Recap: Claiborne played well against St. Louis but was affected by missed calls


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Morris got beat in one game as much as peterson does in a season. So yes, playing with a full deck.
Ok, so he's the same as 99% of the corners in this league.

Even Claiborne fans aren't putting him on the same tier as Peterson, Revis, or Sherman. There was really no reason for you to ever bring them into the thread.


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Ok, so he's the same as 99% of the corners in this league.

Even Claiborne fans aren't putting him on the same tier as Peterson, Revis, or Sherman. There was really no reason for you to ever bring them into the thread.

He was DRAFTED as on the same tier. Period.


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illegal screen or wasnt the man who was picked..sure the TD would have been called back...but Mo was still beaten and out of position

On that rub play in the endzone, they are clearly in man to man and Scandrick's man catches the TD. That said, communication was horrible and I am not sure if that can be attributed to Scandrick being gone for weeks from practice, poor coaching or Mo failed to communicate. Pick plays should be discussed prior to the game and in the game. No different than in basketball. Whether a person is supposed to fight through a screen or switch should be pre-determined. On that play, ether Scandrick fights through it and gets beat OR if a pick occurs "Switch" should be called or already understood.

I have no clue what they were supposed to do but either way the communication was poor. I would rather they switch on pick plays. If they had, Davis probably would have had to throw the ball away.


More than meets the eye.
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It is not as simple as playing man coverage every snap. To succeed at as high a level as the NFL, you have to be dynamic. You have to do multiple things well. If you play the same coverage over and over again, you will get burned. You have to mix it up and show a variety of looks.


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If it's not recognition on the combo route in the endzone, it's an issue with technique on the nine by Quick. I don't believe his problem was at the top of the route so much as he played the snap about as poorly as you can.

If you're playing the receiver eye-to-eye to start the play and then allow him a free release to the outside, even a marginal passer is going to complete that over the top. There was zero disruption early in the pattern which leads us into the "when you're even, I'm leavin" dynamic.

And I gotta say, that chicken wing by Quick didn't seem like much by NFL standards. Then again, when you have a target on your back the size of Claiborne's, it might seem like all forces are working against you.

Obviously, the pass rush is anemic and puts the coverage at a distinct disadvantage. Still, this cornerback looks to be the daisy of most o-coords and QBs to the point passers will rarely need to progress through their reads.

I just hope this is something the player and staff are addressing and working through. If not, Scandrick won't be the only name passing Mo on the depth chart. And if Claiborne hits the field with this sort of thing is his bag Sunday night, Drew Brees will absolutely break him.


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The deep pass to Quick was a push off but Mo just plain got beat...period.

The play that you pointed out with Wilcox providing help over the top was horrible technique.

The kid needs to keep working at his craft (technique, ball skills, route recognition, etc.) and stay confident. The skillset is there as evidenced by the coverage and hands on the game clinching INT, but the intangibles don't seem to be at the moment.


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Good post, thanks for the effort you put into that research. I understand that Quick pushed off, but it is disappointing to see that Mo couldn't close on him even a little bit while running downfield.

Thanks. Claiborne ran a 4.5 and Quick ran 4.55 at the combine. Mo didn't have enough field to catch him.

For the most part, I think you're right that Claiborne wasn't really as bad as people want to believe, but he got torched by Quick, there's no two ways around it. That little armbar or whatever you want to call it simply isn't going to get called, so he better learn not to let that sort of thing have such a big impact.

Like I said, I know it's not going to get called every time but what can a 5'11 192 lb guy do when a 6'3 218 lb guy with 34.5" arms gets a fully extended shove on him? If he tries to fight back he'll probably be the one called for PI.

id bet money that patrick peterson would STILL make the play.

Ya, Peterson would probably recover but that's because he's a guy who runs a 4.34 40 chasing down a 4.55 guy.

Then why is he getting demoted?

Also... He needs to be in a man-based system for more than a year? One, you can't play man every play. Every corner has to play at least some zone.

And two, he's played man his whole life. Why would he need to somehow re-learn it under Marinelli? Way too much is made of DC changes -- there aren't that many coverages out there.

Scandrick is our best corner so Carr or Claiborne has to be the 3rd CB.

What I mean is that he needs to stick with the same scheme, same playbook, same calls, etc. Like I said, I think Claiborne is a little slower learning what is expected of him in coverages so missing time and having different schems/coordinators is slowing his growth. Our corners didn't look comfortable playing zone in Kiffin's scheme last year. Now that Marinelli's in charge is calling much more man defense which is what our guys do best. Calling fewer zones has helped.

It's not necessarily relearning. It's knowing what Marinelli's scheme wants the corners to do in situations. Which is different from what Kiffin wanted and what Ryan wanted. Like in Kiffin's scheme, they need the CBs to make sure running plays don't get outside where as in a man defense it's not as much of a responsibility.

The deep pass to Quick was a push off but Mo just plain got beat...period.

Ya he got beat because of the push off. He was in good position and was stride for stride with Quick until then.


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For the most part, I think you're right that Claiborne wasn't really as bad as people want to believe, but he got torched by Quick, there's no two ways around it. That little armbar or whatever you want to call it simply isn't going to get called, so he better learn not to let that sort of thing have such a big impact.

What about the other 99 games?


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Then why is he getting demoted?

Also... He needs to be in a man-based system for more than a year? One, you can't play man every play. Every corner has to play at least some zone.

And two, he's played man his whole life. Why would he need to somehow re-learn it under Marinelli? Way too much is made of DC changes -- there aren't that many coverages out there.

Yeah he does have to play some zone, don't know why people hate zone, but it has to be done sometimes.

He is a converted WR though so he hasn't played man his whole life, although I will say it is an excuse, great players play great. He needs to get his stuff together, but hes not alone on this D.

What is really ignored or unsaid is Mo ain't that bright so it will just take more time unfortunately for him to get it.


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Like I said, I know it's not going to get called every time but what can a 5'11 192 lb guy do when a 6'3 218 lb guy with 34.5" arms gets a fully extended shove on him? If he tries to fight back he'll probably be the one called for PI..

He better figure out something to do. You don't think every WR who watches tape on him are going to see that he can be easily disrupted with a tap like that?

Yakuza Rich

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Show the various plays when St. Louis threw the ball underneath and forced Claiborne to make a tackle (or shed a blocker and make a tackle). He was horrendous. And that's why STL gameplanned for that.

There's a reason why he got demoted and it's not because he got some missed calls.



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Thanks. Claiborne ran a 4.5 and Quick ran 4.55 at the combine. Mo didn't have enough field to catch him.

Which is exactly my point, corners picked in the first round are able to close that gap (not necessarily always make the play, but at least get into a position to make a play)

Fla Cowpoke

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The question to me on the Pettis TD is what coverage they were playing. While the inside guys were playing zone, it seems like the outside guys were playing man. Carr followed his receiver all the way across the back of the end zone from the opposite side. Scandrick certainly seemed to be following his receiver on the break until he got smashed by the other receiver (illegal pick) then he stops and looks like he is just trying to play the QB as he rolls that direction. Mo certainly was following his man until the initial collision, looks to me like he was just trying to make a play on busted coverage and that is the only reason he was close to Pettis.