Comics and Movies - DC vs Marvel Final 4 Round Post 4442

DC vs Marvel Final Four (Max 2 Votes)

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yeah I liked his art too. Time gets us all eventually.
did he do his own inks??
one thing I learned is that inkers sometimes are the ones that make the art look good or meh.
Klaus Janson was a great inker. Tom palmer too.
Usually inkers dont get enough credit for the art they do, pencilers tend to get all the credit.
He did some of his own inking and very occasionally inking for others, but usually had an inker as he also helped with the story and writing in most of the series he worked on.
Klaus Janson was phenomenal especially his work with Frank Miller, they complemented each other exceptionally well. I really liked Terry Austin also.
I dont really care for excessive special effects, or humour in a comic movie or tv show.
I want characters that are well developed with good writing.
For example in DD the writing and acting was fantastic! I am thankful I got 3 seasons of that show.
Punisher had a little more humour to it, but it fit. and Jon Berenthal was great as the punisher. I was also glad they had him not in the costume for
large part of the show.
I can watch those series over and over again, but with the comic movies especially these newer ones, I get bored after about 30 minutes and just stop
I liked the x-men movies, 1st 2 iron man, and the logan solo's, but all the others are just over the top.
The avengers is so much special effects, and long drawn out storys, I watch them and at end wonder what happened and what was it even about?

I was excited about black widow movie, but in that she wore white suit?? lol and again too much comedy and a story that was just too elaborate
and silly. It took me several days just to finish watching it.
I dont think disney will do anything that interests me, and that is a bummer.

Also tried to watch the wanda vision show and that was awful.
Loki was kinda interesting but at end I felt like what was the point to all this lol. way too elaborate, and not a good story.
I like simple stories, lot of drama and not overloaded with S effects or citys being lifted up lol.
I think it kinda depends on the character for the use of CGI and humor. I get where you're coming from you have to have CGI for most characters, it's just when they depend on CGI vs writing to carry the show or scenes.
Don't get me wrong I like humor in the shows, but it depends on the characters and how it's done, too often it feels forced like a TV time out in a ballgame. Oh it's been 6 minutes we need to insert a joke or he's a superhero so he must have superhumor as well. Like the "Seinfeld" episode where they argue whether Superman has superhumor.

I really liked WandaVison, but they dragged out that comedy bit to start the series way too long. I get why they did the bit but I also get why it made some people tune out, but, imo, it was well done after that. Deadpool, the humor works thats also part of that character, even if it is just Ryan Reynolds playing himself. The humor works in Loki and yes Alligator Loki was awesome, but again I think it's part of that character. I'm kinda of so-so on how the season ended though.

My fav Marvel shows are the Netflix ones too, the writing, acting and stories just feel tighter, more character development. The characters felt more relatable, the stories didn't feel over the top, felt more connected to the whole character(s).

Marvel has done well under Disney, compared to DC, organizing the Marvelverse and having a plan in place. It's great for the blockbuster spectacles, but sometimes the stories get lost working within those formulas.

Marvel has killed Spider-Man nearly a dozen times during the last 30 years, offing Peter Parker two or three times along the way also. It is nothing new. Comic book characters rarely remain permanent dead, although there are a few exceptions (i.e. the original Captain Marvel). The Death of Superman is probably the best example of SIKE!

Marvel's next big event is the ending of its Spider-Verse. All kinds of Spideys (and Peter Parkers) will be ended across the multiverse, with new characters introduced as a consequence. Comic book publishers have blown up their fictional universes and restarted them for decades.
"The Death of Superman", how big was that event........
You're right, comic book characters are like Freddie Krueger or Jason, you think they're dead, you think you watched them die, but it doesn't mean they're actually dead....where there's a pen, there's a way.
Thanks for sharing ..

- I do think certain super powers or unique abilities have to be displayed well enough to effectively sell the heroes and villains.
It doesn’t have always to be CGI special effects to promote someone significant such as Wilson Fisk Kingpin.

- Imo, Wilson Fisk Kingpin is a perfect example of how well developed characters were in that show, ..Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/DD was yet another example of
well -developed character & excellent screen play write.

- I’d like to from viewing audience (not movie critics) why they did not seem fond of the Defenders – which I loved a great deal much more than the Jessica Jones series
the critics and fans rave about.

- With some of these series shows, they have a budget that they have to handle so I can see them edited out CGI effects- such as Daredevil not having his “radar “ senses.

- Aside from Winter Soldier/Falcon series I can already see a great difference of appeal between Netflix Marvel series vs Disney series …
. I thought Netflix series was much more better than what I am seeing from Disney overall.

- Sorry, but I was very and vastly disappointed with the Loki series – especially the tremendously boring finale with Kang the Conqueror (Jon Majors..)
nuthin but non-sense babbling dialogue to end the series. - I cannot believe I was able to finish it, and I admit that I am not at all looking forward to Season 2.

- Hawkeye was a boring character in the Avengers movie series, ..and he continues to be boring in his own Disney series. I couldn't finish the last 2-3 episodes
Nuthin; is developing that makes it worth my time.

- I’ve stopped at episode 2 of Moon Knight, a character than I did not follow in Marvel comics- so this is one of the very rare characters I am not familiar with at all.
but I do plan to continue it as the first two episodes did look interesting, and i want my full attention to it.
Wilson Fisk Kingpin was great, very good actor and he made the character so good, better than in the comics.
Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/DD again good casting, very good actor, made the character better than in the comics.
And do you know if he did those fight scenes?? That was one thing that astounded me was the realism and length of some of the fight scenes!
He was like the energizer bunny, take a beating and keep on fighting lol.
The girl who played Karen, I did not like at first, but she won me over with her great acting, she was also way better and more developed than
any karen in the comics.
And Foggy was also great, had the right look and played that part well.
I think I might just start on those again lol, after moon knight and some of these other shows, I want to see something good.

Winter Soldier/Falcon series I watched this but it was a struggle to get through it. I could not say now what it was even about.
I do remember about his dads boat but that is about it. I dont think those 2 make a good combo. Ok I remember now it was the
people who were against powers that be and the one leading them was crazy woman. I was kinda on their side lol.
so it was ok, just not well thought out and written.

the Defenders- I saw this, dont remember it either, except it wasnt done right. Only saw it once, so might need to watch it again.
yeah it was better than Jessica, that show wasnt well done either. I didnt like the character the way they wrote it. I like that actress,
but the writing was not good. Making her a boozer and act the way she does is not endearing lol.
The first season, the villian stole the show, he was only thing I found interesting. The 2nd season, people said it was bad and boring, and it was,
I never got past ep 3.
I didnt read her in comics so she was new to me and the writers and producers blew it bigtime with her character and the writing.
Luke Cage, I did read the early comics, and the show was nothing like those, and I did not care for the actor, or the writing etc
watched about 4 of S1 thats it.

Hawkeye was a boring character in the Avengers.....yeah this is on the writers, for example DD was never a favorite of mine,
I didnt care for him , he was boring, till frank miller came along and revamped the book and character and villians etc. Then he was great!
Thats what good writing can do for a character, or a show or movie.

I watched his show, and I like H. Steinfeld, so I found that one to be entertaining, nothing great but good,and better than the other crap.

Also disney has literally tons of money lol, and they give these shows 6-8 eps which isnt enough to really do them right.
But the way I look at it, is do less shows and make them 12-14 eps and do them right.
I think their plan is do the 6 ep shows, and by the time people are ready to stop watching, only one show left so they will watch it too lol.
I think with disney they all get boring and changed, and nothing good will come from it.

I do like the mandalorian, it is little corny buy good, created by the guy who played happy in the avengers.
He did another star wars show recently though and it was awful. Oh yeah it was bobba fett show. I think I stopped that on ep 4
just didnt like any of the characters, and fett was a joke, they disneyized him ! lol he wanted to be an angel ! or really good person. bye bye.
Wilson Fisk Kingpin was great, very good actor and he made the character so good, better than in the comics.
Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/DD again good casting, very good actor, made the character better than in the comics.
And do you know if he did those fight scenes?? That was one thing that astounded me was the realism and length of some of the fight scenes!
He was like the energizer bunny, take a beating and keep on fighting lol.
The girl who played Karen, I did not like at first, but she won me over with her great acting, she was also way better and more developed than
any karen in the comics.
And Foggy was also great, had the right look and played that part well.
I think I might just start on those again lol, after moon knight and some of these other shows, I want to see something good.

Winter Soldier/Falcon series I watched this but it was a struggle to get through it. I could not say now what it was even about.
I do remember about his dads boat but that is about it. I dont think those 2 make a good combo. Ok I remember now it was the
people who were against powers that be and the one leading them was crazy woman. I was kinda on their side lol.
so it was ok, just not well thought out and written.

the Defenders- I saw this, dont remember it either, except it wasnt done right. Only saw it once, so might need to watch it again.
yeah it was better than Jessica, that show wasnt well done either. I didnt like the character the way they wrote it. I like that actress,
but the writing was not good. Making her a boozer and act the way she does is not endearing lol.
The first season, the villian stole the show, he was only thing I found interesting. The 2nd season, people said it was bad and boring, and it was,
I never got past ep 3.
I didnt read her in comics so she was new to me and the writers and producers blew it bigtime with her character and the writing.
Luke Cage, I did read the early comics, and the show was nothing like those, and I did not care for the actor, or the writing etc
watched about 4 of S1 thats it.

Hawkeye was a boring character in the Avengers.....yeah this is on the writers, for example DD was never a favorite of mine,
I didnt care for him , he was boring, till frank miller came along and revamped the book and character and villians etc. Then he was great!
Thats what good writing can do for a character, or a show or movie.

I watched his show, and I like H. Steinfeld, so I found that one to be entertaining, nothing great but good,and better than the other crap.

Also disney has literally tons of money lol, and they give these shows 6-8 eps which isnt enough to really do them right.
But the way I look at it, is do less shows and make them 12-14 eps and do them right.
I think their plan is do the 6 ep shows, and by the time people are ready to stop watching, only one show left so they will watch it too lol.
I think with disney they all get boring and changed, and nothing good will come from it.

I do like the mandalorian, it is little corny buy good, created by the guy who played happy in the avengers.
He did another star wars show recently though and it was awful. Oh yeah it was bobba fett show. I think I stopped that on ep 4
just didnt like any of the characters, and fett was a joke, they disneyized him ! lol he wanted to be an angel ! or really good person. bye bye.

I wasn't that big of a fan of Jessica Jones, but David Tennant was a fantastic villain in it. That was probably the only saving grace about the show. Movies and shows often thrive on the villain and not the hero.
ok just curious, do any of you have actual comics? collections ? Old ones what years, do you like these new comics?
I sold a bunch of mine back in late 80's, and now wish I had kept them!
I still have some 60's marvels, some 80's marvels, think I have x-men 164-220
and I have almost all of Groo, did any of you read Groo? I liked the art and simple stories.

I have some I would like to sell, like Lobo and some x factor etc.

I have what I think is a mint FF Annual # 1, bought it in 84, I would sell that if I could get mint price.
It has been in a mylite bag with backing board since 84 so still same.
ok just curious, do any of you have actual comics? collections ? Old ones what years, do you like these new comics?
I sold a bunch of mine back in late 80's, and now wish I had kept them!
I still have some 60's marvels, some 80's marvels, think I have x-men 164-220
and I have almost all of Groo, did any of you read Groo? I liked the art and simple stories.

I have some I would like to sell, like Lobo and some x factor etc.

I have what I think is a mint FF Annual # 1, bought it in 84, I would sell that if I could get mint price.
It has been in a mylite bag with backing board since 84 so still same.

I have most of my and my brother's old collection. I gave most to my kids and didn't really worry about keeping most of them in great shape. My kids enjoying them took priority with a few exceptions. But they even got to read those. Most of the collection comes from through all of the 80's and early 90's. There are some outliers either way.

Marvel has killed Spider-Man nearly a dozen times during the last 30 years, offing Peter Parker two or three times along the way also. It is nothing new. Comic book characters rarely remain permanent dead, although there are a few exceptions (i.e. the original Captain Marvel). The Death of Superman is probably the best example of SIKE!

Marvel's next big event is the ending of its Spider-Verse. All kinds of Spideys (and Peter Parkers) will be ended across the multiverse, with new characters introduced as a consequence. Comic book publishers have blown up their fictional universes and restarted them for decades.
well I have to say I dont like the multiverse or any stories about them. like the last spidy movie was to me very lame and waste of time to watch,
because it really doesnt mean anything.
And if there were other verses lol would the characters look the same?? I dont think so .
But basically they should stick with just one verse and try to do that right. And I am not a fan of killing off characters when if you want to get rid of them
you can write them out in other ways, and then later on bring them back if you want.
Same thing with tv shows, what is the obsession with killing off characters? do fans like death that much ....yes kill them!!

I had been watching fear of walking dead, S4 thru 6. One of the actors wanted off the show, so naturally they decide to kill him lol.
Well they killed him off in a stupid way, and then killed off 3 other characters I liked, basically all the ones I liked were killed off in S6 or first of S7
so I just blew that show off, wont be watching that any more .
So I dont get why people would pay to go to movie just to see spiderman die lol. Iron man dying was also stupid, I just dont see the logic in it,
and it is just love of death, and lack of imagination to write them out in a better way.
Wilson Fisk Kingpin was great, very good actor and he made the character so good, better than in the comics.
Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/DD again good casting, very good actor, made the character better than in the comics.
And do you know if he did those fight scenes?? That was one thing that astounded me was the realism and length of some of the fight scenes!
He was like the energizer bunny, take a beating and keep on fighting lol.
The girl who played Karen, I did not like at first, but she won me over with her great acting, she was also way better and more developed than
any karen in the comics.
And Foggy was also great, had the right look and played that part well.
I think I might just start on those again lol, after moon knight and some of these other shows, I want to see something good.

Winter Soldier/Falcon series I watched this but it was a struggle to get through it. I could not say now what it was even about.
I do remember about his dads boat but that is about it. I dont think those 2 make a good combo. Ok I remember now it was the
people who were against powers that be and the one leading them was crazy woman. I was kinda on their side lol.
so it was ok, just not well thought out and written.

the Defenders- I saw this, dont remember it either, except it wasnt done right. Only saw it once, so might need to watch it again.
yeah it was better than Jessica, that show wasnt well done either. I didnt like the character the way they wrote it. I like that actress,
but the writing was not good. Making her a boozer and act the way she does is not endearing lol.
The first season, the villian stole the show, he was only thing I found interesting. The 2nd season, people said it was bad and boring, and it was,
I never got past ep 3.
I didnt read her in comics so she was new to me and the writers and producers blew it bigtime with her character and the writing.
Luke Cage, I did read the early comics, and the show was nothing like those, and I did not care for the actor, or the writing etc
watched about 4 of S1 thats it.

Hawkeye was a boring character in the Avengers.....yeah this is on the writers, for example DD was never a favorite of mine,
I didnt care for him , he was boring, till frank miller came along and revamped the book and character and villians etc. Then he was great!
Thats what good writing can do for a character, or a show or movie.

I watched his show, and I like H. Steinfeld, so I found that one to be entertaining, nothing great but good,and better than the other crap.

Also disney has literally tons of money lol, and they give these shows 6-8 eps which isnt enough to really do them right.
But the way I look at it, is do less shows and make them 12-14 eps and do them right.
I think their plan is do the 6 ep shows, and by the time people are ready to stop watching, only one show left so they will watch it too lol.
I think with disney they all get boring and changed, and nothing good will come from it.

I do like the mandalorian, it is little corny buy good, created by the guy who played happy in the avengers.
He did another star wars show recently though and it was awful. Oh yeah it was bobba fett show. I think I stopped that on ep 4
just didnt like any of the characters, and fett was a joke, they disneyized him ! lol he wanted to be an angel ! or really good person. bye bye.
Mando joined Boba Fett eventually, and the show kinda became more about him than Fett for a bit, which actually improved the show.
well I have to say I dont like the multiverse or any stories about them. like the last spidy movie was to me very lame and waste of time to watch,
because it really doesnt mean anything.
And if there were other verses lol would the characters look the same?? I dont think so .
But basically they should stick with just one verse and try to do that right. And I am not a fan of killing off characters when if you want to get rid of them
you can write them out in other ways, and then later on bring them back if you want.
Same thing with tv shows, what is the obsession with killing off characters? do fans like death that much ....yes kill them!!

I had been watching fear of walking dead, S4 thru 6. One of the actors wanted off the show, so naturally they decide to kill him lol.
Well they killed him off in a stupid way, and then killed off 3 other characters I liked, basically all the ones I liked were killed off in S6 or first of S7
so I just blew that show off, wont be watching that any more .
So I dont get why people would pay to go to movie just to see spiderman die lol. Iron man dying was also stupid, I just dont see the logic in it,
and it is just love of death, and lack of imagination to write them out in a better way.
If they never kill central characters, you never worry that a character might die, which tends to keep you less emotionally invested in the show.
well I have to say I dont like the multiverse or any stories about them. like the last spidy movie was to me very lame and waste of time to watch,
because it really doesnt mean anything.
And if there were other verses lol would the characters look the same?? I dont think so .
But basically they should stick with just one verse and try to do that right. And I am not a fan of killing off characters when if you want to get rid of them
you can write them out in other ways, and then later on bring them back if you want.
Same thing with tv shows, what is the obsession with killing off characters? do fans like death that much ....yes kill them!!

I had been watching fear of walking dead, S4 thru 6. One of the actors wanted off the show, so naturally they decide to kill him lol.
Well they killed him off in a stupid way, and then killed off 3 other characters I liked, basically all the ones I liked were killed off in S6 or first of S7
so I just blew that show off, wont be watching that any more .
So I dont get why people would pay to go to movie just to see spiderman die lol. Iron man dying was also stupid, I just dont see the logic in it,
and it is just love of death, and lack of imagination to write them out in a better way.
Movie studios are trying to capitalize on widely popular and highly profitable multiverse or timeline stories and concepts such as Age of Apocalpyse, Zero Hour, Days of Future Past, 52, Secret Wars (remake), Flashpoint, House of M, Crisis on Infinite Earths, etc., for comic book publishers. How well the stories or premises can be translated from page to screen will dictate how successful these types of movies will fare.

Their goal is capturing the imagination and wallets of both the core audience and general audience members who do enjoy the same types of stories. These movies will not appeal to everyone but they will make sense to those who do savor this specific entertainment. That fact is not a persuasion to change minds. It is rationale for why these films are being made and shall continue to be made.
Yes. Boba Fett became the Mandolorian season 3 and that’s when it got good. That’s what kept me around.
ok what ep did he arrive? I might give it a watch, didnt know he came into it.
Movie studios are trying to capitalize on widely popular and highly profitable multiverse or timeline stories and concepts such as Age of Apocalpyse, Zero Hour, Days of Future Past, 52, Secret Wars (remake), Flashpoint, House of M, Crisis on Infinite Earths, etc., for comic book publishers. How well the stories or premises can be translated from page to screen will dictate how successful these types of movies will fare.

Their goal is capturing the imagination and wallets of both the core audience and general audience members who do enjoy the same types of stories. These movies will not appeal to everyone but they will make sense to those who do savor this specific entertainment. That fact is not a persuasion to change minds. It is rationale for why these films are being made and shall continue to be made.
well I think the popularity of these things are over rated in comics.
back when they first started these, the comic publishers had just started direct sales to comic shops, and what happened was they over bought
on those issues thinking they would be popular.
the comic fans bought them due to they thought they might be valuable later, and were another #1 to buy, and it was new concept and they usually
had good artists on them. So the fans over bought too, I know I did on secret wars lol. and they never became valuable.
The comic publishers screwed the comic shops coming out with a lot of new books, more # 1s and they over bought out of greed,
but the comic companys were loving it.

Remember Dazzler # 1 lol people were trying to sell those for cover price.

Direct sales hurt comic buyers and comic stores.
I got back into comics twice because I saw a comic rack in a convenience store and a cover caught my eye, both times it was DD,
one was the white cover by frank miller, 187 I think, and the other was dd 104 I think.
But that cant happen anymore as they only sell comics in comic shops.
The whole better paper thing allowed them to jack up the prices way too high.

Back when comic were 12 cents, I read in a comic that they liked to keep the price of a comic the same as a coke, and they did that until
they went with direct sales, and the better paper, which I never cared for. I think they should have done 2 versions 1 regular at the cheaper price,
and 1 deluxe with the better paper, let it be an option.
Comics today are like $4.99 ? a coke is about a dollar, what does that tell you?
Comics today are like $4.99 ? a coke is about a dollar, what does that tell you?
It tells me it is not a good comparison. The markets and consumers are in no way similar. Nearly 100 million comics are published yearly. Not certain what the breakdown of Coca-Cola cans and bottles alone equal but 864 million Coca-Cola brand beverages are produced each day.

The comic book consumer market tolerates the $4.99 single issue price, which publishers sustain profits. Demand meets supply. Reduce the price to $1.00 per issue and publisher supply could not meet demand.

Likewise, the Coke consumer market bears the $1 per container cost and Coca-Cola sustains profits. Demand meets supply. Increase cost per container to $4.99 and supply would decrease to meet demand.

Is there alternate equivalent comparison that I could offer an opinion? This one is not making my educational background in economics feel well.
ok just curious, do any of you have actual comics? collections ? Old ones what years, do you like these new comics?
I sold a bunch of mine back in late 80's, and now wish I had kept them!
I still have some 60's marvels, some 80's marvels, think I have x-men 164-220
and I have almost all of Groo, did any of you read Groo? I liked the art and simple stories.

I have some I would like to sell, like Lobo and some x factor etc.

I have what I think is a mint FF Annual # 1, bought it in 84, I would sell that if I could get mint price.
It has been in a mylite bag with backing board since 84 so still same.
My weekly purchased collection began in 1972 and ended around 1995 or 1996. It was pretty well divided between DC and Marvel with a small percentage of Image Comics thrown in. I have been buying paper comics sporadically ever since. I do have an on-again off-again relationship with a Marvel Unlimited subscription for digital copies but I am not faithful to it lol.
It tells me it is not a good comparison. The markets and consumers are in no way similar. Nearly 100 million comics are published yearly. Not certain what the breakdown of Coca-Cola cans and bottles alone equal but 864 million Coca-Cola brand beverages are produced each day.

The comic book consumer market tolerates the $4.99 single issue price, which publishers sustain profits. Demand meets supply. Reduce the price to $1.00 per issue and publisher supply could not meet demand.

Likewise, the Coke consumer market bears the $1 per container cost and Coca-Cola sustains profits. Demand meets supply. Increase cost per container to $4.99 and supply would decrease to meet demand.

Is there alternate equivalent comparison that I could offer an opinion? This one is not making my educational background in economics feel well.
that comparison came from marvel back in late 60's or early 70's read it in one of the books.
also they would have less cost on the cheaper paper comics. All you have to do is compare a comic from 70's to the ones made now.
As for the art and number of panels, and pages that has all gone down, less panels for sure and maybe less pages, not sure on that.
there was also a bulletin in both dc and marvel about the rise in cost from 10 cents to 12 cents, they had a whole page dedicated to it lol .
A whopping 2 cents and they felt they had to explain it. boy things have changed.
ok what ep did he arrive? I might give it a watch, didnt know he came into it.

I think it was Episode 4, but possibly 5, at the latest. It was essentially a Mandolorian episode. I don’t think Boba Fett was even IN IT! And it was SO MUCH better than anything before.
that comparison came from marvel back in late 60's or early 70's read it in one of the books.
also they would have less cost on the cheaper paper comics. All you have to do is compare a comic from 70's to the ones made now.
As for the art and number of panels, and pages that has all gone down, less panels for sure and maybe less pages, not sure on that.
there was also a bulletin in both dc and marvel about the rise in cost from 10 cents to 12 cents, they had a whole page dedicated to it lol .
A whopping 2 cents and they felt they had to explain it. boy things have changed.
In 1964, the average movie ticket was 93 cents. Now it hovers around $9.50 and that's for a matinee.

In 1963, two pounds of bananas was 19 cents. Now, one pound costs around $0.62.

In 1960, a fast food hamburger was around 21 cents. Now, a home cooked hamburger runs about $2.70.


How much did an issue of The Funnies cost in 1929?

10 cents.

How about a Detective Comics in 1937?

10 cents.

Captain America in 1941?

10 cents.

1956's Showcase?

10 cents.

Fantastic Four in 1961?

10 cents.

Amazing Fantasy #15 in 1962?

12 cents.


What the fack???

Median Comic Book Cover Prices by Year

Up until 1961, comic books were mostly priced at 10 cents in the United States. Comics were seen by retailers as loss leaders, things to offer to kids while their parents spent money on more expensive things. Publishers dealt with inflation in the meantime by reducing page counts, from 64 to 48 and finally to 32.

There was no going below 32 pages per issue; while some modern publishers have made entire issues out of cover stock allowing them to go to 28 interior pages, 32 has tended to be the minimum. So in 1961, the first wave of a long series of price increases began.


Take a moment. Consider this. For DECADES, publishers kept costs stagnant at 10 cents an issue despite production expenses. Eventually, the industry hit a breakeven point. They could not maintain a static price and make a profit.

Take another moment. Pretend you are a publisher for a few seconds. What method would you use, while implementing a price increase, never before seen in 40 years, AND retain as many of your current customers as humanly possible? Would you just distribute a new cover price without saying a word? Or would you overcompensate attempting to relate to your customers the significance of a HISTORICAL price increase?

And remember, this society's economy exists in the 1960's, not present day.

Can we stop now? Seriously. Please?

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