He shrunk in too many of the biggest games he played in.

And my biggest beef with Romo was I think he wasn’t that committed to getting better and staying in great shape. He could have been better. When you look at Tom Brady, he’s 100% committed for 365/12/24 to being in great shape. Romo was almost as committed to his golf game as his conditioning and prep for football.

The thing that baffles me about Romophiles is their love of his stats. The stats that most represent him isn’t yardage or TDs. It’s the number 2- as in 2 playoff wins. That’s the ultimate stat for a QB in my book. Tony Romo was a good QB who never became great. He’s certainly overrated by a lot of Cowboys fans in my mind because he was almost all there was to cheer about for a decade.


Maple Leaf
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I wouldn’t go so far as call him a loser. Romo was good. He just wasn’t great. He shrunk in too many of the biggest games he played in.

And my biggest beef with Romo was I think he wasn’t that committed to getting better and staying in great shape. He could have been better. When you look at Tom Brady, he’s 100% committed for 365/12/24 to being in great shape. Romo was almost as committed to his golf game as his conditioning and prep for football.

The thing that baffles me about Romophiles is their love of his stats. The stats that most represent him isn’t yardage or TDs. It’s the number 2- as in 2 playoff wins. That’s the ultimate stat for a QB in my book. Tony Romo was a good QB who never became great. He’s certainly overrated by a lot of Cowboys fans in my mind because he was almost all there was to cheer about for a decade.

At the end of the day, for whatever reason, Romo didn't apply all the rules that Parcells tried to drill into him. Father time then got him.

If he would have taken better care of his body as Parcells hinted by talking about Testaverde maybe he would have survived more of those hits.

HIs last few years I wondered if football was really that important to him. It seemed like he enjoyed the game when he was gunslinging.

He should have been working on being a better system guy and working within the parameters of the offence and the support of his team.


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I wouldn’t go so far as call him a loser. Romo was good. He just wasn’t great. He shrunk in too many of the biggest games he played in.

And my biggest beef with Romo was I think he wasn’t that committed to getting better and staying in great shape. He could have been better. When you look at Tom Brady, he’s 100% committed for 365/12/24 to being in great shape. Romo was almost as committed to his golf game as his conditioning and prep for football.

The thing that baffles me about Romophiles is their love of his stats. The stats that most represent him isn’t yardage or TDs. It’s the number 2- as in 2 playoff wins. That’s the ultimate stat for a QB in my book. Tony Romo was a good QB who never became great. He’s certainly overrated by a lot of Cowboys fans in my mind because he was almost all there was to cheer about for a decade.
I use loser as the opposite of winner. He didn’t win anything. As a result, hypotheticals have to be created to make him into a “would have been” winner. In the process, everyone else is blamed while Romo became blameless.

FWIW, I loved Prescott. His diehard fans are on the same psychotic path Romo fans ventured down. Makes it impossible to have a rational discussion about him.


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There is no such thing as a Romosexual . . . just those who knew He should have been the QB in 2016
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Barry Switzer was underrated and a damn good coach.
He didn't just ride all that talent to a Super Bowl championship. He had a lot to do with it.

He also gave the best post game interviews loaded with "damns" and "craps."
He is also the reason Troy retired. He required zero discipline & accountability from the players & it drove Aikman nuts. If he had so much to do with them winning the SB, why couldn't he and Jerry return once Jimmy's players started getting older?


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He is also the reason Troy retired. He required zero discipline & accountability from the players & it drove Aikman nuts. If he had so much to do with them winning the SB, why couldn't he and Jerry return once Jimmy's players started getting older?
You just answered your own question.


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Okay, here is mine:

Jerry Jones is involved with the gameplan strategy to the point where he is even determining which plays should be run, particularly trick plays like fake punts.


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I saw this somewhere and thought it would be fun to hear others opinions.

It can be anything, historical or current. I'll start:

I think Tony Romo might be the most talented Cowboys QB ever, but he was ruined by bad defenses, Jason Garrett, and injuries. I also believe that if we went back to him in 2016 we would've had a much better shot reaching the Super Bowl. I supported sticking with Dak at the time, because I was over Romo always missing time, but Romo was probably the best option that year looking back. It would have also gave Dak a great veteran QB to learn behind.

I thought the same thing thing, Romo was a much better passer but Dak had his best game against GB in the playoffs. The defense let us down.


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I think that the Joneses brought Witten back to Dallas so he could break Dez's all-time receiving TD record.


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Herschel Walker is the most underrated Cowboy in history.
I don't even think he is near the top of the list. Off the top of my head: Jethro Pugh, Mark Tuinea, Thomas Everett, Nate Newton....I could go on for a while


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I think Zeke is finished. Hampster hunter is finished. Micah needs to not cover WRs. Cooper is lazy. Dak is not the one and McCarthy and Moore are a disaster. I hope they can make a run here in spite.


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I think Zeke is finished. Hampster hunter is finished. Micah needs to not cover WRs. Cooper is lazy. Dak is not the one and McCarthy and Moore are a disaster. I hope they can make a run here in spite.
I bet Hampster hunter tee shirts would sell.