News: DeMarcus Lawrence Appeal


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I agree.. My point is that one shouldn't let them dictate views on 'morality', especially when it's so selective..

Them's that own the gold makes the rules. The NFL is not a democracy. It's their game so you have to follow their rules if you want to play.


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Listening to the guys on "The Ticket" during the draft, it's apparent that only a small part of the "Hardy story" has been released as far as it applies to the Cowboys– his influence and behavior are or were much worse than just being late a few times and having an outburst or two on the sidelines.

Why didn't the Cowboys punish him?

The NFLPA is defiant when it comes to any of their members being punished by teams. It would have cast an even bigger shadow on the organization. In the midst of a nightmare season that's all they needed was a media fiasco because Hardy was suspended for bad behavior.

The team did the right thing... They let Hardy play out the string, clean out his locker and let him go on his way.

And yet, they didn't state he wouldn't return until four months after the fact, Jerry keeping the possibility open. Of course they will say that when they had to let him walk.. They need some excuse to cover themselves..

Nobody forced Hardy to play the most snaps.. They could have given him more rest, particularly when playing injured..


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Them's that own the gold makes the rules. The NFL is not a democracy. It's their game so you have to follow their rules if you want to play.

And I would argue, He did follow the rules though. I'm saying he was black-balled because of PR... The media was tearing him up when he started laying havoc on the defensive end. And the Philly fan published that paper about the pictures, which the NFL had already seen, and the NFL had play PR once again.

How are you going to prove your being black-balled?


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And I would argue, He did follow the rules though. I'm saying he was black-balled because of PR... The media was tearing him up when he started laying havoc on the defensive end. And the Philly fan published that paper about the pictures, which the NFL had already seen, and the NFL had play PR once again.

How are you going to prove your being black-balled?

It's a closed club like I said. You could never prove it. The Commish could have told the Cowboys no more Hardy and then sent letters to all the other 31 teams.
No one will ever know. Hardy did this to himself and has no one but himself to blame.


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And yet, they didn't state he wouldn't return until four months after the fact, Jerry keeping the possibility open. Of course they will say that when they had to let him walk.. They need some excuse to cover themselves..

Nobody forced Hardy to play the most snaps.. They could have given him more rest, particularly when playing injured..

Wow. Really can't believe your defending this guy. He was an obvious cancer.. Yes, Mincey said so, Garrett didn't even want to talk about him, most players gave the PC answer when describing him, and the guys with the inside story like Broaddus & Dan Bruglar skipped over the whole conversation and confidently said he wouldn't be back. Lol, Jerry and the FO don't have to make excuses to cover themselves, that's a riot. More likely, they did him a favor by not dragging his name back through the mud in which he just came out of.. Giving him a chance to possibly latch onto another team. Which I might add, hasn't happened! I wonder why? The dude had everything handed to him on a silver platter in Dallas. We needed a bad-*** DE and all he had to do was prove that he was a TEAM player. We need him now, but they aren't going to deal with a player setting his own terms. This is a team sport. Say what you want, Jerry was willing to pay this man more than any other team was willing. He proved to be egotistical, a "me" player, and exactly what he's been advertised. I guy with his talent, it should of been real easy to be a role model of decentcy and do the right thing. But he can't. Apprently he's above all that.. Bye Felicia. Carolina, and now Dallas let him walk..and nobody wants him. Tells me all I need about the player.


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Based on what? Mincey? If that was the case, why did the team play him the most snaps out of any lineman?

If Lawrence was suspended, it was because, like Gregory, he violated the rules multiple times. That would mean the Cowbous were aware of the fragility of their DL for months. Gregory smoked weed... But Hardy likes to party, but is a problem?

Like I said, Hardy isn't signed because of PR and being black-balled by the NFL... Jerry was probably still hoping to resign him, which is why they waited so long to finally make the announcement..

There was a thread on this board s few days ago that mentioned a few younger players that was being influenced by Hardy in a negative way. Lawrence was one of those players.


"You want some?"
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Wow. Really can't believe your defending this guy. He was an obvious cancer.. Yes, Mincey said so, Garrett didn't even want to talk about him, most players gave the PC answer when describing him, and the guys with the inside story like Broaddus & Dan Bruglar skipped over the whole conversation and confidently said he wouldn't be back. Lol, Jerry and the FO don't have to make excuses to cover themselves, that's a riot. More likely, they did him a favor by not dragging his name back through the mud in which he just came out of.. Giving him a chance to possibly latch onto another team.


The Cowboys wanted to avoid all the things associated with the "circus" by bad-mouthing Hardy either before the season ended or after the season... such as the media scrutinty, the NFLPA trying to "protect" its player and potential lawsuits from the Hardy camp because the Cowboys "damaged" his career.

They did the right thing IMO. They knew it was going to end the last game of the season and they let it do exactly that. There was simply no need to address it further.


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I agree that the root of the problem is the testing. We lead busy lives, with dual income families, kids and other obligations. It is easy to lose focus. The testing for the most part is too subjective and many doctors are too quick to pass on a diagnosis. In part I believe because people want answers to thier problems and doing something is better than nothing.

As far as kids are concerned I am certain there are some that fit the criteria for medication but again it is being over prescribed. People pump McDonald's and Coke into thier kids and then wonder why they are so hyper and unfocused. The food dyes, the lack of healthy bacteria and all of the other stuff we feed our kids has a significant effect on thier behavior. As well as easily accessible and constant over stimulation from xbox, to cell phones.

For the kids that are getting presribed these meds I hope thier doctors are starting with the least aggressive route possible and educating the parents first. My daughter is borderline and Ive seen the results from making lifestyle changes. I do believe levels can be corrected by committing to those changes. However, we live in a society that would rather take a statin and hyptn meds then eat well and exercise.

In any case I have zero idea if the athletes in the NFL that have scripts legitimately need them. Studying play books and tape isnt always easy but that doesn't necessarily mean you need medication.

I do still stand by the drugs being classified as performance enhancing due to my experience and that of others I know. But hats off to you for being one of the good ones that doesnt run to your prescription pad the first time someone sneezes. We need doctors like that, there arent enough.

I am no expert but I think these drugs work very differently on children than they do for adults. Kids getting treated with speed for hyper activity seems counter-productive but it works.


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I am no expert but I think these drugs work very differently on children than they do for adults. Kids getting treated with speed for hyper activity seems counter-productive but it works.

Nope. Read my posts.


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The policy is outdated. The whole weed thing is silly. It's legal in many states. Maybe it's time to move the goal posts again on what's a positive test and what isn't.

Rules of employment, you know what they are when you sign the dotted line. Whether you think they are stupid or not, they are paying you to do something, when you sign you agree to all the conditions set forth. it has very little to do with legality. In those states the "weed" is legal I am willing to bet a positive piss test means you are fired.


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Probably because the NFL is playing PR and told everybody not to sign him.. Jerry took four months to finally say Hardy wouldn't be re-signed..
I am sure he was leaving a small window open just in case they didn't accomplish much in the draft. They feel good about the additions to the rotation with Collins, Tapper, and probably Coe.


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Escobar a bust?


Now that's a bust



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Rules of employment, you know what they are when you sign the dotted line. Whether you think they are stupid or not, they are paying you to do something, when you sign you agree to all the conditions set forth. it has very little to do with legality. In those states the "weed" is legal I am willing to bet a positive piss test means you are fired.

exactly, when you agree to work for a business, you agree upon conditions that the company sets. It is not like the NFL don't pay real money. If you can't lay off the drugs when you are getting paid like that, I don't feel one bit sorry for you.


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There was a thread on this board s few days ago that mentioned a few younger players that was being influenced by Hardy in a negative way. Lawrence was one of those players.

When you want to justify a horrible decision to let him walk or when the NFL has blacklisted him, then you make up stuff like he was a horrible influence.

The problem with that nowadays is there is the Internet and you can easily go back in time.



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Are you saying he's not?

2nd rounder NO PRODUCTION. Bust. Not even pushing anyone for playing time. Too small to block, doesn't draw anyone's double team. 2nd round. Bust. Expect Gathers to unseat him by the end of the year.


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Maybe because he didn't commit DV and the Coke addict was in HIS house and property, tearing up his place.. I'm sure you'd enjoy it if a Coke head did the same thing to your house and property.. Most of the posters in this forum can't even handle disagreements on this forum, and here they are acting holier-than-Thou with respect to Hardy, like they would have been in total control of the situation when the girl takes her high heels off and tries to strike their face with it..

But yeah, Hardy doesn't have to accept guilt for something to appease you or anybody else. That's no qualification to be stripped of the right to play. He served his suspension.

Being black-balled is double punishment..

he's not being blackballed for his disgusting DV case.
if he's being blackballed, it's for being a moron last year after being given another chance. the fact that we had him up close and are staying far away says it all. they saw what he was like in the locker room, they saw what he was like on a daily basis, and want no part of it. he is a headcase.


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And yet, they didn't state he wouldn't return until four months after the fact, Jerry keeping the possibility open. Of course they will say that when they had to let him walk.. They need some excuse to cover themselves..

Nobody forced Hardy to play the most snaps.. They could have given him more rest, particularly when playing injured..

I think they covered up a lot of the stuff because they took a crap ton of heat for signing him and if they started limiting his playing time or fining him or suspending him for poor conduct it would just make them look pretty stupid for signing him in the first place. I think they clammed up as the season went along and this offseason just trying to keep Hardy from being a big storyline for them.

Remember, when Hardy first got here, when the media noted he was missing a practice or late for something, the Cowboys would issue a statement covering for him. When he got in trouble later in the year for being late for a meeting, note the Cowboys didn't utter a word or cover for him. Stephen came out and said something to the effect that the Cowboys don't talk about personnel matters. Interesting he said that considering earlier in the year they were quick to comment and cover for Hardy.

IMO, they stopped talking about him because they were simply fed up with him and figured the quieter it was around Hardy the better it would be for them and they could just let him walk off into the sunset.


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he's not being blackballed for his disgusting DV case.
if he's being blackballed, it's for being a moron last year after being given another chance. the fact that we had him up close and are staying far away says it all. they saw what he was like in the locker room, they saw what he was like on a daily basis, and want no part of it. he is a headcase.

And considering all the times this organization has taken chances on guys that people deem "troubled" or pains in the *****, the fact we won't resign this guy should be a giant red flag to people around here.

But apparently, it's not.