PFT implies Watson punishment should be no more than Jerry, Kraft or Sydner


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I’ve been close to this privileged jock society. I saw first hand what it can create. My uncle had that invincible attitude which made him so good on the field. And it made him a success off the field.

But at what price to those around him and himself. He was a cheater, a womenizer, had a violent streak if things didn’t go his way which impacted his loved ones around him.

Fortunately all of his poor character flaws weren’t illegal at least in that society. They did cost him his wife , closeness of their children , much of his wealth and ultimately his parents and siblings. It can be lonely at the top. All for what.
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Ha-haaaaa, Done a ton of things, BUT the one thing I have never done is abuse a woman and anyone who has done that doesn't deserve to a spot on this earth! Watson and Cleveland minions should be bounced out of the NFL ASAP!
Yea, raising hell, partying, etc doesn’t have to include sexual harassment, assault and abuse.

Jocks have gotten away with it for far too long as some fans look the other way because of their success on the field.

And it’s such a small percent who indulge such extremes. Why tolerate and paint such an ugly image on an otherwise great segment of athletes who give back to society providing a much better example for our youth . Which is really what this is all about, setting an example when you’re on the stage they are.

I’d argue despite the talents their privileges to participate should be limited or prohibited. At least until they’d shown remorse, taken a timeout and illustrated better conduct to come.


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Could be but he has argued before he doesn’t care what these players do off the field as long as they perform on the field.

It’s a position I’ve see before that as long as these players aren’t in jail they want to see them play.

But as Reid even claims these players all too often are above the law and get away with conduct most of us wouldn’t . And why most I think are glad to see a body like the NFL take action.
your first sentence puts words in my mouth.
your 2nd sentence is more accurate.

I am consistent. I would argue you are not.

My point is they SHOULD be the same as avg Joe and treated as such. You say that, but it is not accurate. How? I do believe if they are not in jail they should be able to play. If avg Joe is free to work at Walmart, then he should be free to work in the NFL. You do not believe that. You say they should face the same rules, but only when it suits you. If Watson worked at Walmart, not a single woman would have gone to the police or sued him. The fact he isnt avg Joe is why we are here.

The difference between us is I am willing to accept whatever the criminal justice system says. You are not. If the system throws them in jail, you celebrate it. If the system says no charges, THEN you want the league to pound them. I am not the guy that cries the system only works when someone is convicted. There is an old saying in the system that goes something like, it is better to let 10 guilty men go free than to put 1 innocent man in prison. I like that system. Im not sure you do.

Ill say it again as you stated. To me, if they are not in jail and it's ok for them to work some crap job that would see them living in poverty, I am ok with them also being free to make millions in the NFL. I dont let my view on their status change based upon how much money they can make. You do.


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Exactly, the NFL is just like your employer. He has rules and guidelines you have to adhere to to keep your job...and they i am sure signed their contract which includes such wording. You break the rules, and the NFL can discipline you as they see fit. They meaning Roger, the enforcer and the executioner. Criminal liability is a separate issue for the legal courts to decide.

Incorrect. The latest CBA took that power out of Roger's hands. Watson is the first to use this new policy. An independent arbitrator, picked by both sides will determine Watson's fate, not Roger.


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It would be interesting for research to be conducted into how much fans really care about this sort of thing. I don't think they give a flip about this or drugs or PED's or anything that is not considered criminal activity.

All of these athletes are there for our entertainment and they are paid extremely well but that is the direct result of the popularity of the sport and how much the fans and sponsors are willing to underwrite it.

We are way past thinking these athletes should be role models for kids and if they stay out of jail, let them stay on the field. We are also past the "playing pro sports is a privilege" thinking.

You have summed up my attitude perfectly. I am a 52 year old former Marine, father of 4 adults children, married 34 years. None of these pro athletes are impacting my life... except for the fun I get out of watching them play these games. If they are free to work at 7eleven, Im good with them playing football.... FOOTBALL, not operating on my heart.


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Ha-haaaaa, Done a ton of things, BUT the one thing I have never done is abuse a woman and anyone who has done that doesn't deserve to a spot on this earth! Watson and Cleveland minions should be bounced out of the NFL ASAP!

ok so what else should players be a=banned for? Animal abuse? People make mistakes. I watched my mom get beat, so trust me, I have little sympathy for abusers, but is everyone supposed to be put in a corner for life for all crimes?


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Unfortunately for the less moralistic type fan there is money at stake . Not only for the networks and the sponsors but the players and all involved.

Only about 1% of the players even fall into this category that need disciplined. I’d wager to believe that the other 99% aren’t willing to roll the dice to see where all of this would fall over time potentially impacting revenue.

And Im not sure where the pulse of the fans are. Diehards would probably tolerate a more thuggery behavior bordering on criminality but would the women and fringe fans where much of the additional revenue stems from.

Fortunately the league isn’t willing to risk it. Not sure why some of the fans are. You’d hope there would be more integrity within the fanbase.

These aren’t animated cartoon characters. These are real people who live privilidged lives only because of their talents on the field which can effect people like you and I off the field.

Less moralistic? how judgmental of you. Morals... lol...Think about what that means for a bit before you so casually pass judgment on people.


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Yea, raising hell, partying, etc doesn’t have to include sexual harassment, assault and abuse.

Jocks have gotten away with it for far too long as some fans look the other way because of their success on the field.

And it’s such a small percent who indulge such extremes. Why tolerate and paint such an ugly image on an otherwise great segment of athletes who give back to society providing a much better example for our youth . Which is really what this is all about, setting an example when you’re on the stage they are.

I’d argue despite the talents their privileges to participate should be limited or prohibited. At least until they’d shown remorse, taken a timeout and illustrated better conduct to come.

There is a good chance that your dad, uncles, grandfather participated in behaviors in the past that were just accepted. You think athletes were the only ones grabbing women's butts? You think secretaries didnt sleep with their bosses all the time back in the 50s and 60s to keep their jobs? You think the term "Casting couch," came from nowhere?

Example for the youth? you can not be serious? There examples on how to live come from people they see in movies and youtube, and it aint good. Stop trying to put parental responsibilities on athletes.


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But the league still has full control over the appeals process, allowing them to edit the Arbitrator's ruling as they see fit.

Understanding the NFL's new process for imposing discipline under Personal Conduct Policy - ProFootballTalk (
if you read my other posts, youll see I kind of already said that when I said I hope Roger does in fact overrule the decision if Watson gets a minor suspension. Only because I think it would be more off season crap for us to


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your first sentence puts words in my mouth.
your 2nd sentence is more accurate.

I am consistent. I would argue you are not.

My point is they SHOULD be the same as avg Joe and treated as such. You say that, but it is not accurate. How? I do believe if they are not in jail they should be able to play. If avg Joe is free to work at Walmart, then he should be free to work in the NFL. You do not believe that. You say they should face the same rules, but only when it suits you. If Watson worked at Walmart, not a single woman would have gone to the police or sued him. The fact he isnt avg Joe is why we are here.

The difference between us is I am willing to accept whatever the criminal justice system says. You are not. If the system throws them in jail, you celebrate it. If the system says no charges, THEN you want the league to pound them. I am not the guy that cries the system only works when someone is convicted. There is an old saying in the system that goes something like, it is better to let 10 guilty men go free than to put 1 innocent man in prison. I like that system. Im not sure you do.

Ill say it again as you stated. To me, if they are not in jail and it's ok for them to work some crap job that would see them living in poverty, I am ok with them also being free to make millions in the NFL. I dont let my view on their status change based upon how much money they can make. You do.
First of all the guy at Walmart is not in a position to influence millions on TV. And anyone employed where their actions became public would probably lose their privileges to be employed by that company .There’s a reason most companies do background checks. And you’d be subject to any criminal allegations or civil suits which could cause harm to the brand or image of your employer. Using the guy at Wal art is another extreme example. I can make thousands more to refute.

If the NFL was just a pick up game down the street I wouldn’t have the same issue. These players are making millions off the backs of about 99% who do more of the right thing, I’m not sure why you want to celebrate or look the other way for this small segment. We would be just fine without them.

And if more were booted I think ultimately we’d have less force the issue. There has to be a reckoning for everyone . Including high profile celebrities,

I don’t deny their fame places them in more vulnerable situations but again most figure it out. Making exceptions only lessens the overall integrity of the game.


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First of all the guy at Walmart is not in a position to influence millions on TV. And anyone employed where their actions became public would probably lose their privileges to be employed by that company .There’s a reason most companies do background checks. And you’d be subject to any criminal allegations or civil suits which could cause harm to the brand or image of your employer. Using the guy at Wal art is another extreme example. I can make thousands more to refute.

If the NFL was just a pick up game down the street I wouldn’t have the same issue. These players are making millions off the backs of about 99% who do more of the right thing, I’m not sure why you want to celebrate or look the other way for this small segment. We would be just fine without them.

And if more were booted I think ultimately we’d have less force the issue. There has to be a reckoning for everyone . Including high profile celebrities,

I don’t deny their fame places them in more vulnerable situations but again most figure it out. Making exceptions only lessens the overall integrity of the game.

uhm.... Like I said, I am consistent, you are not. This post shows that. Nothing wrong with it, just admit what your post already shows. You think people that make big money and have a public profile should be treated differently than those that dont. I do not.


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There is a good chance that your dad, uncles, grandfather participated in behaviors in the past that were just accepted. You think athletes were the only ones grabbing women's butts? You think secretaries didnt sleep with their bosses all the time back in the 50s and 60s to keep their jobs? You think the term "Casting couch," came from nowhere?

Example for the youth? you can not be serious? There examples on how to live come from people they see in movies and youtube, and it aint good. Stop trying to put parental responsibilities on athletes.
And that’s exactly why it’s so important to see there’s a price to be paid in order to have a more positive influence on our youth coming up.

And I’d agree with other forms of entertainment. It’s a big part of our societal issues in our country. We should all do what we can to make a difference


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uhm.... Like I said, I am consistent, you are not. This post shows that. Nothing wrong with it, just admit what your post already shows. You think people that make big money and have a public profile should be treated differently than those that dont. I do not.
Unfortunately they are treated differently. If that was anyone else but a star athlete he’d be in jail facing serious time. They are privileged . But there should be more accountability. And I applaud any mechanism which attempts to do so.

Fame and success comes with responsibility and a price.

And I’ve been consistent with my stance on athletes and celebrities. They must fall to a different standard because the rule of law doesn’t always apply. Because of their status they can often get away with more than normal citizens.


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if you read my other posts, youll see I kind of already said that when I said I hope Roger does in fact overrule the decision if Watson gets a minor suspension. Only because I think it would be more off season crap for us to

Correct me if I'm wrong, from what I understand, he can only do that on the appeal process. Why would Watson appeal a minor sentence?


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Unfortunately they are treated differently. If that was anyone else but a star athlete he’d be in jail facing serious time. They are privileged . But there should be more accountability. And I applaud any mechanism which attempts to do so.

Fame and success comes with responsibility and a price.

And I’ve been consistent with my stance on athletes and celebrities. They must fall to a different standard because the rule of law doesn’t always apply. Because of their status they can often get away with more than normal citizens.

I would disagree with one thing.. they are treated the way all should be treated. But, unfortunately, poor people dont always have access to good attorneys, thus they get to take plea bargains that often screw them over. Our justice system is not designed to take cases to trial. The vast majority of people in the system are low income(hmmm, I wonder why) and that system wants quick and easy plea bargains. When someone actually has proper representation, all of the sudden the states claims are on shaky ground and often cases are dismissed, which is the way it is supposed to be, not the other way around. It was supposed to be difficult to take someone's freedom from them.


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Correct me if I'm wrong, from what I understand, he can only do that on the appeal process. Why would Watson appeal a minor sentence?
ahhhh.... here is the beauty of the system (for the league) The LEAGUE can appeal the decision. So lets say Watson gets a 6 game suspension. The LEAGUE can appeal that decision and send it to, you guessed it, Mr. Roger Goodell. THe problem facing the league is do they want to throw away the very first decision of an impartial arbitrator that both the league and union agreed upon?


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ahhhh.... here is the beauty of the system (for the league) The LEAGUE can appeal the decision. So lets say Watson gets a 6 game suspension. The LEAGUE can appeal that decision and send it to, you guessed it, Mr. Roger Goodell. THe problem facing the league is do they want to throw away the very first decision of an impartial arbitrator that both the league and union agreed upon?

I did not know the league could appeal it. That kind of defeats the purpose of the arbitrator, does it not? But anyway, I agree, it's probably not a good idea to overturn her first ruling.


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I did not know the league could appeal it. That kind of defeats the purpose of the arbitrator, does it not? But anyway, I agree, it's probably not a good idea to overturn her first ruling.
Operative word there is "her" ruling. Got to figure a woman will go a little rougher on Watson's action than most men so the league stays above the fray.

The one thing that has stuck out to me all through this is Watson's stating he's innocent and not many buy that with 66 different masseuses and 26 filing suit. I am thinking some of them just thought that was all in a day's work.

The guy in me wants pics of all of them with the ones filing suit marked so I can figure out if it's a certain kind of woman that gets him squirmy. Maybe the ones he didn't come onto were the more butch ones?

I tell you one thing the ole "get your hands on me" rascal is going to find. There are a hell of a lot more butch ones in Cleveland than Houston. Quite of few can shame that goatee of his with their own. But if they sue him, it will be for a new bowling ball and shoes.