2 suspicious things on last play in Dallas WC game


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I’m a script writer for the NFL. Dallas won’t win until 2027. I just sent the rough draft to my editor
Or until Jerry and son step down or aside from their duties. So if your over 50, start working out, eating right and taking vitamins. I just turned 60 and turned my basement into a gym. It's going to be a long ride until this team sees any true success so stay healthy and find enjoyment in other ways until then.


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What kills me is the drive before the fire drill that ended up with clock running out. Plenty of time and timeouts, no Bosa or Warner on the field, and they couldn't get it done. Stupid penalty, break down in protection, dropped pass and bad QB play. Pretenders.
Some of this is on coaching. Some on playcalling but a majority is on players for not executing..


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they lost at the start of the game

The whole season when we took the ball first, probably the only time all season, we kick to start the game and SF marches over 80 yards like cutting butter with a hot knife with no resistance was the ball game right there.


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And BTW, there is plenty of evidence for what Dak said in the PC, that refs in such situations just touch the ball in the ground. There is no QB handing the balls to the ref, the team is basically concerned with lining up before the snap waiting for the ref to touch the ball to hike it.

Even Romo said that day the ref just had to touch it and said if you were a Dallas fan, you should be livid right now.

Just shutup.


The ref only needs to touch it if the ball is spotted correctly.

It wasn’t.

You really think a center can run up and spot the ball wherever they want to and the ref is obligated to just touch it, lulz.

Dumbest fanbase in all of sports.


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Just shutup.


The ref only needs to touch it if the ball is spotted correctly.

It wasn’t.

You really think a center can run up and spot the ball wherever they want to and the ref is obligated to just touch it, lulz.

Dumbest fanbase in all of sports.

Here we go again:

1. The ref wasn’t in any position to determine the accuracy of the spot.

2. You in fact claimed the ref gave the Cowboys a generous spot, when you first tried to defend the ref, meaning you implicitly argued accuracy wasn’t the issue here.

3. The ball was spotted more correctly the FIRST TIME he actually moved it after running into the Qb and Center.


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Because the center mis-spotted the ball by about a yard, simple as that.
it doesnt matter where the ball is spotted for a spike the ball play.
Mike pieara said that after that play. they can respot the ball correctly for the next play. so there is no need to respot the ball.
There is no way for that ref to accurately spot the ball that quickly, so why do that at all? it can all be sorted out after the spike.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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it doesnt matter where the ball is spotted for a spike the ball play.
Mike pieara said that after that play. they can respot the ball correctly for the next play. so there is no need to respot the ball.
There is no way for that ref to accurately spot the ball that quickly, so why do that at all? it can all be sorted out after the spike.

So the ref screwed up. The Cowboys were screwing up all day, so is that also part of some conspiracy? Maybe some of the players were in on it?

Oh, that's right. Refs don't make mistakes. When they do it's part of some evil plan. That's the only possible explanation.

America's Cowboy

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Ok I know dallas bungled the last play, and they might not have scored anyway if they had 1 more play.
And they had a chance on previous possession.

But 2 things I find suspicious, that makes it look like refs were trying to help SF win.

1. the ref furthest from the spot where dak went down, was the only ref that came to spot the ball.
Is he the only one that is supposed to do that? or can other refs do that in that situation?
I think in another game someone said another ref did it.

2.the ref when he got to the ball, after dallas players did not know to let him thru lol,
but he gets to ball grabs it, then he wastes time moving it back about 8 inches lol.
Doing that meant center had to adjust backwards, so did dak and rest of players.

Mike peria sp , said the spot of the ball doesnt matter on a clock play like that. just touch it or put it down
and get out of way for team to clock it.
After the clock, then refs can determine proper spot of los, and that will be used for the last play.

So why did the ref move the ball back???????:huh:

Well the only thing that makes sense is he was killing the time, that took around 2 seconds at least.
Had he just touched the ball then there would have been 1 second left when it was clocked,
and dallas gets a chance on throw to EZ.

But it seems to me the powers that be didnt want dallas to have that chance.
if dallas had scored the game score would have been "over" no score there and it is "under"
plus if the money on dallas was for them to win, and under, then not letting dallas have another chance there
gave a 2 way win on the gambling angles, and a dallas score/td there means vegas loses on under, and if
dallas were to win in OT then they would lose other bets like point spread.

And maybe gambling comes out better if SF wins, because as we now know SF goes to GB and wins
a game most thought they would lose.

I dont think it is stupid refs, or sloppy reffing lol , I think it was intentional.
I also think the cowboys in their stupidity helped them to do it.

There also should have been a booth review, which there wasnt, I find that odd for an ending like that.
I know time was gone by time ball hit ground on the clock, but still a booth review was needed.
But no booth review, NY did not get involved like they usually do so why not??

I think if dallas had not screwed it up so bad and had time for 1 more play, and if they threw a td pass,there would have been a holding call, so they have to do it again, and if they score again, then another penalty lol.:cool:


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So the ref screwed up. The Cowboys were screwing up all day, so is that also part of some conspiracy? Maybe some of the players were in on it?

Oh, that's right. Refs don't make mistakes. When they do it's part of some evil plan. That's the only possible explanation.
When they do it's part of some evil plan......not evil, just NFL making $ and manipulating outcomes, and not just cowboy games.


Safety third
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Even though the ref played his bumbling role in the entire clusterfoo, I think we need to cut him a bit of slack. He probably never expected he would have to chase the QB down the field in that situation. He was likely just as stunned and confused as all of us were at what we were seeing.


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Another nominee for dumbest post of the year! Quit crying about the refs. We are what we are…losers!
Another nominee for dumbest post of the year!......this is funny coming from a guy with a rowdy avatar !
Quit crying about the refs.....I am not crying about refs just pointing out things.
If you dont like the topic why come in here?? talk about dumb, oh here is a topic I dont like, I will go in a post here lol :facepalm:

Gangsta Spanksta

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let what go??

Too Much energy focused in on the Refs, when the game was lost anyway at that point. The cowboys need to figure out how to get some kind of leadership going when in the playoffs. They are not getting it from the Coaches and they are not getting it from the supposed leaders of the team players.


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They lost the game. I knew it when they pretty much went 3 and out starting the 3rd. But I will say if the ref was coming from that far back then how did he know where the spot of the ball was.

It figures once again that we get screwed out of a chance by some strange play.. But shouldn’t have been that way.

Seems always something like that or something that bites us later. The bucs game when Greg missed a chip shot and Romo even said hopefully that don’t bite them in the end. Lost by 2. The packers playoff game Dez catch no catch. That was when we were absolutely crushing them in the first half and murray fumbles on a play that would have been a scoring drive. One little hand reaches out. My wife watches reality shows and was watching wags and a girl was dating peppers, they showed the freeze frame shot of murray running wide open and him diving out with that one hand that barely hit the ball. I left the room after that.

Dallas did not deserve to win that game and they didnt. End story


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Too Much energy focused in on the Refs, when the game was lost anyway at that point. The cowboys need to figure out how to get some kind of leadership going when in the playoffs. They are not getting it from the Coaches and they are not getting it from the supposed leaders of the team players.
Well this thread isnt about dallas losing the game or why they lost. It is about refs and how they may be manipulating outcomes.

cowboys need to figure out how to get some kind of leadership going when in the playoffs....... they have that in the HC big mike who jerry says is great!
Mike knows how to win championships! just not this season.
Basically the cowboys need better leadership and a lot of other things. but with jerry I dont see it happening.
He has already said next season it is still mike and probably kellen , so same coaches, same players, nothing is going to change.


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Here we go again:

1. The ref wasn’t in any position to determine the accuracy of the spot.

2. You in fact claimed the ref gave the Cowboys a generous spot, when you first tried to defend the ref, meaning you implicitly argued accuracy wasn’t the issue here.

3. The ball was spotted more correctly the FIRST TIME he actually moved it after running into the Qb and Center.


I argued and provided photo evidence the ball was spotted incorrectly by Biadasz initially.

The ref tried to re-spot the ball but was still off. However, in doing so he (the ref) spotted the ball closer to where it should have actually been.

What can’t you compute?

You’re arguing because the ref didn’t get the spot right he shouldn’t have touched it all.

I can correct you but I can’t help you with your limitations.


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I argued and provided photo evidence the ball was spotted incorrectly by Biadasz initially.

The ref tried to re-spot the ball but was still off. However, in doing so he (the ref) spotted the ball closer to where it should have actually been.

What can’t you compute?

You’re arguing because the ref didn’t get the spot right he shouldn’t have touched it all.

I can correct you but I can’t help you with your limitations.

No you stated the ref even gave Dallas a favorable spot. There is nothing to correct you, because the posts are still there.

And again, I’m not arguing anything with you. You inserted yourself into a conversation trying to correct me based on assumptions I never made and you are trying to do it again with the following:

What can’t you compute?

You’re arguing because the ref didn’t get the spot right he shouldn’t have touched it all.

You are just trying to refute the logical implications of your incorrect claims and statements, not what I was even talking about when you decided to insert yourself in the conversation.
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Dallas did not deserve to win that game and they didnt. End story
again(for like the 5th time) lol
this thread isnt about dallas losing the game, dont you guys read before posting?
it isnt about they deserved to win.
I think the fans, US deserved to have a last play, even if it fails, even if it is just a int, I dont care, I just dont like the game ending with no last play
because the refs made sure the time would run out.

I dont really care that dallas lost, I do care about refs manipulating games though, everyone should , otherwise it will continue and get worse.