Comics and Movies

Off-topic but I would put Heath Ledger's portrayal of The Joker (although brief) right there with everything Robert Downey Jr. did as Tony Stark/Iron Man. For me, both actors put 1000% effort into making their characters true, live-action reflections of their paperback counterparts.

Heck. Just thinking back on The Dark Knight still gives me goosebumps. Jack Nicholson was great in a slapstick sort of way. Joaquin Phoenix showed who The Joker was down deep.

Ledger? That man killed it. His death was a true tragedy. His rendition was a supporting role but it was a legendary performance also.
My 2 cents (for what dat is sorely with several MCU films, Downey Jr's Tony Stark acting
impressions " grew" on us the more expanded screen time his Stark character was dished out and received by the

Heath Ledger had advantages in both his very own acting performance as the Joker .. combined with how director Christopher Nolan presented him in Dark Knight. Seriously sinister, cold and dark but extraordinarily clever and not overly corny and cheesy at all. I wondered what other actors were in consideration and auditioned for the role, before it was
decided upon Ledger.
they should have stopped the iron man character after iron man 1

1 was really good
maybe just me, but i'm not the biggest Ryan Reynold fan as per superhero movies. he strikes me as another Channing Tatum - who was slated to play Gambit for 2012, which fortunately never got off the ground.

Reynolds is just a face, imo. and brings nuthin' performance wise to any characters. He does not hit you acting impression wise such as Huge Jackson, Chadwick Bosman or Robert Downey Jr.

And Deadpool can be anyone hidden in his crimson costume, long as he continues his wild, quirky, jokingly ways of behavior -under the mask. As one who has been in 3 different superhero flicks (Green Lantern, Hannibal king, and Dead Pool) I think Reynolds gets a lot of calls to act super hero flicks, because romantically flick wise, he's a heart throb and maybe that attracts more of a audience among female teens, couples - just as maybe they attempted to do with Tatum - also once considered a heart throb ?
I am curious. Do you have any other actor in mind, who could play Wade Wilson better than Ryan Reynolds has, with or without the mask?

There are many actors out there. Personally, I cannot think of a single one.
My 2 cents (for what dat is sorely with several MCU films, Downey Jr's Tony Stark acting
impressions " grew" on us the more expanded screen time his Stark character was dished out and received by the
Grew? This is why I always say I am sometimes an atypical viewer within the general audience.

Downey sold me as Stark from his interactions with the soldiers in the jeep, at the start of the original movie, before he was kidnapped. He had the narcissism down pat. His wit and sarcasm was on point. And he looked like he was pulled right off the comic book page. After that, I was eager to see how far he could (or was allowed to) take the role.

In contrast for example, neither Edward Norton nor Mark Ruffalo have never sold me as Dr. Bruce Banner. At least Bill Bixby was limited by television nuances of his time. We will never speak of my opinions of Eric Bana's portrayal. :facepalm::laugh:
Heath Ledger had advantages in both his very own acting performance as the Joker .. combined with how director Christopher Nolan presented him in Dark Knight. Seriously sinister, cold and dark but extraordinarily clever and not overly corny and cheesy at all. I wondered what other actors were in consideration and auditioned for the role, before it was
decided upon Ledger.
I have wondered about the auditions as well. It would not surprise me if the potential casting list was extremely short, lol.


It seems like F4 has been a difficult comic to make a successful movie out of, although I liked the one from 2005.
I've warmed up to Pedro being Richards, but just hope if it is successful he would want to stick around for at least a trilogy/an avengers role
It seems like F4 has been a difficult comic to make a successful movie out of, although I liked the one from 2005.
I've warmed up to Pedro being Richards, but just hope if it is successful he would want to stick around for at least a trilogy/an avengers role
I think it definitely presents a challenge to create a modern version of the Fantastic Four.

They’ve always felt to me like something from an earlier time period.
I think it definitely presents a challenge to create a modern version of the Fantastic Four.

They’ve always felt to me like something from an earlier time period.

Same. But with the Reed Richards on Earth 838 being in the "current" timeline I'd assume they will also have this F4 post snap as well.
Would of been something to have the movie be placed back in the 70's/80's timeframe, something with Howard Stark and a younger Pym being in the film as well.
Same. But with the Reed Richards on Earth 838 being in the "current" timeline I'd assume they will also have this F4 post snap as well.
Would have been something to have the movie be placed back in the 70's/80's timeframe, something with Howard Stark and a younger Pym being in the film as well.
I was thinking of something even earlier, like the 50’s or 60’s.

Depending on how they decided to introduce them into the MCU, they could potentially come from an alternate universe where they were in a different time period.

This could add a ‘fish out of water’ element to their story where they’re unfamiliar with modern times and sensibilities.

Just a thought.
I was thinking of something even earlier, like the 50’s or 60’s.

Depending on how they decided to introduce them into the MCU, they could potentially come from an alternate universe where they were in a different time period.

This could add a ‘fish out of water’ element to their story where they’re unfamiliar with modern times and sensibilities.

Just a thought.

Yea, thought of the 50's/60's as well, but was thinking of a time period MCU touched on briefly in the past for some familiar names.
Wouldn't mind that plot as well. Bumped up 70 years in the future similar to Capt America.
Yea, thought of the 50's/60's as well, but was thinking of a time period MCU touched on briefly in the past for some familiar names.
Wouldn't mind that plot as well. Bumped up 70 years in the future similar to Capt America.
As they’ve done in previous films, Marvel could also incorporate more classic music into an FF film. I sincerely believe that the right music can add so much to a TV show or film.
Yea, thought of the 50's/60's as well, but was thinking of a time period MCU touched on briefly in the past for some familiar names.
Wouldn't mind that plot as well. Bumped up 70 years in the future similar to Capt America.
That would be an interesting twist on a Fantastic Four origin story. I would be open to it happening that way, especially if it were done well.

The Steve Rogers' frozen hibernation is canon though. The only difference was the time period he was on ice when the character was (re)introduced in the 1960's in retrospect to the MCU's Captain America: The First Avenger debut.
I am curious. Do you have any other actor in mind, who could play Wade Wilson better than Ryan Reynolds has, with or without the mask?

There are many actors out there. Personally, I cannot think of a single one.

Ryan Gosling

Jon Hamm

John Krasinski


Armie Hammer
Ryan Gosling

Jon Hamm

John Krasinski


Armie Hammer
Thanks. I *could* see all four playing less manic, drier versions of Wilson.

Krasinski has already done Mister Fantastic. There are other roles I think could could suit the other three better than The Merc with a Mouth:
  • Hammer - Clark Kent/Superman
  • Hamm - Black Tom Cassidy
  • Gosling - Booster Gold or Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider (probably way better than Nicholas Cage)
Mini~ramble. The young actress playing Princess Yue ,in the final two episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, kept bugging me. I know I had seen her before but could not place her face.

It finally came to me. Amber Midthunder. She was the main lead in Prey, the last Predator movie. I blame all the costume silver hair she was wearing, lol.
Mini~ramble. The young actress playing Princess Yue ,in the final two episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, kept bugging me. I know I had seen her before but could not place her face.

It finally came to me. Amber Midthunder. She was the main lead in Prey, the last Predator movie. I blame all the costume silver hair she was wearing, lol.
I might have to watch it now, really like her. She was great in "Prey" and really liked her in the Marvel series "Legion" and have seen her in a few other guest spots and smaller roles.
Old school A.I. concept of The Avengers: :laugh:

As good as Robert Downey Jr was in the role, i can easily see that Tom Cruise casting working out for the Ironman series too. I guess that's why he's the world's biggest movie star.

I see several that probably would have worked and most probably been approached for at least one superhero role since they're such a big name. I like the David Duchovny as Bruce Banner/Hulk choice. I thought Norton was a great choice too, and Ruffalo did a good job, but never thought of Mr. X-Files in that role.

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