Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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Nothing shocking or illegal here. She and her mom were paid off. Now she wants more money. She will probably get enough to never work again. Happens all the time….except for the money part…lol. Nothing to see here.
I'm amazed how any woman would want to have sex with Jerry Jones!! Ewwwwwww!!!!!!! :eek:
Norm mcdonald was on the view and they showed 5 minutes worth of clips of norm bashing woman. When it was over they asked him, why would any woman possible want to be with him. He paused, looked around and as casual as could be, he said, " I'm rich."
How will this affect anything other than Jerry’s wallet? It’s not illegal, and I would bet the farm he’s not the only rich guy with secret children.
So you don't support a person's need and right to be acknowledged? You support a scumbag who pays hush money to keep things quiet and not be the father of a child he helped to conceive? Cool.

I'm not saying she's a saint. I'm not saying she isn't motivated by money and that she just wants acknowledgement. I don't know her motivations. I do however know his. So while her actions are questionable and fishy...his are rock solid rotten.

She wasn't old enough to enter into a legal agreement. She's an adult now and can disclose because she wasn't the one that made the agreement in the first place. He can certainly cut off the money supply. Both have that right. It doesn't change the fact that he is scum. That's my point. I'm not sure why you're defending him to any degree.
How are his actions rock solid rotten, he did not just run away, he did not have her aborted which most people say is hunky dory, he left her and mom a trust fund for the best care that he could possibly give her. How many single parent families are there with absolute zero support? Now he was not supportive as a typical father, but he did not just run off and leave everyone high and dry like we see with a good portion of society.
Norm mcdonald was on the view and they showed 5 minutes worth of clips of norm bashing woman. When it was over they asked him, why would any woman possible want to be with him. He paused, looked around and as casual as could be, he said, " I'm rich."
Yes! Name all the ugly rich guys with children!
How will this affect anything other than Jerry’s wallet? It’s not illegal, and I would bet the farm he’s not the only rich guy with secret children.
No way.... i mean, other owners would never sleep with woman not their wife. I mean Bob kraft just gets massages....right?
It's all starting to make sense.....the house of cards come crumbling down. Dez was right the whole time.
Rich was the fixer.....of everything Cowboys.

And that is why Dez was shipped out, too many malcontents not good for the environment.
Big Rich Texas (2013). The teenager in pink is named Alex Davis. Her single mom lived off a trust fund. Okay.

She's cute. Surprised Jerry made that. She must take after her mom.
How will this affect anything other than Jerry’s wallet? It’s not illegal, and I would bet the farm he’s not the only rich guy with secret children.
No way.... 8 mean, other owners would never sleep with woman not their wife. I mean Bob kraft just gets massages....ri
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