News: Dez Bryant: Cowboys will still run the East


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personally I find it dumb. Its false confidence. They ate the cheese last year and are still in that frame of mind;

I would like them all to just shutup . And maybe win a game. One game. Before they run their mouths about SB or winning the East.

A first down, some TDs , good defense and a W is what are goal should be right now. were 2-4 and people are talking about Super Bowl.....

They ate the cheese; They arent that good. Which has really surprised me. I ate the cheese too...............

Well joe the way they are looking at it is just do good enough to get in the playoffs, and then they think they will be good enough to win 3 games on the road to get to the SB.
It will be a struggle just to make playoffs, and I dont think they can get past GB, Carolina, or Arizona.
I think those are the 3 best nfc teams right now.
Atlanta is good , but 4 of their 6 wins came from the NFCE teams ! With romo we could maybe beat them.

I thought Romo's statement was a little silly considering we cant win with him out, I dont think he thought they would lose to giants, or all of them.

dallas needs to win 2 of next 3 to have a shot at playoffs.


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kinda looks like the team has the same outlook on winning as most fans do without tony we cant win they havnt proved otherwise yet until they can prove different I think they lose im not buying talk have to prove to me they can do it defense offense special teams and coaching as parcells said you are what your record says you are

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Omg.... Dez looks so good out there on the field going through drills. SO glad to have him back.


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I already answered you, you're just mentally incapable of grasping it.

Of course you did. And that's what you'd do. You can't even stop replying to my "trolling". I'm sure you wouldn't have responded to them.

You may stop now that you see the irony. :dance:


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You trolled this same line all offseason. "They" are undefeated with their best players. You think that's not good because...

Huh? I thought this was a Team effort?

You fail to recognize the difference? Mr were going to put up 50 points !!! Maybe its time you look in the mirror and say "Yes, I am a homer, and my opinion on my favorite team , the Dallas Cowboys is skewed and completely based in fanatsy like thinking" -- "Yes, I am a Homer..."

Its okay actual, its okay.......................


To The Moon
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Huh? I thought this was a Team effort?

You fail to recognize the difference? Mr were going to put up 50 points !!! Maybe its time you look in the mirror and say "Yes, I am a homer, and my opinion on my favorite team , the Dallas Cowboys is skewed and completely based in fanatsy like thinking" -- "Yes, I am a Homer..."

Its okay actual, its okay.......................

So chastising those who believe and go into each game with a positive outlook is a bad thing? Ain't nothing wrong with being a homer, and considering yourself a realist isn't either.

Regardless which end of the spectrum you're on, there's no wrong way to be a fan. In the end, we all want the Cowboys to win.


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So chastising those who believe and go into each game with a positive outlook is a bad thing? Ain't nothing wrong with being a homer, and considering yourself a realist isn't either.

Regardless which end of the spectrum you're on, there's no wrong way to be a fan. In the end, we all want the Cowboys to win.

I didnt start this particular chastising; And I think you can be positive, without making wild predicitions, like were going to score 50 points!, or were making the Super Bowl when we cant beat the 0-3 Saints....etc etc...

I just think were getting to a point in #cowboyszone, where we cant really be bragging about the Cowboys much, or claiming how good we are, and going on and on about talent, and this and that....................

I think there is an outside chance we win the next 3. But who in their right mind actually thinks thats going to happen? We can say it, print it in bold letter, and scream it, then claim anybody who thinks it wont happen are just doom and gloom type people....

for the record, I think Seattle just beats us up......physically just rolls us.

But no one. and I mean no one, its putting money on it.......:) If they are, I would like to know about that...:)

talk is cheap; Its becoming even cheaper when your 2-4;


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I didnt start this particular chastising; And I think you can be positive, without making wild predicitions, like were going to score 50 points!, or were making the Super Bowl when we cant beat the 0-3 Saints....etc etc...

I just think were getting to a point in #cowboyszone, where we cant really be bragging about the Cowboys much, or claiming how good we are, and going on and on about talent, and this and that....................

I think there is a n outside chance we win the next 3. But who in their right mind actually thinks thats going to happen? We can say it, print it in bold letter, and scream it, then claim anybody who thinks it wont happen are just doom and gloom type people....

for the record, I think Seattle just beats us up......physically just rolls us.

But no one. and I mean no one, its putting money on it.......:) If they are, I would like to know about that...:)

talk is cheap; Its becoming even cheaper when your 2-4;

Never predicted 50 points. You can't string two sentences together without a logical fallacy or setting up a strawman that you hope to knockdown. It's not my fault you're unable to effectively communicate. And your idea that the team is bad at full strength is based on a tiny sample size that says the exact opposite. It's not homerism to knock down your strawmen. It's not homerism to display the absence of logic in your arguments. You post repeatedly that the team is bad. Your argument is that they would be so no matter the injuries. This is ridiculous.

You absolutely did start it and have now doubled down with an unintelligible as that word salad with punctuation dressing. Doth protest too much.


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Never predicted 50 points. You can't string two sentences together without a logical fallacy or setting up a strawman that you hope to knockdown. It's not my fault you're unable to effectively communicate. And your idea that the team is bad at full strength is based on a tiny sample size that says the exact opposite. It's not homerism to knock down your strawmen. It's not homerism to display the absence of logic in your arguments. You post repeatedly that the team is bad. Your argument is that they would be so no matter the injuries. This is ridiculous.

You absolutely did start it and have now doubled down with an unintelligible as that word salad with punctuation dressing. Doth protest too much.

okay.okay. So were having a bit of miscommunciation. You cant show me where I said the team was bad even with Romo and Dez. Becuase I never typed it or said it. I did say they arent as good as they were last year, and I stand by that.

I can however, dig up where you said we should put 50 points up on some team. Would you like me to do that?

Im not sure how I could be more clear; at least with the particular dicsussion. So, if you dont understand or cant comprehend it, I am not sure what to tell ya.

And just the lunacy at labeling someone "doom and gloom" after 4 straight Ls, pretty much sums up my argument.....


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okay.okay. So were having a bit of miscommunciation. You cant show me where I said the team was bad even with Romo and Dez. Becuase I never typed it or said it. I did say they arent as good as they were last year, and I stand by that.

I can however, dig up where you said we should put 50 points up on some team. Would you like me to do that?

Im not sure how I could be more clear; at least with the particular dicsussion. So, if you dont understand or cant comprehend it, I am not sure what to tell ya.

And just the lunacy at labeling someone "doom and gloom" after 4 straight Ls, pretty much sums up my argument.....

Those are both inaccurate statements. You posted "they aren't that good" in whining about Dez in this thread in response to people pointing out the influence of injuries on the season's results. You've posted it repeatedly. Own it. And I never predicted they'd score 50 points in a game. Go find a much dumber tree to bark at.


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Those are both inaccurate statements. You posted "they aren't that good" in whining about Dez in this thread in response to people pointing out the influence of injuries on the season's results. You've posted it repeatedly. Own it. And I never predicted they'd score 50 points in a game. Go find a much dumber tree to bark at.

you know, im sure other people read that thread where you predicted 50 points...Ill hunt it down.

But really, were just having a little ******* session here.

"they aren't that good". Well, they arent. Not this season. It took a miracle of a game to get one of the two wins we have....

I expected a SB type team this year. Why wouldnt anybody expect that? We were strong all last year and imho got robbed in GB. The same GB team that shouldve beat Seattle. Last year, we were just as good as the top tier teams.

This year , we are not. We can win with Romo and Dez, but I still dont put us in the top 10 even with them.....

now the NFL can be tricky, and we can get hot....but I am not expecting that to happen. Hoping for it, but not expecting it.

I think well turn things around at some point and win some games, and youll come here and tell me, "I told you so". We may even make the playoffs.....imagine that! But, imho, we get beat. There are 5 maybe 6 teams in the NFC alone that are better then the Cowboys this year.

-- edit: just wanted to add. I am starting to think last year was just a one-year wonder. Where everything lined up perfectly for us. No injuires, turnover ratio in our favor, easier schedule; Without all those things falling in our favor......we arent a very good football teams. We cant overcome it..............
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Well-Known Member
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you know, im sure other people read that thread where you predicted 50 points...Ill hunt it down.

But really, were just having a little ******* session here.

"they aren't that good". Well, they arent. Not this season. It took a miracle of a game to get one of the two wins we have....

I expected a SB type team this year. Why wouldnt anybody expect that? We were strong all last year and imho got robbed in GB. The same GB team that shouldve beat Seattle. Last year, we were just as good as the top tier teams.

This year , we are not. We can win with Romo and Dez, but I still dont put us in the top 10 even with them.....

now the NFL can be tricky, and we can get hot....but I am not expecting that to happen. Hoping for it, but not expecting it.

I think well turn things around at some point and win some games, and youll come here and tell me, "I told you so". We may even make the playoffs.....imagine that! But, imho, we get beat. There are 5 maybe 6 teams in the NFC alone that are better then the Cowboys this year.

Hey that contradicts everything you just said. Thanks for proving my point.


Well-Known Member
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personally I find it dumb. Its false confidence. They ate the cheese last year and are still in that frame of mind;

I would like them all to just shutup . And maybe win a game. One game. Before they run their mouths about SB or winning the East.

A first down, some TDs , good defense and a W is what are goal should be right now. were 2-4 and people are talking about Super Bowl.....

They ate the cheese; They arent that good. Which has really surprised me. I ate the cheese too...............

Well bud, I guess we'll agree to disagree.

You think Dez and Romo's confidence is false? I think you're wrong. I think they truly believe in the statements they made, and I think their teammates do too.

You think that they "ate the cheese" and aren't really that good? I think they are that good but they're missing the best 2 players on the team and it's showing. I don't think they "ate the cheese", but rather they just know what they're capable of.

Carry on though.


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Well bud, I guess we'll agree to disagree.

You think Dez and Romo's confidence is false? I think you're wrong. I think they truly believe in the statements they made, and I think their teammates do too.

You think that they "ate the cheese" and aren't really that good? I think they are that good but they're missing the best 2 players on the team and it's showing. I don't think they "ate the cheese", but rather they just know what they're capable of.

Carry on though.

I honestly dont see it. Im a huge Cowboys fan too. Just calling it like I see it.

Romo and Dez are good. I know, were waiting, yet again, on some players/things to materilize and sort out, and get Romo and Dez back. And try and turn this thing around and get hot down the stretch and do something in the playoffs.........and maybe that happens.

I just dont think it will. Its just my opinion, and the way I am approaching expectations when watching the Cowboys moving forward, but I dont think we win too many.. Maybe 8. Maybe.

I am sure they do beleive in what they say.................I am sure they do;
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It seems to me this braggish talk by Dez doesn't accomplish anything worthwhile. It simply comes off as being a refusal to accept the need for a sense of urgency. This team is in trouble. Any puffed up talk is simply unrealistic.

This sums up my stance concisely, which a few fans seem to interpret as having a pessimistic outlook on the remainder of the season. Actually no, I see the potential that this team possesses, but it as you have more or less stated, they do not appear to be coming to terms quick enough that the season is nearly lost, and there needs to be a reality check and a shift in attitude and expectations. Other teams in the past who have found themselves in similar situations to the Cowboys nearly halfway through their seasons only to come roaring back just in time to make the playoffs don't do so by pounding their chests as if they have anything to be bragging about, they look deep within, acknowledging what's at stake, and take immediate measures to mitigate the damage that has already been done to their season. I'm not seeing that with this team.


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alrighty then. Good luck buddy. Im done.

It's all good. You admitted everything you denied and accused me of lying about in the span of a few posts. Ten minutes of most of their team playing minus their best defender, dominating TOP, and having their best offensive weapon drop a ball and not get a blatant PI call is enough for you to pass judgment on the final product despite their victory. Of course this is complete hogwash, no assessment is valid in such a small sample size under those conditions, and you're basing your assessment on your laughably wrong outlook prior to the season confirmed by a team playing without its two best players. But you do you.


Cowboys Diehard
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This sums up my stance concisely, which a few fans seem to interpret as having a pessimistic outlook on the remainder of the season. Actually no, I see the potential that this team possesses, but it as you have more or less stated, they do not appear to be coming to terms quick enough that the season is nearly lost, and there needs to be a reality check and a shift in attitude and expectations. Other teams in the past who have found themselves in similar situations to the Cowboys nearly halfway through their seasons only to come roaring back just in time to make the playoffs don't do so by pounding their chests as if they have anything to be bragging about, they look deep within, acknowledging what's at stake, and take immediate measures to mitigate the damage that has already been done to their season. I'm not seeing that with this team.

I'm reasonably confident that Dez is only speaking for himself and what he's saying doesn't necessarily reflect the stance that every player might present. Many other than Dez haven't really expressed their feelings, so it's possible that many players might feel more of a sense of urgency than they would prefer to convey.

In the days and weeks that lie ahead, their collective performances should clue us in about whatever urgency they might truly have. Maybe Dez feels more of a sense of urgency than he'd like to admit to but is inclined not to sound overly desperate. I'm actually hoping that's the case. We shall see soon enough by their performances.


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It's all good. You admitted everything you denied and accused me of lying about in the span of a few posts. Ten minutes of most of their team playing minus their best defender, dominating TOP, and having their best offensive weapon drop a ball and not get a blatant PI call is enough for you to pass judgment on the final product despite their victory. Of course this is complete hogwash, no assessment is valid in such a small sample size under those conditions, and you're basing your assessment on your laughably wrong outlook prior to the season confirmed by a team playing without its two best players. But you do you.

what are you talking about? Are you on drugs? Your assuming I have based my opinion on issues that you have determined, and that I am not using any other form of measurement to come to my opinion...................?? That is a bad habit to have there buddy....

Its the entire team. From waterboy to Romo.......The penalties, the turnovers, the body language, the plays called, how they play, their attitude, their chemistry, their ability to come up with big plays when it counts, etc etc.......all of it...

They arent that good. Now, thats just my opinion. So, with that in mind, when I see people claim were going to put up 50 on some team, ........................I laugh. and call them on it.