News: PFT: Cowboys should lift NDAs, allowing cheerleaders to tell their stories regarding voyeurism


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Mike Fisher is maybe the biggest Jerry yes man other than Mickey Spags as far as "reporters" go. Dont hold your breath if your expecting actual digging and truth seeking to happen.
Won't happen on the local level, fear of reprisal.

The possibility of the bigger story isn't just the sports nets or pubs, it's all news. They all know there is some truth to this because of the response from the Joneses to his retirement. They basically ignored it. Dalrymple was seen as Booger's buddy and is in hundreds of photos and videos with them talking.

The day they all feared, someone would talk about what happened, evidently this ex exec, came about. And you know they had to keep a tight circle on this from the beginning. That security guard that wanted to call the Arlington Police and didn't, how much of a bonus did he get?

They fear someone is going to talk and when one someone talks, that increases exponentially.


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The Ticket had a great radio interview with the ESPN reporter who investigated the allegations. Unless more evidence turns up, there's not enough evidence to know exactly what happened.



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I think they are staying at arm's length on this because it really doesn't involve the league and how they conduct business. The Cowboys problem is internal, not like what the WFT's one is becoming.

There is nothing for the NFL to do at this point. If it's all true, it's really none of their business. The perp has already announced his retirement.

However, I think what Booger doesn't want the public to know is much deeper and he cannot allow the war room story to be true. The effect of that would be a disaster to him. Even his friends would turn on him if that were true that he kept the man on after doing that. If the recording of that ever existed, it doesn't anymore.
Yeah probably.....once the bottom line is uncovered.

Which would be the HOF is worth allowing a peek at his daughter's crotch.


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Exactly, and the cover up is usually worse than the crime in many cases. Jerry remaining silent on this raises red flags to me. I am sure there are many more details we do not know about which may have been swept under the rug. The payout of $2.4m is just the tip of the iceberg on this i feel. Keeping Dalrymple around until his early retirement age of 62 as well. Maybe they knew this was about to explode and wanted him to be considered ex-employee for PR reasons, ironically .
They knew, the reporter verified that in his interview. When the ex exec reached out to him, he began his questioning and was immediately contacted by Wilkinson, the crisis management guy employed by the team. He had the story already down pat but offered not one shred of evidence, just their word they had internally investigated it and it was nothing, a 2.4M nothing.

The reporter did speak to at least one of the cheerleaders but because of the NDA will not reveal her name. But he did say he felt she had more she wanted to say and almost needed to say. It was as if she regretted taking the money.

They took the payoff and I am not condemning that as I wasn't there and do not know their options but it was a he said/she said about the identity because only one cheerleader actually saw Dalrymple. She's going to take on the Dallas Cowboys and their legal team? And what about her relationship with the other cheerleaders?

Behind all of this is the fact these 4 women know this is not an isolated incident with this guy and he got away with it. Even kept his job except for this mysterious letter being placed in his file that he should just keep with watching porn, not creating it.

TC, for all we know, this isn't a former exec of the Cowboys, the reported might be using that as a screen, it could be the cheerleader that is struggling with this.

All of these situations we see with women treated poorly and downright criminal in some cases leaves this open wound that cannot heal as long as the culprit walks free. They end up with psychological problems that makes their life worst than the initial act. Guilt never dies, it just hides well.
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This story is another example of the lack of leadership and accountability within the Cowboys organization at the highest level.

It’s a systemic problem.

Why was Dalrymple allowed to remain with the team for years after what he did?

Maybe because they found no evidence he did what he was accused of doing. Did that ever cross your mind?


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I thought Aikman said some cheerleaders got dismissed for dating players. Didn’t he say he felt bad about it when it happened? I have to imagine many players dated cheerleaders. I can understand twenty-somethings sneaking around to date. An old creepy dude sneaking into the Locker room to take pictures is inexcusable. Aikman dated a cheerleader. They also had a team house in Jimmy's days. I'm sure a lot went on then too.


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Maybe because they found no evidence he did what he was accused of doing. Did that ever cross your mind?

I would say it would take a very stupid person to look at what is already out there and claim they found nothing. If that was the case they were not looking.


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I'm fine with that........ lift the NDA and return the money. Can't have it both ways. Each of these girls had a choice to make. That choice was most certainly explained to them at the time of the generous settlement.


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It's time to just get rid of the cheerleaders, they bring nothing of value to the gameday experience.


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Lol, by one fan watching on TV, that millions others didn't
According to the reporter, he was watching the stream camera not the one used to televise it and only the club has the recording and according to Wilkinson, they checked that out but they've provided it to no one and I'd bet it's not in existence now. He said one other person watching the stream backed up what this guy in Shreveport said.

I can't even imagine watching that and thinking that's what Dalrymple did, I'd be laughing so hard I wouldn't contact anybody. Can you imagine Booger's reaction when this guy contacted the team? I don't recall right now if this was before or after the cheerleaders episode but if it was after, he'd have to wonder about ole snap happy Rich.


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I'm fine with that........ lift the NDA and return the money. Can't have it both ways. Each of these girls had a choice to make. That choice was most certainly explained to them at the time of the generous settlement.
Agree, they missed their chance at "justice".

It is a rather odd amount, 600K per cheerleader less the lawyers fees. I wonder how they arrived at that figure?