Isn't odd the media is silent on Dak's assault case


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They would. They have people who are paid to watch those court dockets and report this stuff. Just seems like it because to my knowledge, the first communication was a letter to Dak saying to pay up or it would come out in the press and courts. Dak counter-sues, they are forced to do their thing, and here we are.
Right but typically the media would’ve reported soon as Dak didn’t agree to her 100 million demand.


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you would think the media would be talking about this 24x7 if something was serious about this sexual assault investigation, the fact there is hardly no mention of it, is odd to me.
Sexual assault investigation shouldn't be talked about here or anywhere else..Let the legal minds talk about it and certainly Doesn't Have a Place Here @ CZ :thumbdown:


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you would think the media would be talking about this 24x7 if something was serious about this sexual assault investigation, the fact there is hardly no mention of it, is odd to me.
The media has to be careful. You don’t want to jump on the player when he has not been charged with a crime. You don’t want to victim shame the woman. Believe me Skippy, Florio, and Shefter are looking for something to report.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I wouldn't want to blow my cover telling a guy like you!! :cool:
Trust me. Your cover is safe with me. :)

I am not giving any additional ammunition to those certain folks, who carry around white coats with the extra long sleeves. :(


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Dak is the one who brought it to everyone’s attention by filing a lawsuit claiming he’s a victim of extortion. There’s really nothing much to talk about until the facts come out.


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They would. They have people who are paid to watch those court dockets and report this stuff. Just seems like it because to my knowledge, the first communication was a letter to Dak saying to pay up or it would come out in the press and courts. Dak counter-sues, they are forced to do their thing, and here we are.
FWIW, the first communication was private letter, it wasn't a lawsuit. In response, Dak sued her (he didn't "countersue" her).

Dak's lawsuit was the first we heard of the allegations. If he hadn't sued her but instead paid her off (not necessarily the full $100 million, but some sort of settlement), then I guess none of us would be the wiser. If he hadn't sued her and didn't pay her off, she probably would have moved forward with her original threat to press criminal charges and make the story publicly known.
How would the media know before the legal system? I get that you are going to go out of your way trying to protect Dak at all costs, but it's ridiculous to assume the media knows more about this case than the police or courts.
The media doesn't know more than the police, but the police know more than the public and often the media has sources with the police to leak to the public how the investigation is going. I expect eventually we will get some sort of off-the-record update regarding precisely that.


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30 years ago maybe. It was nowhere perfect way back when but fact-checking often keep stories on standby until more information surfaced.

Much of present day media typically promotes sensationalism. Too many 'journalists' are usually not precautious about running with a story despite lack of factual information.
I think when you read the court documents and the womans attorney said "regardless of the damage this has caused, my client will forget it all for the low sum of a hundred million dollars" it leaves credibility at the door.

America's Cowboy

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How would the media know before the legal system? I get that you are going to go out of your way trying to protect Dak at all costs, but it's ridiculous to assume the media knows more about this case than the police or courts.
I get that you're all over this complaining why it isn't more in the media since you hate Dak and want anything helpful to push him out.

No need denying it. We all see it.


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My point is that it doesn't have to be Cowboy related for the media to cover it.
The fact that it's not being covered leads me to believe their is a puff of smoke and no fire. At least I hope so.
And that is very possible, but with Tyreek Hill we have some specific details, and we also have him admitting he needs to clean up his behavior. It's a very easy story to run with with a clear victim.

With Dak we really don't know what happened other than a sexual encounter in a strip club parking lot that has lead to a lawsuit and a counter suit. I guarantee every sports morning show is keeping extremely close tabs on this just ready to pounce, but with such limited information it's a risky game for a public figure to have an opinion on this. One Google search shows the NY Post, ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, and every publication out there sharing the story. What I'm talking about in terms of media coverage is on the sports side of it...the Skip Bayless type shows who are straight opinion media which unfortunately is what dominates the ratings these days. They would be foolish to cover the story hard this early with so few details. One wrong word too early on a sexual assault topic and that could literally be the end of someone's media career. Once the details start to come out I bet we see these shows run with the story in some capacity for a quick ratings catch during the slower part of the sports news year....because it's the Cowboys. If the story has not true legs to it it's probably framed in a Dak is the victim way.


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There were articles after the story initially broke.

News cycle has moved on, so what other topics should the media be discussing related to the case?