News: DeMarcus Lawrence Appeal


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Wow. Really can't believe your defending this guy. He was an obvious cancer.. Yes, Mincey said so, Garrett didn't even want to talk about him, most players gave the PC answer when describing him, and the guys with the inside story like Broaddus & Dan Bruglar skipped over the whole conversation and confidently said he wouldn't be back. Lol, Jerry and the FO don't have to make excuses to cover themselves, that's a riot. More likely, they did him a favor by not dragging his name back through the mud in which he just came out of.. Giving him a chance to possibly latch onto another team. Which I might add, hasn't happened! I wonder why? The dude had everything handed to him on a silver platter in Dallas. We needed a bad-*** DE and all he had to do was prove that he was a TEAM player. We need him now, but they aren't going to deal with a player setting his own terms. This is a team sport. Say what you want, Jerry was willing to pay this man more than any other team was willing. He proved to be egotistical, a "me" player, and exactly what he's been advertised. I guy with his talent, it should of been real easy to be a role model of decentcy and do the right thing. But he can't. Apprently he's above all that.. Bye Felicia. Carolina, and now Dallas let him walk..and nobody wants him. Tells me all I need about the player.

In your faux outrage and fandom you clearly failed to read his post

He is NOT (I bolded it so that you can see it clearly) defending Hardy, he was saying that the organization should have acted in a more responsible manner by either benching/cutting him during the season or stating RIGHT AFTER the season was over that he would not be back

Let me clarify thought that I am also NOT defending Hardy


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Frankly, I am not sure why the Cowboys had to say anything at all at the beginning of the offseason with regards to Hardy. It's not their job to inform the public of all their offseason plans.

Anyone who was actually paying attention knew that the chances of him coming back were slim to none.


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he's not being blackballed for his disgusting DV case.
if he's being blackballed, it's for being a moron last year after being given another chance. the fact that we had him up close and are staying far away says it all. they saw what he was like in the locker room, they saw what he was like on a daily basis, and want no part of it. he is a headcase.

Why is Hardy still being discussed? Great Post. He is what he is. And he aint what he aint. He will never play in the NFL again.


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In your faux outrage and fandom you clearly failed to read his post

He is NOT (I bolded it so that you can see it clearly) defending Hardy, he was saying that the organization should have acted in a more responsible manner by either benching/cutting him during the season or stating RIGHT AFTER the season was over that he would not be back

Let me clarify thought that I am also NOT defending Hardy

Lol.. Thanks for the unnecessary over use of capital letters. And thank you for clearing up someone else's thoughts, your a true visionary. That's how I took it AND how it came across. Eitherway, my message stills stands for those out there that are defending him. Sydla said it best, so I'll just copy and paste for ya.

"Frankly, I am not sure why the Cowboys had to say anything at all at the beginning of the offseason with regards to Hardy. It's not their job to inform the public of all their offseason plans.

Anyone who was actually paying attention knew that the chances of him coming back were slim to none."


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Frankly, I am not sure why the Cowboys had to say anything at all at the beginning of the offseason with regards to Hardy. It's not their job to inform the public of all their offseason plans.

Anyone who was actually paying attention knew that the chances of him coming back were slim to none.

The team needed to distance themselves from the awful decision they made last year. I don't know how people aren't getting that.


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I think they covered up a lot of the stuff because they took a crap ton of heat for signing him and if they started limiting his playing time or fining him or suspending him for poor conduct it would just make them look pretty stupid for signing him in the first place. I think they clammed up as the season went along and this offseason just trying to keep Hardy from being a big storyline for them.

Remember, when Hardy first got here, when the media noted he was missing a practice or late for something, the Cowboys would issue a statement covering for him. When he got in trouble later in the year for being late for a meeting, note the Cowboys didn't utter a word or cover for him. Stephen came out and said something to the effect that the Cowboys don't talk about personnel matters. Interesting he said that considering earlier in the year they were quick to comment and cover for Hardy.

IMO, they stopped talking about him because they were simply fed up with him and figured the quieter it was around Hardy the better it would be for them and they could just let him walk off into the sunset.

If all the stuff about being fed up were true, then the playing time aspect doesn't make sense. "Looking stupid" wouldn't be a good excuse, because you would look even more stupid by giving him more snaps instead of giving those snaps to younger guys to help them improve. Not cutting him would be stupid because you could regain a substantial amount of cap room, especially if it resulted in him hitting bonus incentives. The most stupid thing they could do, in the scenario presented, was keep him around and play him as much as possible.


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The team needed to distance themselves from the awful decision they made last year. I don't know how people aren't getting that.

They did. They made no effort to contact him about coming back. Again, some of you just weren't paying attention.

There was no reason for the Cowboys to have to come out and say they were cutting ties with Hardy. If anything, if you want to distance yourself from something, don't even bring up his name. Just conduct business like they did and don't even mention or include Hardy in your plans.


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And considering all the times this organization has taken chances on guys that people deem "troubled" or pains in the *****, the fact we won't resign this guy should be a giant red flag to people around here.

But apparently, it's not.

We have just seen the numerous 180s that the FO does and won't believe the the character is dead until we see it burned in a huge bonfire