Seattle /San fran


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Well take a good look at the SB winners over the last 40 years and guess which group there are a lot more members of.

TO give you a clue it ain't the ones you clearly think it would be. But that is no surprise coming from you.

I guess you think the 90's Cowboys were a classy bunch? LOL...


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another real expert on human nature. Where did you get your psychology degree, Z? By the way Demarcus Ware is twice the player and 5 times the person and more than likel TEN TIMES THE MAN Sherman is.

fans like you contributes to the whimpy country club label that's currently imprinted on this franchise. just sad how soulless some of our fans have become. i'm just wondering what your reaction was to this...



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So Sherman's a "bad guy" now? You guys should do research on him, he is probably one of the better guys in the NFL. He stays out of trouble, works hard in practice/in the film room, and plays with passion on the field. He'd be the least of my worries in a sport that does tend to have a lot of real troublemakers/knuckleheads.


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So Sherman's a "bad guy" now? You guys should do research on him, he is probably one of the better guys in the NFL. He stays out of trouble, works hard in practice/in the film room, and plays with passion on the field. He'd be the least of my worries in a sport that does tend to have a lot of real troublemakers/knuckleheads.

We've got a wine/cheese fanbase that is more worried about a players conduct off the field then how they perform on it. They believe the Ware's and Witten's of the world are better people for being soft spoken and reserved. I'm just ready for a complete overhaul of the personality of this roster.


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fans like you contributes to the whimpy country club label that's currently imprinted on this franchise. just sad how soulless some of our fans have become. i'm just wondering what your reaction was to this...


I remember Alvin Harper yelling at eagles corner mark McMillan "put the leprechaun back on the box" during a playoff game. He was like 5"7

I today's world with twitter people would freak out.

Ad the rivalry we had with the eagles was just as intense as this niners hawks one.

Guys were trying to injure players and knock them out of the game. Andre waters was openly trying to knock emmitt out and half the media rooted for him to do it.


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We've got a wine/cheese fanbase that is more worried about a players conduct off the field then how they perform on it. They believe the Ware's and Witten's of the world are better people for being soft spoken and reserved. I'm just ready for a complete overhaul of the personality of this roster.

and you can take your classless punks and stick them where the sun don't shine.

You couldn't overhaul a baby's highchair


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So Sherman's a "bad guy" now? You guys should do research on him, he is probably one of the better guys in the NFL. He stays out of trouble, works hard in practice/in the film room, and plays with passion on the field. He'd be the least of my worries in a sport that does tend to have a lot of real troublemakers/knuckleheads.

I don't really have a problem with sherman talking trash, he was pretty juiced after making the game-winning play. Those seahawk fans throwing food at bowman while he was carted off on the other hand......


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You think he is going to yell at someone if he just made a game winning play?
I don't know. And that's the point. He's not from the suburb, he's not going to react to things like you and I would. When you get certain players who are hyped during a game, and there are words (bad words) going on from corner to wide receiver all game long, and you make a game-winning play at the end, no telling what a person would say.

My question is, why do we care?


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It's more about people questioning his intelligence. It's kind of insulting. Sure, he's a trash talker and an egotist, but he doesn't have a learning disability.

Sure but you question his social intelligence. I looked at Deion and many guys who have played DB and WR over the years...trash talkers..,as mostly fun or a persona. Sherman just seems angry and a truly thuggish type guy. Granted I don't know much about him but his idea of gamesmanship falls woefully short.

As far as comparison to Irvin's cuss rant. Wasn't happy with him at that time. Irvin was always fun. That rant seemed drug fueled rage and craziness. Not saying it was drugs but he was crazy at that time compared to past


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I don't know. And that's the point. He's not from the suburb, he's not going to react to things like you and I would. When you get certain players who are hyped during a game, and there are words (bad words) going on from corner to wide receiver all game long, and you make a game-winning play at the end, no telling what a person would say.

My question is, why do we care?

He has made repeated game winning plays or big plays on game winning drives.

I have never seen be anything but thankful and thank his teammates.

I want one of you guys to show me where he has done different.

If the ******** poster who originally asked the question said after a loss, or blowing a game then yea...Dez would be flipping out.

But after a win he has never been anything but happy and thankful