Different kind of Dak thread


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How is that any different than what I said? The risk in changing QBs is too high so the Cowboys will be forced to keep Dak. Obviously if the Cowboys had a more proven QB2 or were in position to draft a QB high that risk would level would decrease to some extent.

Maybe I'm just completely missing the point of your post, but it feels like you're trying to argue just to argue.
I think we are saying the same thing. The assumption that people that support Dak over the Cowboys is ridiculous.

Those same people hate Dak so much they would rather us go 0-17 without him.


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I'm all with you on lacking faith in the front office, just for different reasons. I also agree that this really isn't a Dak issue at the core, but that's why I'm OK with moving on too.

I've never really understood the Johnny Football or Paxton Lynch stories though.... Do we continue to ridicule Andy Reed for wanting to trade up for Paxton Lynch? I'm sure that Jerry wanted to draft Andrew Luck and Joe Burrow too, but was never in position to get those guys. Why do we care more about the players they didn't draft rather than the ones they did?

The post Aikman era was embarrassing, but this is a different era. I think it's significantly easier to find at least adequate QB play and win with subpar talent at QB. SF is a prime example IMO. Nothing against Brock Purdy but I don't view him as an elite QB, he's a solid player with a great team around him. Great teams tend to be able to make the post season with bad QBs. Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Tampa all made it last year. I'd even argue the Lions are a great example with Goff as his career was basically on life support that first year in Detroit, but he's a top guy now that they've improved that roster.
It’s not just failing at finding qbs though. It’s just pure incompetence all across the board.

I disagree with you about Purdy. I think he’s better than given credit for. I don’t think he’s just a guy. Neither is Goff. There’s talent there.

Tampa backed into the playoffs due to a bad division and Steelers and Browns had good defenses. Both teams lacked quarterbacks….


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
and this argument could work if he didnt have 8 seasons (yeah i get injuries shorten it but not to 1 year) of COMP% to go off of..is he the only QB in history that gets lucky that long that his comp% is one of the best in the league for well over 5 years? come on man..he fails in the playoffs with the rest of the team..thats a fact, the rest of this is just not a fact.
Completion percentage has nothing to do with it. It's okay carry on.


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You said people were making up narratives that did not exist ....... not that one person speaks for all of you.

Your were wrong ...... a guy on "your side" started that narrative.
No that’s not what was said….the original post I replied to said:

It’s because the sports media is the same as the other media. The same people that believe the team would collapse without Dak are the people that buy every bit of propaganda thrown their way on a daily basis.

It doesn’t say one person it says “people”…as in more than one….Rockport doesn’t speak for me or a “side”. You guys create this narrative to keep this division going. Same crap over and over again.


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Nothing against Prescott or his performance, but the recent draft mistakes have put things to where they will likely be a 9-10 win team with him, and a 4-6 win team without him.

So, take your pick. Everyone can opine as they like but this team is not within a window to win. That just ended.

Maybe it’s a matter of if you prefer to eventually be in a position to grab a franchise QB near the top of the draft, or if you want to have a couple of extra fun Sundays during a season by beating up on the third graders.

For me to be encouraged, they need to either be a team that has a chance to make a deep playoff run or be building toward that. Right now they are neither, and it really feels as if many around here would rather not chance being awful for a few years just to have a few extra wins that’ll be forgotten about quickly.

I’m not saying to get rid of Prescott. I’m not rooting for 0-17. I’m about nowhere with it, which is exactly what the overall plan seems to be. Nothing anyone can figure out.


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I have been thinking about the Dak divide of this fan base. I have referred to it in other threads. But one thing I notice that really hasn’t been discussed with any sort of depth is the analysis of the schools of thought regarding the various positions.

For instance you have the pro-Dak, anti Dak’s and those in between. Obviously there is evidence to support the anti-Dak crowd’s position. And it rationally follows that there is a reasonable basis for those that are somewhere in between.

But what I have a harder time understanding are the die hard Dak proponents that want Dak re-signed for essentially whatever he wants. There is obviously no merit to a point of view that refuses to acknowledge that at times Dak has played pretty poorly, especially big/important/playoff games. I don’t see how anyone could allege the contrary with a straight face.

They act like the entire Cowboys organization would cease to exist if Dak isn’t signed at whatever cost it takes. How does a person come to such a conclusion? Blind fandom? Fourteen years old with a complete lack of objectivity? A lack of understanding of the salary cap? Inability to reason?

I’m not trying to insult posters with that viewpoint. What makes the pro-Dak crowd ignore what most people consider relevant facts to come to their conclusions. It seems like these posters are the most entrenched in vitriol towards other posters as well?

What makes people be so hateful over discussions on a message board? It is as if someone else’s opinion amounts to an attack on the player directly, or a direct affront to the pro-Dak crowd.

I’m not saying that people are not entitled to their opinions one way or the other. That’s what makes this place great. I just marvel at the lack of civility here at times over simple discussion.

To be clear, I am not saying the anti-Dak crowd is right and the pro-Dak crowd is wrong (and I really don’t have a dog in this fight) but it’s hard for me to fathom that the pro-Dak crowd can’t at least understand why the pro-Dak crowd can’t at least see why the anti-Dak crowd has soured on Dak.

I think most of the anti-Dak crowd understands and acknowledges that Dak has some positive traits and has done some good things but have, for various reasons, come to the conclusion that Dak isn’t the guy from their point of view.

It would be nice if this topic can be discussed here calmly and rationally without this thread devolving into chaos and vitriol. Thanks in advance.
I am in the middle crowd. but I find it interesting that you say there is merit to the anti-Dak crowd, but you want reasons and proof from the pro-Dak crowd.. so that tells everyone where you stand.
the questions you ask, also apply to the die hard anti-Dak crowd. aren't they just as blinded.

you try to redeem yourself by saying you are not on one side or other, but based on your comments and approach you failed at being convincing at it.


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Chaos and vitriol before page three…..:laugh:
any Dak post should have a multi select option at the top, with same stuff being regurgitated, so that we don't have to just retype, we can just make a selection and be done with it.

nothing new is going to be revealed. this will go on for about 15 pages at least and then the next Dak thread.


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Dak is who he is

An Elite MVP caliber QB in the regular season and a below average qb in the postseason

if he were on another other team he'd be considered top 5 (even though imo theres only the top 2 burrow and mahomes then the rest)


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This reads just like any other Dak thread. There are arguments to keep him as well. It's all been gone over to death.
wait what? there was Dak threads and arguments? when? where? why didn't anybody tell me? where can I find these arguments? come on now.... what's going on around here? who is in charge? I demand answers

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The biggest concern the Cowboys face with Dak is they have no viable replacement if they move on after the 2024 season. If you look at most teams that have moved on from a solid starting QB, either due to the QB retiring or feeling it was time for a change and they didn’t have a viable replacement it’s led to years of struggling. The teams that remain successful and competitive have a viable replacement. The Packers for example always have a promising QB waiting in the wings to take over.
but you can go and draft the next mahomes. KC did it while they had Smith. ;)


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But there is literally a 30+ page thread on the first page of this forum that says it'll probably be 10+ years before the Cowboys break .500 without Dak.

Isn't that the point of the pro Dak crowd is that it's such a high risk in changing QBs that you have to pay Dak to avoid possibly missing the playoffs? If not I'm confused and need to go back to square one on this issue.
one man's post does not make a generalization of all. the same could be said for some anti-Dak group. could we take a single take and say they all think that way?
even in that post, a lot of people opposed the opinion, including myself.


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Who has attacked Dak on a personal level? The anti-Dak crowd, and I have no problem admitting I am one of them, doesn't like his performance on the field. Period. As far as I have seen, NO ONE attacks him personally, except for his perceived level of greed.
talk to @PAPPYDOG who posts nothing about football (ever) and only TMZ related topics.