Comics and Movies

Geez, these casting decisions get worse and worse.

I admit I never followed the Villains all that much in the D.C. Universe but when I think of Lex I think of a dude in his 40-50's.
Just like the Jesse casting in the now dead DC world, I don't get this casting.\
I know superman will be younger in this movie but just have a hard time seeing Hoult playing LL
I like the casting. He was on the short list to play Superman and now he gets to play his top nemesis. I think he is a good actor. He is 6'-3", so that provides some presence for the character when sharing the screen with Supes. One of the nice things about the TV series Smallville was that Lex was only a few years older than Clark. Maybe there are some better choices, but there are far more worse choices than this one.

Captain America 4: Has Marvel Lost Faith In Its Brave New World?​

Instead of releasing in its original July 2024 timeslot, the movie has been pushed back to February 2025, a massive shift in the timeline.
As previously noted, it isn’t simply a writer’s strike that caused this movie to revel in a lengthy delay.

Supposedly, the movies have already been shown to test audiences, and the reaction was anything but good. It’s hard to speculate on what kind of reaction from viewers would have required major changes, but it’s safe to say that the movie is having all kinds of troubles.

If the reshoot rumors are true, Captain America 4 has not been received well by anyone who’s seen what’s completed thus far. The fact that the film is said to be going back to production for extensive reshoots is never a good thing. While it isn’t uncommon for Marvel movies to go into reshoots, especially considering productions often block out time for reshoots, it is the word extensive that should have a lot of fans alarmed.

It is alleged that as many as three major set pieces in the movie are being cut from the movie altogether, meaning something went seriously wrong somewhere in the creative process. With that much being cut and reshoots likely still addressing issues for what is being left in the film, it is safe to say that whatever the test audiences were able to see will be incredibly different from the finished product.


The MCU needs some wins sooner than later. Hopefully, this rough patch will eventually lead them to re-evaluate their process because I want to get back to being excited about a new superhero movie instead of hoping the next one won't be too bad.

Captain America 4: Has Marvel Lost Faith In Its Brave New World?​

Instead of releasing in its original July 2024 timeslot, the movie has been pushed back to February 2025, a massive shift in the timeline.
As previously noted, it isn’t simply a writer’s strike that caused this movie to revel in a lengthy delay.

Supposedly, the movies have already been shown to test audiences, and the reaction was anything but good. It’s hard to speculate on what kind of reaction from viewers would have required major changes, but it’s safe to say that the movie is having all kinds of troubles.

If the reshoot rumors are true, Captain America 4 has not been received well by anyone who’s seen what’s completed thus far. The fact that the film is said to be going back to production for extensive reshoots is never a good thing. While it isn’t uncommon for Marvel movies to go into reshoots, especially considering productions often block out time for reshoots, it is the word extensive that should have a lot of fans alarmed.

It is alleged that as many as three major set pieces in the movie are being cut from the movie altogether, meaning something went seriously wrong somewhere in the creative process. With that much being cut and reshoots likely still addressing issues for what is being left in the film, it is safe to say that whatever the test audiences were able to see will be incredibly different from the finished product.


The MCU needs some wins sooner than later. Hopefully, this rough patch will eventually lead them to re-evaluate their process because I want to get back to being excited about a new superhero movie instead of hoping the next one won't be too bad.
Of course no one liked it. They want more Captain America. What works in today’s comic books won’t work in movies. Capt Falcon?

Average Capt America comic book probably sells 30,000 units. Average Capt America movie probably sells 50 million tickets. Just saying.
I admit I never followed the Villains all that much in the D.C. Universe but when I think of Lex I think of a dude in his 40-50's.
Just like the Jesse casting in the now dead DC world, I don't get this casting.\
I know superman will be younger in this movie but just have a hard time seeing Hoult playing LL
I like the casting. He was on the short list to play Superman and now he gets to play his top nemesis. I think he is a good actor. He is 6'-3", so that provides some presence for the character when sharing the screen with Supes. One of the nice things about the TV series Smallville was that Lex was only a few years older than Clark. Maybe there are some better choices, but there are far more worse choices than this one.
I don't know, Mark Zuckerberg playing Lex was probably worse than this. They should get the guy who played Lex in Smallville. He was really good, IMO.
Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor.
Jack Nicholson as Joker.
Sir Ian McKellen as Magneto.
Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin.

and introducing…

The kid from that Jack and the Beanstalk movie as Lex Luthor.

Oh, you were talking about Hoult. I thought you were talking about the guy from Smallville.

Nah. Agree with you though that he did a good job. Not much into those DC TV shows but Smallville pulled me in for a few seasons with good roles like Rosenbaum’s Lex Luthor. I like the episode in the first season with the nursing home lady who can foretell the future. She holds Clark Kent’s hand and sees great benevolent things. Then she holds Lex Luther’s hand and he’s in a field of flowers and suddenly blood starts raining and she dies of shock from seeing his true future self. Now that’s Lex Luthor!

I‘ll give anything a chance. Wasn’t exactly stoked to hear Michael Keaton, a scrawny comedian, would play Batman and he did okay. Never would have guessed in a million years either how great Heath Ledger would be as Joker.

Captain America 4: Has Marvel Lost Faith In Its Brave New World?​

Instead of releasing in its original July 2024 timeslot, the movie has been pushed back to February 2025, a massive shift in the timeline.
As previously noted, it isn’t simply a writer’s strike that caused this movie to revel in a lengthy delay.

Supposedly, the movies have already been shown to test audiences, and the reaction was anything but good. It’s hard to speculate on what kind of reaction from viewers would have required major changes, but it’s safe to say that the movie is having all kinds of troubles.

If the reshoot rumors are true, Captain America 4 has not been received well by anyone who’s seen what’s completed thus far. The fact that the film is said to be going back to production for extensive reshoots is never a good thing. While it isn’t uncommon for Marvel movies to go into reshoots, especially considering productions often block out time for reshoots, it is the word extensive that should have a lot of fans alarmed.

It is alleged that as many as three major set pieces in the movie are being cut from the movie altogether, meaning something went seriously wrong somewhere in the creative process. With that much being cut and reshoots likely still addressing issues for what is being left in the film, it is safe to say that whatever the test audiences were able to see will be incredibly different from the finished product.


The MCU needs some wins sooner than later. Hopefully, this rough patch will eventually lead them to re-evaluate their process because I want to get back to being excited about a new superhero movie instead of hoping the next one won't be too bad.
My hopes are the reshoots are not like what was deemed necessary for Justice League in 2017. Sometimes, studio heads overthink test audience data and suggest overreaching solutions to 'fix' negative reception.
Nearly 22-minute video plus a long-winded post. Do not say that you were not warned beforehand. :laugh: Very good Q&A with DC writer Mark Waid. He provides excellent insight. Several are more thought-provoking than the five I posted posted below but they really hit home for me personally.

(1:41 mark) HubCityQuestion: If you haven't been following them since the Silver age, how does somebody get in the Legion of Superheroes? And what do you think is the key to their specific appeal?

The key to their appeal, the key to the legion superheroes appeal, is you got to think of them as the uh the Knights of the Round Table of the future. Right, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. They are people from different planets all come together with different abilities to work together for the United planets to create a common peace…​
Me: I always viewed the Legion like Camelot a thousand years into the future.
(5:27 mark) DatBoi1996: For you, what is the appeal of the DC Universe compared to other fictional universes?
Well, besides the characters it is the way that these characters in this universe are inspirational to other​
people to other ordinary citizens in a way that characters in other superhero universes or comic book universes aren't necessarily. That is not to knock other universes but I think what makes the DC Universe special is that these characters are iconic and the general public realizes them as such I think that makes them very special.​

Me: Everyone has their opinion on the topic. I think mine is similar to his in that I see the DC Universe reflective of heroism in the purest sense. Symbolism is central to DC stories and are inspirational as such.

That is not to say the Marvel Universe is not populated with heroes. Of course it is but to me Marvel is a continual examination of the human condition. Regardless whether it is Black Widow or Daredevil or Iron Man or Hulk or Silver Surfer or Galactus, you name it, Marvel revolves around what makes people tick, no matter how ‘normal’ or ‘cosmic’ the characters may be.

(9:44 mark) TheTerrificToyman: I know you have been dying to write Superman for years. My question is which one of his villains would you say you're most excited to write and why?

When the opportunity arises I think Brainiac. I mean yes there's been a lot of good Brainiac stories told and a lot of good Brainiac stories up coming from what I understand from the Superman office but there's something about Brainiac that I think is unique, I think that he is the only villain that Superman is legitimately afraid of. That is he has an intellect far beyond anything and he is basically the symbol of Krypton in a sense because his relationship to Kandor, because of his relationship to Jor-El, and the explosion of Krypton and so forth. But he's a symbol of Krypton without any Humanity at all, whereas Superman is a symbol of Krypton with humanity and Superman just doesn't know how to deal with that.​
There is always something about Superman's villains that on some core level. Even Luther he finds in his mind he thinks this person can be redeemed somehow there is something in this person's soul that can be kindled into something good. I think he thinks this of The Parasite. I think he thinks this of Mongol. He thinks of this of all of his foes but there that isn't the case in Brainiac. There's just no soul there to be kindled into something good and Superman doesn't know how to deal with that.​

Me: Agree 100%. ‘nuff said.

(17:46 mark) MParrell91: I love the issue where Robin and Supergirl go on a date…

Thank you. By the way, that issue exists because in a cumulative 90 years of [DC] existence I have never seen Dick Grayson and Supergirl have a conversation or share a scene just the two of them and that is why I put them together specifically.​

…What other two characters would you like to write going on a date?

That's a really good question. We're going to do some edits and come back to that because at that one I don't have an answer for.​

Me: I wish I had read that. He makes a good point using Grayson and Kara. The scene below was included in the video. I have no clue what the scene's backstory was but I bet it was as funny as heck.


Many times readers see characters mix within group settings but never outside them. How would characters with nothing really in common act one-on-one?

He talks about Harley Quinn and THE MARTIAN MANHUNTER interacting in the same way. That would be hilarious.

(18:21 mark) Brubaker: When writing for different characters such as The Flash or Batman, how do you approach each character differently?

Again, getting into who they are what makes them who they are what their powers are and how that influences how they perceive the world but remembering that each of them has the same goal which is truth justice but they may not always have the same methods by which to achieve it and remembering this as you go forward.​
Side tip. When I'm writing a bunch of different characters especially when I'm writing a team book. My secret is to keep a bunch of trading cards on my desk one for every character so they're like chess pieces. For me, this is how I manage to keep characters straight and different when I'm writing a team book.​
You know I pull the characters forward and I've written a scene with Wonder Woman and Superman and Batman and then I realized oh wait Aquaman hasn't anything to do for a while. Let's pull him over here. Now I got Aquaman over here and I again oh wait I haven't done anything with Martian Manhunter he's over here so I've got to I keep them all in view so I can always make sure that they always get some play so I didn’t really answer your question but it's a bonus answer.​

Me: Heck. I think the person posing the question got more than he could ever ask for, lol. I certainly did. Wonder if any other writer of any kind uses some sort of visual aids in the same way?

‘The Marvels’ bottoming out of the box office 50% faster than ‘Quantumania’ cements its status as the MCU’s biggest ever bomb​
As the late Don Meredith would say, "Turn out the lights! The party's over!" :laugh:

Oh well. I had fun while it lasted. Some of Disney/Marvel's product disappointed me also but everything will always hinge upon the box office bottom line.

From the article:
Once again, this makes Deadpool 3‘s status as the only MCU movie set to release in 2024 a smart but incredibly risky move. If it makes a $1 billion, as a very confident studio is apparently expecting, then it proves absence makes the heart grow fonder. If it doesn’t, then it might be time for Marvel to admit a longer break is needed.

I have not been as critical as seemingly the majority of the MCU audience. Overall quality has dropped post-Phase Three but quantity was what I wanted and received for the most part. Practically all these characters, iconic and minor, new and old, DC included, are special for me and I have enjoyed the heck out of seeing them cross over from page to big and small screen. There were many more I had hoped to see in relative short order.

Now, Disney has slammed on its brakes and return to Infinity Saga output norms--possibly even more conservatively than before. MCU movies released at an average clip of two per year:

Phase One
2008 (2) Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk
2010 (1) Iron Man 2
2011 (2) Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger
2012 (1) Marvel’s The Avengers

Phase Two
2013 (2) Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World
2014 (2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy
2015 (2) Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man

Phase Three
2016 (2) Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange
2017 (3) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok
2018 (3) Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Ant-Man and the Wasp
2019 (3) Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home

It looks like it will basically happen anyway with the impending merge of Disney+ and Hulu catalogs but I would support the studio sacrificing its original programming streaming model from a purely selfish standpoint--IF it meant overall quality would rise on the big screen AND get an average of three productions per year, as seen in Phase Three.

However, it is depressing to me knowing even that self-centered dream is highly likely farfetched. Disney made billions during the Infinity Saga phases without any really harmful pitfalls to its expected box office revenue. It is simply smart business recapturing that output.

So, in true drama queen fashion, SAYONARA characters and groups like Galactus, Dazzler, The Shi'Ar, Hyperion, Excalibur, Super-Adaptoid, Onslaught, etc. Y'all may never see the light of day. Or my granddaughter will have the good fortune of watching you one day at least, lol. :(
As the late Don Meredith would say, "Turn out the lights! The party's over!" :laugh:

Oh well. I had fun while it lasted. Some of Disney/Marvel's product disappointed me also but everything will always hinge upon the box office bottom line.

From the article:

I have not been as critical as seemingly the majority of the MCU audience. Overall quality has dropped post-Phase Three but quantity was what I wanted and received for the most part. Practically all these characters, iconic and minor, new and old, DC included, are special for me and I have enjoyed the heck out of seeing them cross over from page to big and small screen. There were many more I had hoped to see in relative short order.

Now, Disney has slammed on its brakes and return to Infinity Saga output norms--possibly even more conservatively than before. MCU movies released at an average clip of two per year:

Phase One
2008 (2) Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk
2010 (1) Iron Man 2
2011 (2) Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger
2012 (1) Marvel’s The Avengers

Phase Two
2013 (2) Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World
2014 (2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy
2015 (2) Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man

Phase Three
2016 (2) Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange
2017 (3) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok
2018 (3) Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Ant-Man and the Wasp
2019 (3) Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home

It looks like it will basically happen anyway with the impending merge of Disney+ and Hulu catalogs but I would support the studio sacrificing its original programming streaming model from a purely selfish standpoint--IF it meant overall quality would rise on the big screen AND get an average of three productions per year, as seen in Phase Three.

However, it is depressing to me knowing even that self-centered dream is highly likely farfetched. Disney made billions during the Infinity Saga phases without any really harmful pitfalls to its expected box office revenue. It is simply smart business recapturing that output.

So, in true drama queen fashion, SAYONARA characters and groups like Galactus, Dazzler, The Shi'Ar, Hyperion, Excalibur, Super-Adaptoid, Onslaught, etc. Y'all may never see the light of day. Or my granddaughter will have the good fortune of watching you one day at least, lol. :(
Cheer up! I think you’ll get most of the characters on your wish list within the next decade or so.

In my opinion, these recent stumbles only help to accelerate the era of the X-Men and several of the names you mentioned (save for Onslaught).

I think you’re going to see less content for several reasons- namely cost savings and the noted drop off in quality and profitability.

While I can understand it, I’m bothered that they’re hiking the cost of Disney+ at the same time, charging me MORE FOR LESS.
Cheer up! I think you’ll get most of the characters on your wish list within the next decade or so.
Well, my doc has told me I am in good health but I never know when that city bus will hit me as I am jaywalking, lol. I have a whole laundry list of characters I would love to see. At no time did I believe Disney or Marvel would green light all of them but thought the possibility of seeing a sizeable fraction was pretty good.

I am not as certain now. Quantity of characters is not a necessity for the studio if it recaptures its early phases' success. Quality will likely drive productions highlighting the smaller echelon of higher tier characters and put a stranglehold on minor characters. Could be wrong. I gotta get used to waiting-and-seeing what actually happens.

In my opinion, these recent stumbles only help to accelerate the era of the X-Men and several of the names you mentioned (save for Onslaught).
I get the opposite impression. Now it will not surprise me if X-Men is pushed back to 2027 at the earliest. Plus, the studio's slowdown makes me that more concerned about casting of the mutants. Fresh but not necessarily well-known faces should be a casting priority if the goal is squeeze out product of a long duration like the Infinity Saga.

I think you’re going to see less content for several reasons- namely cost savings and the noted drop off in quality and profitability.

While I can understand it, I’m bothered that they’re hiking the cost of Disney+ at the same time, charging me MORE FOR LESS.
Agree on both points. I will be disappointed seeing characters like Ms. Marvel not have an easier gateway into the MCU via a television series but it is a good compromise should the studio make good with theater based product.

Disney+'s rate hikes have started irking me more than Netflix's and I never thought that would ever be possible. It does make me very apprehensive what the Disney+/Hulu merger will do for subscription prices though. Hulu has tier based rates already. I will not be happy paying more for zero commercials removed from stuff that was standard already on Disney+ minus commercials.

The whole concept of paying for programming with commercials is a pet peeve of mine going back to when I had to pay for cable programming. It feels like double dipping on the part of the programming provider.
As the late Don Meredith would say, "Turn out the lights! The party's over!" :laugh:

Oh well. I had fun while it lasted. Some of Disney/Marvel's product disappointed me also but everything will always hinge upon the box office bottom line.

From the article:

I have not been as critical as seemingly the majority of the MCU audience. Overall quality has dropped post-Phase Three but quantity was what I wanted and received for the most part. Practically all these characters, iconic and minor, new and old, DC included, are special for me and I have enjoyed the heck out of seeing them cross over from page to big and small screen. There were many more I had hoped to see in relative short order.

Now, Disney has slammed on its brakes and return to Infinity Saga output norms--possibly even more conservatively than before. MCU movies released at an average clip of two per year:

Phase One
2008 (2) Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk
2010 (1) Iron Man 2
2011 (2) Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger
2012 (1) Marvel’s The Avengers

Phase Two
2013 (2) Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World
2014 (2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy
2015 (2) Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man

Phase Three
2016 (2) Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange
2017 (3) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok
2018 (3) Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Ant-Man and the Wasp
2019 (3) Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home

It looks like it will basically happen anyway with the impending merge of Disney+ and Hulu catalogs but I would support the studio sacrificing its original programming streaming model from a purely selfish standpoint--IF it meant overall quality would rise on the big screen AND get an average of three productions per year, as seen in Phase Three.

However, it is depressing to me knowing even that self-centered dream is highly likely farfetched. Disney made billions during the Infinity Saga phases without any really harmful pitfalls to its expected box office revenue. It is simply smart business recapturing that output.

So, in true drama queen fashion, SAYONARA characters and groups like Galactus, Dazzler, The Shi'Ar, Hyperion, Excalibur, Super-Adaptoid, Onslaught, etc. Y'all may never see the light of day. Or my granddaughter will have the good fortune of watching you one day at least, lol. :(
I don't agree with that quote from the article that absence makes the heart grow fonder. If Deadpool is a big hit it doesn't prove that at all, it means people want to see Deadpool and Wolverine.

Arrogance, greed, whatever just lead to too many misteps. They wanted every movie to be billion dollar movies, who doesn't, I guess, but the budgets got larger and larger, stakes got higher and higher. They could have sustained an increase in output if they paired back the budgets and concentrated on the storytelling and characters instead of SFX and be financially successful. They could have had a couple reoccurring series, like Netflix did, to have new content and keeps Marvel in the public consciousness, but remain budget friendly.

Many of the characters you named could have been pretty cool guests, introductions, cameos onto a reoccurring series, like an "Agents of Shield" series maybe?
I don't agree with that quote from the article that absence makes the heart grow fonder. If Deadpool is a big hit it doesn't prove that at all, it means people want to see Deadpool and Wolverine.
It would not surprise me if the article's author is not that knowledgeable about comic book characters. Or may be bias after seeing the first two Deadpool movies and not enjoying them. Ryan Reynolds and both movies played within the character's niche environment and won over audiences well. Deadpool 3 may have similar or greater success if it keeps to the same formula and seamlessly integrates Hugh Jackson into it. Wolverine alone should boost the movie's appeal.

Arrogance, greed, whatever just lead to too many misteps. They wanted every movie to be billion dollar movies, who doesn't, I guess, but the budgets got larger and larger, stakes got higher and higher. They could have sustained an increase in output if they paired back the budgets and concentrated on the storytelling and characters instead of SFX and be financially successful. They could have had a couple reoccurring series, like Netflix did, to have new content and keeps Marvel in the public consciousness, but remain budget friendly.
Agree with better storytelling but not budgets and special effects. The latter works with proper oversight and supportive direction. Most of the first three phases' movies illustrate that.

I agree completely about storytelling. Some movies had adopted a sizable portion of cookie cutter dialogue. A couple of scripts were too much Taika Waititi driven. :rolleyes: (oh how I dislike that man)

Many of the characters you named could have been pretty cool guests, introductions, cameos onto a reoccurring series, like an "Agents of Shield" series maybe?
Liked Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. a lot but maybe have only trusted the series to do with just Dazzler I think. That would be a manageable character for the show in my opinion. All of my other suggestions? Nope.

The show did not do justice to Ghost Rider and really mishandled Graviton. GRAVITON!. It narrowed the Kree Empire into gloried henchmen. I can only imagine what it would have done with The Shi'Ar! Give the show Galactus? Hyperion? Excalibur? Super-Adaptoid? Onslaught??? (which would be even more difficult to fit into the show with the absence of an underlying mutant storyline)

Maaaaaybe Super-Adaptoid. The others? No sir. No way. The show may have wanted to embrace movie instead of comic book continuity and gave audience another SPACE CLOUD to laugh at. uh uh. Forget it. Hands off cancelled series. :laugh:
It would not surprise me if the article's author is not that knowledgeable about comic book characters. Or may be bias after seeing the first two Deadpool movies and not enjoying them. Ryan Reynolds and both movies played within the character's niche environment and won over audiences well. Deadpool 3 may have similar or greater success if it keeps to the same formula and seamlessly integrates Hugh Jackson into it. Wolverine alone should boost the movie's appeal.

Agree with better storytelling but not budgets and special effects. The latter works with proper oversight and supportive direction. Most of the first three phases' movies illustrate that.

I agree completely about storytelling. Some movies had adopted a sizable portion of cookie cutter dialogue. A couple of scripts were too much Taika Waititi driven. :rolleyes: (oh how I dislike that man)

Liked Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. a lot but maybe have only trusted the series to do with just Dazzler I think. That would be a manageable character for the show in my opinion. All of my other suggestions? Nope.

The show did not do justice to Ghost Rider and really mishandled Graviton. GRAVITON!. It narrowed the Kree Empire into gloried henchmen. I can only imagine what it would have done with The Shi'Ar! Give the show Galactus? Hyperion? Excalibur? Super-Adaptoid? Onslaught??? (which would be even more difficult to fit into the show with the absence of an underlying mutant storyline)

Maaaaaybe Super-Adaptoid. The others? No sir. No way. The show may have wanted to embrace movie instead of comic book continuity and gave audience another SPACE CLOUD to laugh at. uh uh. Forget it. Hands off cancelled series. :laugh:
One thing to keep in mind, Agents of SHIELD was a project of notorious skinflint Ike Perlmutter. It had a per episode budget of $7.5 million. By comparison, even the middling, 6-episode Secret Invasion series had a budget of over $211 million.

That works out to about 5 times the money spent, not to mention the improvement in technology and CGI between now and then.

If Marvel was going to do an ongoing series like that, I think they would make the financial investment.

I would like to see a series that fleshed out the superhero world, and introduced some lesser known heroes and villains in the process.

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