"When It Mattered Most Tony Romo Delivered" - John Lynch


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i give him credit for today but i still think he's a loser. this franchise is about winning playoff games and super bowls. until he does that he's a loser to me.

Being a hater is a loser mentality.


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I've been trying to get over it for 7 years but he just can't seem to do anything other than beat sorry teams in the regular season. You should be crying that we're mediocre, but mediocrity is where this fan base is comfortable.

"He" is not the team. The Cowboys as a team including coaches have not won playoff games. Also I don't cry that were mediocre, I just root for the team to improve and win.


Here comes the Sun...
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"He" is not the team. The Cowboys as a team including coaches have not won playoff games. Also I don't cry that were mediocre, I just root for the team to improve and win.[/quote]

What a concept, huh? lol


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John Lynch said it, "when it mattered most Tony Romo delivered."

Big play by Romo with the entire season on the line and 4th and goal from the 10 yd line.

He'll be fired before his plane lands home.


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Against the 3-11 Skins, fantastic. We're super bowl bound.

Just another garbage spewed by you, but not surprised. This was a road game against divisional rival, regardless of skins record, and had Cowboys lost, next week wouldn't have mattered, but because they won, next week will determine who will be the division champs. Man your hate on Romo has no boundary and I'm sure it pisses you off that he had the game winning drive, and because of that you can't spew your hate for another week, sucks to be you.


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Romo wins and loses in dramatic fashion..it's in his DNA.

No its in the defense DNA not being able to finish teams.

the Denver game, the Detroit game, and the GB game.
Romo took us down and scored a touchdown vs Denver to go up 48-41 with 3 minutes to go. Just a stop and we win. Nobody remembers that all they remember is the INT.
Romo takes us down to go up 6 over Detroit with 1:12 left and the Lions go 90 yards and win.
Last week our defense couldn't stop GB in the 2nd half and all people talk about were the INTs.

3 games were all we needed were the Defense to step up and get a stop. Romo had us winning all three of those games.
We should be 11-4 right now because of Romo.


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We won and he lead us to the win, save the negativity for another day, let's just enjoy this one.

He can't. He lives for The Cowboys to lose so he can come here, chest bowed up, and spew his Romo vitriol.


A Work in Progress
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Garrett should be gone after this game no matter what. This game was won on purely amazing plays. A special teams return, a third and nine TD to Dez, Romo throwing a pass on every single play in the last series outside of three failed runs from the one. Murray had that forty harder on that busted play as well.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, could be said about coaching.

Ok, so what exactly did he do wrong, other than not lead us to a blowout win? You say those were all amazing plays. I say we executed. It's not Garrett's fault that Clutts fumbled, or that Romo threw the INT. Truth of the matter is, this team was down two scores in the 4th quarter, and looked done. But they kept fighting. Maybe it had to do with all that idiotic clapping Garrett was doing. You can argue he should be fired, and I'd agree with you, but not necessarily based on this game?


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Great clutch drive and play by Romo. Very sloppy offensive game before that though. But one thing I notice is the Romo-loves will give the defense no credit for the win even though they had two clutch stops of the final two drives of the game.

I'm a Romo lover without question but the defense did show up at the end. When Dez almost caught the high pass in the end zone and we settled for a field goal, I thought the game was over. No way did I think we would get the ball back. Defense came through, and Romo did his part. Last but not least let's not forget mr. Murray who also made a bug play there.

Nice feel good win regardless of the records.


A Work in Progress
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And Tony Romo said he sprained Garret's ego by checking out of the run on 4th and goal.

If that was supposed to be a run on 4th and goal at the 10, I'll eat my socks. But I think used what you did there ;)


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Ok, so what exactly did he do wrong, other than not lead us to a blowout win? You say those were all amazing plays. I say we executed. It's not Garrett's fault that Clutts fumbled, or that Romo threw the INT. Truth of the matter is, this team was down two scores in the 4th quarter, and looked done. But they kept fighting. Maybe it had to do with all that idiotic clapping Garrett was doing. You can argue he should be fired, and I'd agree with you, but not necessarily based on this game?

Because they still can't prepare against a blitz...


A Work in Progress
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Because they still can't prepare against a blitz...

They got burned by it couple times, but for the most part they handled it all right. That smoke route to Dez, for one. I do agree tho, that they could use more hot route plays in their repertoire.