Twitter: 49ers DB Jimmie Ward on their gameplan


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That is a damning recap of the opportunity Dak and the offense had.

I'm not much for the oversimplified blame game of assigning a loss to one person, but a top tier QB gets it done or at least puts the team in a much better position to win.

If you look at Dak's season on a stat sheet, he had a great year. Yet, far too often this offense looked stale and inept when it mattered most. The peaks and valleys with Dak are pretty extreme. The interception he threw yesterday was straight amateur hour. Then another attempt at hero ball throwing it deep into double coverage, smh.

I also think there's a lot of blame to lay at Kellen Moore's feet. The running game, or lack thereof, was alarming. Our run scheme seems to be figured out. Too many times our RBs are being met in the backfield by defenders. We also don't know how to utilize our personnel; Zeke should never ever be used on a sweep (pre- or post-injury); Pollard was severely underutilized.
Zeke’s best gains yesterday was on outside runs
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The tape don't lie, Dak doesn't do many things well as a QB.

No pocket awareness
Poor accuracy
Can't read defenses
Late release/poor route anticipation

How did the front office come into the conclusion that Dak merited a 40M per season contract with so many red flags?

This right here ^^^ plus front office equals Jerry and Stephen who think they know football!!! Dak is who he is, a 4th rounder with no ice in his veins when it counts. His one INT was an unforced bad pass when CW was open. That 7 was points was the difference!


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Why does Kellen and McCarthy skate? Why is all the blame on Dak? Don't answer, I'm used to it. This fanbase did the same thing with Romo.

They don't get a pass either. McCarthy's job is on the line here. As Dallas QBs who get the credit and spotlight, they also have to share the blame for mistakes and missing open throws. To say that they're not elite is not saying they're trash. You have to admit after 6 years with a disappointing 1-3 playoff record that they may not be the guy who can command a Championship run.

That being said, OL play and Moore's playcalling could have helped Dak out quite a bit. Unfortunately, it didn't happen that way. The game was there for the taking in the second half but the opportunity was squandered.


The realist
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I am apologizing to Pappy, Willie, Rison, Catch, Atlanta, Mountaineer, Khalidi, and the rest of the Dak haters. Dak had the ball at midfield at the two minute warning 1st down, three timeouts. A top 12 quarterback wins that game. San Francisco was also down 3 of their top defensive players. Shoot, Kirk Cousins wins that game.
This was the possession we gave away , not the last possession and final play , that would have been a miracle.
If our offense worth the salt they should have closed the deal in that possession and get a point lead with little or no time left of the clock.


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This was the possession we gave away , not the last possession and final play , that would have been a miracle.
If our offense worth the salt they should have closed the deal in that possession and get a point lead with little or no time left of the clock.
What kills be about that drive is after we complete the 38 yard pass we take a sack,then rush to get a play off before two-minute warning even though we are at SF 46 yard line and all 3 timeouts. The sack made it 3rd and 11. We should have went to the two-minute warning and re-gained our thoughts, especially with 3 timeouts.


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I am apologizing to Pappy, Willie, Rison, Catch, Atlanta, Mountaineer, Khalidi, and the rest of the Dak haters. Dak had the ball at midfield at the two minute warning 1st down, three timeouts. A top 12 quarterback wins that game. San Francisco was also down 3 of their top defensive players. Shoot, Kirk Cousins wins that game.
Kirk doesn't even get us in that hole to begin with. Dak played sloppy and innacurate for most of the game.


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Because he HAS demonstrated those things. Even for the first half of the year. He has all the ability and intelligence and demonstrated this many times over the years. But he was like a different QB after the Den game, and was everything you described above It's perplexing
He demonstrates these things against wack teams smh. Some of y’all still don’t get it. I’m not surprised since outside the one or two things people do most of us don’t know jack about anything else.


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As long as dak is our qb we ain’t going anywhere. 3 minutes and 3 timeouts to win the game, and couldn't do it.
This is what it all boils down to. That was his opportunity…his moment.

The fiasco at the very end of the game doesn’t even bother me. A Hail Mary to win a playoff game? Wasn’t going to happen anyways. That was not the opportunity.


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I am in no way suggesting Dak was good yesterday. He was average. We needed a "B+" performance from him to win....and we got a "C". But "forcing Dak to beat us" encompasses multiple things. The right plays need to be called. The WRs need to get open. The WRs have to catch the ball. The pass protection needs to be good. And the OL cannot commit penalties. Dak is what he is in my opinion. The money is spent. It is sunk cost. I get fans are upset. But the organization better go to work on those other things I mentioned....or the results will not change.

Even had we won yesterday.....this much should be clear. Dak is not winning 4 postseason games. Dak is not the only one making a lot of money. And if we expect Dak to win by himself...why even pay anybody else? McCarthy? Awful! Moore? Awful!

Again...I cannot stress enough...Dak was not good enough yesterday. He played a LOT better in his playoff debut in 2016. He has also played better in other playoff games. So he can play better. But he will never be good enough to win 4 playoff games on his own.

Much like Garrett was never going to win multiple playoff games in a single postseason. Neither is McCarthy. When your head coach gives you NOTHING....I mean NOTHING of a decided advantage...your ceiling is 1 playoff win. Everyone over there...everyone...the Jones family, the players, the coaches....they are all just skinning and grinning and cashing checks. We are trash outside the NFC East. It is comical.

It's funny people still bring up that 2016 playoff game as if they didn't see ot themselves..
They look back at stats and figured Dak played a good game lol

It was the exact same thing as yesterday! He came out flat throwing ducks for 2 quarters and we were chasing the game from the start. You also have to remember who we played, Greenbay had terrible injuries that season and was playing practice squad players in the secondary lol Aikman was having fits all game saying Dak should take advantage of that lol. Greenbay got destroyed by Atlanta the next game.

Any of 500 QBs could have won that game.


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Wonder if they’ll try to stop green bay run and see if Rodgers can beat em[/QUOTE

Lol honestly I cant even tell you who their starting RB is. Imagine being that good of a QB that you dont need stars at RB to be effective