Recommended Fuzzy Thoughts on PS vs. Ravens


The Boognish
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Murray seemed sluggish and not running full speed. It appeared that he was holding back. After the botched exchange he seemed to wake his legs up a little bit but he still never looked like 2nd half of 2013 Murray. He was effective nonetheless. If he does come back then i advocate sitting him more in the preseason. RB has only so many carries for his career.

Special teams was awful but it was also basically tryouts for players 40-90 on the roster. Guys couldn't get off blocks, lane gaffes left and right, poor tackling and blocking, BW Webb running scared with soft returns, and it was obvious that every return was to be taken out of the endzone. What I took away from this is that Harris, Heath, Lawrence, and Hanna are all locks to make the team.

First team OL was okay. Martin showed his mortality with variably poor play on a few snaps but overall I think Romo enjoyed a nice pocket and they were able to find some running room early. The run game was inconsistent but they did execute several 5+ yard runs against a Ravens front 7 that has some talent. Our blocking on the second level versus the LBs was overall poor. Anything that took time to develop like a counter was blown up. That inside power zone wasn't used though. Yay preseason!

Romo still hasn't taken a hit but he isn't playing scared. At the end of last season he was repeatedly was taking dives in the face of pressure. If he keeps on getting a pocket to step up into this offense is going to destroy people in the air. Romo is one of the best in the business in foiling the outside rush and the talent he has to throw to is plentiful.

Williams, Escobar, Dunbar, Beasley, and Harris are all going to make plays. Williams runs great routes that get him open all over the field. Escobar's routes are continuing to get him separation as well and he catches everything even smothered by a defender. Dunbar and Beasley are going to tear up underneath coverage in space where they are going to be constant threats and Harris' physicality outside complements that beautifully. That is before you consider the stars.

They aren't going to show Dez moving around much. They left him at flanker but he still made plays. They did run the RBs out wide of the formation which I thought was interesting. They'll get better in the screen game if they commit to it.

Only overall negative I came away regarding the 1s with was the penalties and of course the fumble.

Second offensive line was poor. I wanted to watch Wetzel but instead my eyes kept on finding Parnell and Goodin playing like garbage. I had a theory that Parnell was slow rolling it. Well, I was wrong. He does a poor job setting up outside and gets beat on the inside move anyway? He doesn't make my cut down to 70. With Leary now starting Goodin came in and he was just as bad. He had all kinds of problems with the linemen and when they blitzed at him, he was clueless. I get that it's a 3-4 but it was just bad.

I give Weeden a pass for alot of his poor plays as a result of the above. His arm still looks strong and he stood in there and made some throws in the face of that. Now that think of it. I would move bad body Alodenoye up in the depth chart.

Starting defense played a lot better. George Selvie looked stout in there. He rushes at a sharp angle inside and he did a good job of mucking things up on the strongside. Very disruptive. Mincey's quickness belies his power. His inside counter continues to be effective and he is making plays upfield. Hayden didn't get blown off the ball every down and Coleman who played from start to finish, did a much better job getting off blocks and being disruptive against the 1's.

I didn't overly pay attention to the LB in the run game but they seemed to have a much easier time finding the football.

Wilcox and Church stood out to me. Church just has a nose for the ball and diagnoses plays so quickly. Wilcox is fun to watch because he is getting better at his recognition and he is making plays along the way.

The whole team is getting better at coverage especially zone coverage while I would not call them consistent by an measure, i would say they are succeeding at a better rate than at anytime in the Marinelli/Kiffin regime. With a team this young and inexperienced it is great to see improvements like this. I think you can say the same thing about how the team as a whole is using their hands.

My man Ken Bishop did not appear to have a good game. I look forward to rewatching his game in more detail but it seemed every time I found Ken he was hooked by the guard and not using his technique to chop the damn hands off. I guarantee you much like Coleman did last week, Ken is going to get the ire of the coaches this week. He deserves it.

Mitchell is covering better and to the point where you can see his ball skills. They need work too. But progress from the young player is evident. I didn't look for or notice Moore.

Holloman's career maybe over. I didn't notice him that much outside of that. I did a poor job noticing the second half as a whole.

I look forward to rewatching the game and filling in some gaps.


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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Good post Fuzzy. I think Murray is going to have a big year but he just doesn't possess the great vision you would think he would have. I thought he should've got a lot more out of the screen pass. Maybe he was protecting himself. The first team defense played better tonight so it's progress. Special teams were terrible. Terrance Williams is going to put up some serious numbers because if I'm a defensive coordinator my job is to try and stop Dez and Broaddus seems to think Williams has really progressed. If we become a 15-20 ranked defense we could make some noise this season.


Well-Known Member
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i fear the same about Hollowman,,his neck may be messed up completely.


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Murray seemed sluggish and not running full speed. It appeared that he was holding back. After the botched exchange he seemed to wake his legs up a little bit but he still never looked like 2nd half of 2013 Murray. He was effective nonetheless. If he does come back then i advocate sitting him more in the preseason. RB has only so many carries for his career.

Special teams was awful but it was also basically tryouts for players 40-90 on the roster. Guys couldn't get off blocks, lane gaffes left and right, poor tackling and blocking, BW Webb running scared with soft returns, and it was obvious that every return was to be taken out of the endzone. What I took away from this is that Harris, Heath, Lawrence, and Hanna are all locks to make the team.

First team OL was okay. Martin showed his mortality with variably poor play on a few snaps but overall I think Romo enjoyed a nice pocket and they were able to find some running room early. The run game was inconsistent but they did execute several 5+ yard runs against a Ravens front 7 that has some talent. Our blocking on the second level versus the LBs was overall poor. Anything that took time to develop like a counter was blown up. That inside power zone wasn't used though. Yay preseason!

Romo still hasn't taken a hit but he isn't playing scared. At the end of last season he was repeatedly was taking dives in the face of pressure. If he keeps on getting a pocket to step up into this offense is going to destroy people in the air. Romo is one of the best in the business in foiling the outside rush and the talent he has to throw to is plentiful.

Williams, Escobar, Dunbar, Beasley, and Harris are all going to make plays. Williams runs great routes that get him open all over the field. Escobar's routes are continuing to get him separation as well and he catches everything even smothered by a defender. Dunbar and Beasley are going to tear up underneath coverage in space where they are going to be constant threats and Harris' physicality outside complements that beautifully. That is before you consider the stars.

They aren't going to show Dez moving around much. They left him at flanker but he still made plays. They did run the RBs out wide of the formation which I thought was interesting. They'll get better in the screen game if they commit to it.

Only overall negative I came away regarding the 1s with was the penalties and of course the fumble.

Second offensive line was poor. I wanted to watch Wetzel but instead my eyes kept on finding Parnell and Goodin playing like garbage. I had a theory that Parnell was slow rolling it. Well, I was wrong. He does a poor job setting up outside and gets beat on the inside move anyway? He doesn't make my cut down to 70. With Leary now starting Goodin came in and he was just as bad. He had all kinds of problems with the linemen and when they blitzed at him, he was clueless. I get that it's a 3-4 but it was just bad.

I give Weeden a pass for alot of his poor plays as a result of the above. His arm still looks strong and he stood in there and made some throws in the face of that. Now that think of it. I would move bad body Alodenoye up in the depth chart.

Starting defense played a lot better. George Selvie looked stout in there. He rushes at a sharp angle inside and he did a good job of mucking things up on the strongside. Very disruptive. Mincey's quickness belies his power. His inside counter continues to be effective and he is making plays upfield. Hayden didn't get blown off the ball every down and Coleman who played from start to finish, did a much better job getting off blocks and being disruptive against the 1's.

I didn't overly pay attention to the LB in the run game but they seemed to have a much easier time finding the football.

Wilcox and Church stood out to me. Church just has a nose for the ball and diagnoses plays so quickly. Wilcox is fun to watch because he is getting better at his recognition and he is making plays along the way.

The whole team is getting better at coverage especially zone coverage while I would not call them consistent by an measure, i would say they are succeeding at a better rate than at anytime in the Marinelli/Kiffin regime. With a team this young and inexperienced it is great to see improvements like this. I think you can say the same thing about how the team as a whole is using their hands.

My man Ken Bishop did not appear to have a good game. I look forward to rewatching his game in more detail but it seemed every time I found Ken he was hooked by the guard and not using his technique to chop the damn hands off. I guarantee you much like Coleman did last week, Ken is going to get the ire of the coaches this week. He deserves it.

Mitchell is covering better and to the point where you can see his ball skills. They need work too. But progress from the young player is evident. I didn't look for or notice Moore.

Holloman's career maybe over. I didn't notice him that much outside of that. I did a poor job noticing the second half as a whole.

I look forward to rewatching the game and filling in some gaps.

Thanks for the recap Fuzzy. Enjoy reading them. If you find the time, maybe check out Minter. He played against backups but he flashed a lot.


The Boognish
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Thanks for the recap Fuzzy. Enjoy reading them. If you find the time, maybe check out Minter. He played against backups but he flashed a lot.

No interior olinemen did well against him either. He was hard to miss. He was in there with Coleman but he consistently dominated single blocking.

The third team on both sides of the ball seemed to make a lot of plays. I don't know that Vaughn clears waivers.


The Boognish
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Good post Fuzzy. I think Murray is going to have a big year but he just doesn't possess the great vision you would think he would have. I thought he should've got a lot more out of the screen pass. Maybe he was protecting himself. The first team defense played better tonight so it's progress. Special teams were terrible. Terrance Williams is going to put up some serious numbers because if I'm a defensive coordinator my job is to try and stop Dez and Broaddus seems to think Williams has really progressed. If we become a 15-20 ranked defense we could make some noise this season.

Martin should have cut that defender. There was no way he was reaching that but he tried anyway and ended up doing nothing. Had Martin done that Murray could have cut outside past the block and raced the middle safety for the end zone. If Murray had cut inside then it would have helped Martin reach but there was a defender in the middle of the field. As it was the outside defender just tackled him when Martin whiffed.


Well-Known Member
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Not to hijack your thread but here are my observations on the defense:

- Mincey was consistently the fastest DL off the snap on the right edge. I want to see that kind of play 16 games in a row though.

- Crawford is something else, the power he plays with is uncanny but he really needs to figure out his hand fighting and offer some more moves.

- The legendary Minter took some snaps against the starting Ravens OL, and didn't stand out and got pushed around some. Need to see more of him to see what kind of player he is against starting competition.

- The DL rotation was Crawford-LE, Hayden-1T, Coleman-3T, Mincey-RE, Selvie-LE, Minter-1T, Bishop-3T, Wilson-RE for the most part, with Wilbur getting snaps at the RE in nickel sets, that first DL rotation got pressure and collapsed the pocket to force some throwaways and late throws from Flacco.

- Coleman had a pretty good game playing at the 3T with the 1s.

- Hayden drew some double teams, but his lack of pass rush really hurts, and they kept him in there in passing situations.

- Church got caught in no man's land on the Torrey Smith TD - Mitchelll was covering him. We blitzed and didn't get home in time.

- Wilcox is getting better, that hit on Steve Smith to dislodge the ball was great. His run support from the single high position is good to see. I hope he can develop more as the season goes, he'll be a good starting FS if he can be a tick faster on his keys.

- Rolando McClain is getting there, needs more game action. Got winded in 1 qtr of work but he had 6 tkls, 1 PBU and a FF.

- Bruce Carter is meh. Sad site to see.


The Boognish
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Not to hijack your thread but here are my observations on the defense:

- Mincey was consistently the fastest DL off the snap on the right edge. I want to see that kind of play 16 games in a row though.

- Crawford is something else, the power he plays with is uncanny but he really needs to figure out his hand fighting and offer some more moves.

- The legendary Minter took some snaps against the starting Ravens OL, and didn't stand out and got pushed around some. Need to see more of him to see what kind of player he is against starting competition.

- The DL rotation was Crawford-LE, Hayden-1T, Coleman-3T, Mincey-RE, Selvie-LE, Minter-1T, Bishop-3T, Wilson-RE for the most part, with Wilbur getting snaps at the RE in nickel sets, that first DL rotation got pressure and collapsed the pocket to force some throwaways and late throws from Flacco.

- Coleman had a pretty good game playing at the 3T with the 1s.

- Hayden drew some double teams, but his lack of pass rush really hurts, and they kept him in there in passing situations.

- Church got caught in no man's land on the Torrey Smith TD - Mitchelll was covering him. We blitzed and didn't get home in time.

- Wilcox is getting better, that hit on Steve Smith to dislodge the ball was great. His run support from the single high position is good to see. I hope he can develop more as the season goes, he'll be a good starting FS if he can be a tick faster on his keys.

- Rolando McClain is getting there, needs more game action. Got winded in 1 qtr of work but he had 6 tkls, 1 PBU and a FF.

- Bruce Carter is meh. Sad site to see.

I would never take thought out stuff like this as hijacking. I see it as great discussion.

Screw The Hall

Well-Known Member
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Yeah Wetzel is my 3rd tackle at this point which is a bit scary. I hope someone falls to us at the cuts because I can't find anything Parnell does well anymore and I never liked Weems, which kind of works out because he never does anything to make me change my mind.

When you rewatch the tape it would be awesome to hear your opinions on Wetzel.


A Work in Progress
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Murray seemed sluggish and not running full speed. It appeared that he was holding back. After the botched exchange he seemed to wake his legs up a little bit but he still never looked like 2nd half of 2013 Murray. He was effective nonetheless. If he does come back then i advocate sitting him more in the preseason. RB has only so many carries for his career.

Special teams was awful but it was also basically tryouts for players 40-90 on the roster. Guys couldn't get off blocks, lane gaffes left and right, poor tackling and blocking, BW Webb running scared with soft returns, and it was obvious that every return was to be taken out of the endzone. What I took away from this is that Harris, Heath, Lawrence, and Hanna are all locks to make the team.

First team OL was okay. Martin showed his mortality with variably poor play on a few snaps but overall I think Romo enjoyed a nice pocket and they were able to find some running room early. The run game was inconsistent but they did execute several 5+ yard runs against a Ravens front 7 that has some talent. Our blocking on the second level versus the LBs was overall poor. Anything that took time to develop like a counter was blown up. That inside power zone wasn't used though. Yay preseason!

Romo still hasn't taken a hit but he isn't playing scared. At the end of last season he was repeatedly was taking dives in the face of pressure. If he keeps on getting a pocket to step up into this offense is going to destroy people in the air. Romo is one of the best in the business in foiling the outside rush and the talent he has to throw to is plentiful.

Williams, Escobar, Dunbar, Beasley, and Harris are all going to make plays. Williams runs great routes that get him open all over the field. Escobar's routes are continuing to get him separation as well and he catches everything even smothered by a defender. Dunbar and Beasley are going to tear up underneath coverage in space where they are going to be constant threats and Harris' physicality outside complements that beautifully. That is before you consider the stars.

They aren't going to show Dez moving around much. They left him at flanker but he still made plays. They did run the RBs out wide of the formation which I thought was interesting. They'll get better in the screen game if they commit to it.

Only overall negative I came away regarding the 1s with was the penalties and of course the fumble.

Second offensive line was poor. I wanted to watch Wetzel but instead my eyes kept on finding Parnell and Goodin playing like garbage. I had a theory that Parnell was slow rolling it. Well, I was wrong. He does a poor job setting up outside and gets beat on the inside move anyway? He doesn't make my cut down to 70. With Leary now starting Goodin came in and he was just as bad. He had all kinds of problems with the linemen and when they blitzed at him, he was clueless. I get that it's a 3-4 but it was just bad.

I give Weeden a pass for alot of his poor plays as a result of the above. His arm still looks strong and he stood in there and made some throws in the face of that. Now that think of it. I would move bad body Alodenoye up in the depth chart.

Starting defense played a lot better. George Selvie looked stout in there. He rushes at a sharp angle inside and he did a good job of mucking things up on the strongside. Very disruptive. Mincey's quickness belies his power. His inside counter continues to be effective and he is making plays upfield. Hayden didn't get blown off the ball every down and Coleman who played from start to finish, did a much better job getting off blocks and being disruptive against the 1's.

I didn't overly pay attention to the LB in the run game but they seemed to have a much easier time finding the football.

Wilcox and Church stood out to me. Church just has a nose for the ball and diagnoses plays so quickly. Wilcox is fun to watch because he is getting better at his recognition and he is making plays along the way.

The whole team is getting better at coverage especially zone coverage while I would not call them consistent by an measure, i would say they are succeeding at a better rate than at anytime in the Marinelli/Kiffin regime. With a team this young and inexperienced it is great to see improvements like this. I think you can say the same thing about how the team as a whole is using their hands.

My man Ken Bishop did not appear to have a good game. I look forward to rewatching his game in more detail but it seemed every time I found Ken he was hooked by the guard and not using his technique to chop the damn hands off. I guarantee you much like Coleman did last week, Ken is going to get the ire of the coaches this week. He deserves it.

Mitchell is covering better and to the point where you can see his ball skills. They need work too. But progress from the young player is evident. I didn't look for or notice Moore.

Holloman's career maybe over. I didn't notice him that much outside of that. I did a poor job noticing the second half as a whole.

I look forward to rewatching the game and filling in some gaps.

Thanks a lot, Fuzzy. Always appreciate these. I don't think Moore played. Remember reading a tweet about him sitting because of a groin (?).


Village Idiot
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Not to hijack your thread but here are my observations on the defense:
- Mincey was consistently the fastest DL off the snap on the right edge. I want to see that kind of play 16 games in a row though.

This is good to see. I haven't a chance to re-watch it. He was the slower than Hayden off the ball against San Diego. I wonder what changed?


Well-Known Member
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Parnell is done, unless he shows something, he was not even adequate against the 2's at LT if he can't play that position there is no need to keep him. Vaughn is going to go somewhere and in 3 years I think he will be something. He looks unflappable and he keeps his eyes downfield, and for a rook he has some pocket awareness. Unless we keep 3 QBs he will be playing elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
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Rewatching the game now McClain still not there as far as game shape but very instinctive.

The Minter kid looks good has really good burst off the line, could be a good rotation piece.

Jamar Newsome is trying to make it hard for them not to keep him. If they go 6 I'd take him over Byrd all day.

BW Webb looks awful, he'll make the 53 only because of Scandricks ignorance.

Mitchell will fight a buzzsaw but they need to tie his hands behind his back because he grabs way to much.


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
@xwalker's film analysis disagrees with you. Therefore, you are wrong.

Or...he could do a little analysis of his own in support of his opinion.

I hate guys busting on posters like xwalker for taking time to explain why they think what they think. It's so easy to lay out an opinion. A lot harder to explain why you have one.


Well-Known Member
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@xwalker's film analysis disagrees with you. Therefore, you are wrong.

I have no idea what I stepped in.... But my opinion is based on what i saw there times whn our swing tackle is getting beat by number twos, I do not expect him to be all-pro but average to slightly above average versus 1's, and above average to good against twos. Now I do not have the all-22 and things to look at so based on what i saw, against a good pass rusher over the LT Parnell is just too slow. I know he has the look but I think the experiment of converting a DL to OL is failure at this point. Best case scenario his needle is neither up or down and if we can get one of the OT that are already on the team to match his production no need to keep him.


Well-Known Member
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I should have said in my first post that my observations were from the first half...

Second half:

- Minter as a 3T is way better than Minter as a 1T. As the game wore on Minter got more comfortable and made more plays. He played both, and made plays out of both spots. Keep in mind though as the level of comp went down, he showed more plus plays. When he played against Flacco and co Minter was about 8 yds in the endzone on his back when they scored right before the 1st half.

- Hitchens is a big question mark to me still.

- Coleman played spot duty in the in the second half and was gassed. He offers a good rush from the 3T when he's fresh.

- I have a personal interest in Rayford, but man he's looking like the odd man out and I feel bad for him. His height really works against him, although Boatright, Bush and Wilson are so-so too.

- Wilson's run defense is bad. Like 1st year Kyle Wilbur and Victor Butler bad.

- We might be picking up another DE on the waiver wire after cuts, or if Spencer can magically heal himself for week 1 we might have something. The depth there is alarming.