Ticket Prices Increased

Stephen not worrying about that fallback career in DQ country
Of course they have increased ....... i mean after 28 + years of success ......... they deserve to raise the prices ......... right?
That boat is expensive. Stop complaining and pony up. Jerry needs to make money.
Just got my STH invoice and these greedy buttholes raised prices again. I paid 6400 last year for four tickets and this year it’s 7300. Preseason went from 100 to 115 and regular season from 175 to 190. I’ve never sold tickets for profit but it’s becoming pretty clear that’s what this is all about with this franchise so I think it’s time to get with the program.
This should tell you all you need to know. Team does nothing to get better and has the audacity to up ticket prices and people still pay for it. Stop giving your hard earned money to these idiots. They are printing money at your expense.

They know they could put anyone in those jerseys and still be the most profitable franchise in the league. It’s arrogant.
Fans can keep pumping money into Jones wallet or just stop paying. Ask Bud Light it works.
Bahahahahahahahah.. ...and you think Jerry cares about your little plan to boycott? The morons that boycott will be replaced by those that want to live life. Jerry and the nfl won't miss a beat, Brevard the nfl is ingrained into the sports fan's life. Look at yourself. In her talking about the Cowboys in APRIL!
awesome. Guess what.... you can cancel your cell phone and have more amazing cost savings. Heck, never go out to dinner, even more cost savings. Car??? forget a car, take the buss.... AMAZING COST SAVINGS!

You show em.
No dropping the Arlington Jonesboys was the best cost savings. I like cell phones when I am on the road, cannot avoid going out to dinner (I have a wife), and no longer live in New Orleans that had the best public transit system so no car in Texas is a no go.

I'll stick with not giving that Dumbo GM/Owner/Defacto Head coach any of my money. But do with your money what you want...
Disgruntled Cowboys fans shown on CBS become latest NFL memes - Sports  Illustrated
Just got my STH invoice and these greedy buttholes raised prices again. I paid 6400 last year for four tickets and this year it’s 7300. Preseason went from 100 to 115 and regular season from 175 to 190. I’ve never sold tickets for profit but it’s becoming pretty clear that’s what this is all about with this franchise so I think it’s time to get with the program.
Product decreased, prices increase..the Jones boys way!
Bahahahahahahahah.. ...and you think Jerry cares about your little plan to boycott? The morons that boycott will be replaced by those that want to live life. Jerry and the nfl won't miss a beat, Brevard the nfl is ingrained into the sports fan's life. Look at yourself. In her talking about the Cowboys in APRIL!
Weak minds think the power of purchase is not real. If more people stopped spending like me and I have the means to do so. I chose to redirect my dollars to different venues. I call that smart and not led by the nose, but you be you.
Weak minds think the power of purchase is not real. If more people stopped spending like me and I have the means to do so. I chose to redirect my dollars to different venues. I call that smart and not led by the nose, but you be you.
And what makes you think I am led by th enose??/ A little presumptuous on your part....... but you do you..... smh
And what makes you think I am led by th enose??/ A little presumptuous on your part....... but you do you..... smh
Well you stated the morons that boycott will be replaced by those that want to live life. That signifies you equate going to overpriced football games as living life?

Yeah, your own statement displays your led by the nose mentality. I will be on a nice vacation and laughing at the beer bellied boys as they overpay in Jerry world.

Yep you do you.
Well you stated the morons that boycott will be replaced by those that want to live life. That signifies you equate going to overpriced football games as living life?

Yeah, your own statement displays your led by the nose mentality. I will be on a nice vacation and laughing at the beer bellied boys as they overpay in Jerry world.

Yep you do you.
I will do me. Ill travel from Ca for 3 or 4 Cowboys games to various locations. Then come Christmas Ill spend a week in Cancun at our timeshare. This summer Ill spend a couple weeks on the east coast and I wont even sneeze at what we spend. But you think a couple Cowboys games is big money apparently.

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