Brace yourself Cowboy fans, you know who could be next

When I read threads like this it seems there are fans that want Dak to be paid as first priority, the second priority is the signing would upset other fans and there’s very little to no mention about the Cowboys team. In fact the only time the Cowboys are mentioned as a team is when Dak is being defended for losing. So I guess a better question is what is the motivation of wanting Dak signed. Because here is the question I have been asking for months and I have not gotten an answer. I’ve been called names and other things but I haven’t gotten answer to this question:

How is paying Dak 60+ APY going to make the Dallas Cowboys a better team in 2024? Or more specifically how is paying Dak 60+ APY going to improve the Cowboys team in the playoffs?
Jerry creates this type of culture. Either sign Dak or move on!! I don't care what you do. But stop trying to win in the court of public opinion. This is the NFL. It is business and entertainment FIRST!!!! When the NFL sits down with networks to sell their rights....the networks don't ask the NFL for a "discount because they already are making a ton of money". The NFL wants their WORTH and they get it!!!

It does not matter what Jerry or the fans think Dak's worth is. He is worth what someone is willing to pay him. If Jerry does not agree....then MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what being a GM is all about!!!!!!!! Not getting boxed in with a no trade clause or the inability to franchise tag him....then whining to the fans about "Dak being greedy"!!! You've already franchised tag Dak 2 times. Dak played lots of years for ~500k....and everybody LOVED those days. Well those days are over. His market value...and any other player in the NFL for that what it is. Jerry brags about doing this for 30 what part about "market value" does Jerry not understand?

Players conducts themselves as they should. So maybe somebody that started doing this in the late 80s needs to step aside if they CANNOT accept that players, just like the owners....recognize this as a business FIRST!!!!!!!!!
No I’ve noticed you bashing Dak for several months now.
You should get with @PAPPYDOG dog who thinks Im a Dak Homer .

I start threads like this for fun. I enjoy taking on the extremes from both sides.

I’ve maintained I represent more of the fans in the middle who while realizing our QB’s lack of more success, weaknesses and shortcomings also recognize he’s not as bad as some want to portray.

It seems to spark me getting bashed from both sides. This is a perfect example .
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Starting to think when Jerry said he was all in....he meant he was all finding another QB. He may have found one in can see the upside.
I have complete faith in our owner. Afterall he’s the only one who can make these important GM decisions . He said so . It must be true:)
You should get with @PAPPYDOG dog who thinks Im a Dak Homer .

I start threads like this for fun. I enjoy taking on the extremes from both sides.

I’ve maintained I represent more of the fans in the middle who while realizing our QB’s lack of more success, weaknesses and shortcomings also recognize he’s not as bad as some want to portray.

It seems to spark me getting bashed from both sides. This is a perfect example .
Rocky he's one of your kind just likes to play neutral but in the end, his passions for the Dakster are on the same level as yours or even greater.
Be nice to your own there's not many of you left here. :thumbup:
Rocky he's one of your kind just likes to play neutral but in the end, his passions for the Dakster are on the same level as yours or even greater.
Be nice to your own there's not many of you left here. :thumbup:
According to some , anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the Troll position is a Dakstar.

But only a couple of the more extreme Haters and Homers don’t recognize my more moderate voice on the subject. I just enjoy stirring up the pot. Pure entertainment.
I’m just curious. Do you guys want Dak to sign because you think it’s best for the Cowboys or do you want him to resign because it will upset people?
I'm curious, do you guys want to not sign Dak because it's best for the Cowboys or do you not want to sign him because it will upset people?
I'm curious, do you guys want to not sign Dak because it's best for the Cowboys or do you not want to sign him because it will upset people?
For me I don’t have much hope either way. I waved my white flag years ago with our owner and GM.

But yea, it’s fun trolling the trolls. Lol
According to some , anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the Troll position is a Dakstar.

But only a couple of the more extreme Haters and Homers don’t recognize my more moderate voice on the subject. I just enjoy stirring up the pot. Pure entertainment.
Remember you brought me into this by posting my name.
You're a FAKE and a Dak lover in hiding and this is pathetic and weak as you don't have the guts to admit it.
Troll is your favorite word as you are after all the Troll-Police.
At least Rocky is str8 up with his opinion no matter how out of bounds and insulative they can be at times.
Now get back on the Job............ Those trolls are everywhere!!!! :eek:
Remember you brought me into this by posting my name.
You're a FAKE and a Dak lover in hiding and this is pathetic and weak as you don't have the guts to admit it.
Troll is your favorite word as you are after all the Troll-Police.
At least Rocky is str8 up with his opinion no matter how out of bounds and insulative they can be at times.
Now get back on the Job............ Those trolls are everywhere!!!! :eek:
No, you responded initially by claiming I was a closet Dakster.

Its fun trolling the trolls. Especially an admitted one. But at least you are paying your way. Thanks for your contributions. Lol

And where’s your biggest Allie. The admitted Egirls fan. He should be along soon:)
It’s going to be a banner day here on the Zone if our “get er done “ GM resigns our QB now that he has his WR .

We’ll have to stop the presses. All hands on deck. Warning: toxic rhetoric . Fans jumping off. Get a bigger bag of popcorn. Merge all Dak threads:)

Only Jethro can save the Cowboys getting crap done his way. Lol

Fun fun fun
If you want to see Dak get paid it's great but if your a Cowboy fan and want to see the team take the next step towards a SB like Rams and GB did you let him go.
Your hope won't make it happen.

Per ESPN's Adam Schefter, the Cowboys are not "any closer" to extending Prescott or Parsons.
"It has not felt like there's been a real sense of urgency to get a deal done," Schefter said on SportsCenter. "And the urgency helped them today with CeeDee Lamb, but it has not really been there, nor should it be there with Dak Prescott nor Micah Parsons. So those two situations continue to linger on. And now that Dallas has reached the agreement with CeeDee Lamb, it can take some of the attention that it was devoting to their wide receiver and now begin to focus it on the quarterback and the elite defensive player that Micah Parsons is.

"But it doesn't appear at this time that a deal with either one of those players—Parsons or Prescott—is any closer despite the fact that CeeDee Lamb now has an agreement to keep him in Dallas for the next five years."
I guess if the OP starts a thread every week predicting that a Dak signing is inevitable, he may eventually get it right.

Not exactly Nostradamus right there......
If you want to see Dak get paid it's great but if you’re a Cowboy fan and want to see the team take the next step towards a SB like Rams and GB did you let him go.
I have little faith our owner and GM will be leading us to SB again.

My initial hope is just 17 meaningful games a year. My bar has been lowered for decades.
I guess if the OP starts a thread every week predicting that a Dak signing is inevitable, he may eventually get it right.

Not exactly Nostradamus right there......
Gonna be real hard for some of em to keep posting the way they do once Dak walks.

Starting a weekly thread acting like “this is the week Dak gets signed” is impossible to come back from.
If you want to see Dak get paid it's great but if your a Cowboy fan and want to see the team take the next step towards a SB like Rams and GB did you let him go.
If they make Ceedee Dak and Micah the highest paid at their positions, they will be relevant but never in a super bowl......guess which one Jerry cherishes more?
We know JJ is signing Dak. Sooner he does it the cheaper it will be. Then Parsons next year.
Gonna be real hard for some of em to keep posting the way they do once Dak walks.

Starting a weekly thread acting like “this is the week Dak gets signed” is impossible to come back from.
Rocky came back from his " I'm quitting thread" so anything is possible,

Just takes people with no character and pride

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