CZ POLL Do you feel better about the team now than you did before preseason started?

Do you feel better about the team now than you did before preseason started?

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Too early to tell yet but the talent is getting better for sure. At least defensively.
The talent on defense is better
The talent on offense is not
It’s too early to know but overall I’m more concerned now than before pre season simply because we no longer have Tyron and Washington
On defense I think I’m actually more confident after seeing the depth and seeing Williams


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I voted yes, because of the defense.

Now if broken down between offense and defense. Offense would be a no.

But overall really about the same. A possible top 5 defense weighing in more than the offense taking a step back, but they will still be top 10.


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Worse bc oline is a bigger concern now that we know Tyron Smith is pretty much out for who knows how long. It was the worst case scenario we pretty much all expected at some point during the season but not this soon. Besides that though no big injuries which is really good. Smith always gets injured, so it is to be expected at some point like I said. Defense has some dogs and the depth looks to be there and guys are making strides, so that's a positive. Was hoping more guys would standout on offense though. While the QB's managed to put up some points, most WR's who might actually see daylight (Brown/Tolbert) we didn't really see anything from. Others (Houston/Turpin/Fehoko) I guess there's a little bit to be excited about. Just scared of the OL and the talent at WR isn't there right now. I guess I'd give the TE's a shoutout as well, better depth than expected.


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It's hard to feel good about a group you can't see in action. Especially one that has so many changes and none of them are upgrades.

Defense and ST should be ok but that offense could be a huge letdown.


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Didn’t vote because....I guess maybe so
Wasn’t an option. Lol
Anxious to see what they may or may not have because I haven’t actually seen the product yet. Hard to form an opinion, at least for me.


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Just as we build what may be a great defense, there goes the offense!

Get the return man we’ve always wanted and can’t find a good kicker to save our lives.

It figures.


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Yes, I absolutely do feel better about this team now than I did at any time, this year. I see a Super Bowl contender in this current team. Go, Cowboys! :flagwave:

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Because Tyron Smith is not the only thing going on with this team and your panicked brain needs to chill out and give Tyler Smith a chance before you dismiss him as the failure you seem to think he is.
Nice to see you Joe.
No need to be so gruff my friend.
Tyler is no failure, but you can put a player in over his head.
I think that's the case here if we think he can be a starting LT,
with an injured ankle no less.
I want to set the kid up to succeed.
Have a great day sir.


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I feel better about special teams, and feel just as bad about the rest of the team as I did before preseason. Smith going down didn't move the needle, because I was already accounting for that injury. Everyone was, except Daddy and Son.


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I feel better about special teams, and feel just as bad about the rest of the team as I did before preseason. Smith going down didn't move the needle, because I was already accounting for that injury. Everyone was, except Daddy and Son.

this, most are voting from " do you feel better or worse about this team compared to last season" if you feel worse about them from TC to preseason then im not sure what you expected other than Tyron not being hurt...


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Nice to see you Joe.
No need to be so gruff my friend.
Tyler is no failure, but you can put a player in over his head.
I think that's the case here if we think he can be a starting LT,
with an injured ankle no less.
I want to set the kid up to succeed.
Have a great day sir.
It's been repeatedly said the ankle injury is minor so stop using that as an excuse to not give him a chance, If you so graciously want to set the kid up for success then what he needs is an opportunity, not this doubt that you people keep casting on him.
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john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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It's been repeatedly said the ankle injury to his ankle is minor so stop using that as an excuse to not give him a chance, If you so graciously want to set the kid up for success then what he needs is an opportunity, not this doubt that you people keep casting on him.
I want to see him as the starting LG.
Plenty of opportunity, and better odds of success, seeing that's where he has been getting the reps in camp.


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I want to see him as the starting LG.
Plenty of opportunity, and better odds of success, seeing that's where he has been getting the reps in camp.
I want, I want, I want. That doesn't matter! Jerry is giving him a chance at LT and god bless him for that. Your probability of success shell game is a load of crap! Tyler Smith has played LT all his life and that is where he will play week 1. Why can't you people just support the kid and hope for the best for him?

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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I want, I want, I want. That doesn't matter! Jerry is giving him a chance at LT and god bless him for that. Your probability of success shell game is a load of crap! Tyler Smith has played LT all his life and that is where he will play week 1. Why can't you people just support the kid and hope for the best for him?
Joe, I will root for him to succeed no matter what position he plays.
If you can't be more respectful in your replies, you will be heading to my ignore list.
There is no need to speak to me that way.
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